Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Stupid Shit

7 x 13 = 28???

Now, I'm no mathematician, but I'm pretty confident in my ability to multiply double-digit numbers by one another. That said, differences in methodology are like kryptonite to logical thinking, and Abbott and Costello prove that here, along with proving that 7 x 13 = 28. I was skeptical at first, because my own knowledge was in the way. Yes, the video is silly and old as hell, but it's still hilarious for all you nerds with time and laughter to spare. Check it out and tell me your whole idea of arithmetic isn't screwed up now...

Dear Republican Party

PREFACE: If you are Conservative, please take a chill pill and this article with a grain of salt. You know some of this stuff is true...

Wow is all I can say Grand Old Party. Wow. To me, this is hilarious. To you, however this should be a serious sign. Sarah Palin was the hand-chosen Vice Presidential candidate for your party, and was even getting consideration for running for the Presidency next year. Her presence was a serious force in the race and even looked like it would change the election, because of her sheer number of supporters. And (gut-busting laughter) these are the supporters who thought Palin would turn America around?

Good lord! If it weren't on Youtube, I'd swear these people were from 1979, not 2009. This just goes to show that the conservative movement, and most notably the Republican Party, are backed by some pretty ass-backwards people. No wonder Bush can't say 'nuclear' correctly and Dick Cheney can't hold on to his gun. The people supporting the former regime of this country are just as uninformed and ignorant as the people who were running it. GOP, it's one thing for a supporter to not be informed on all of the issues, but to not know why you support someone is detestable. Following a cloud of ideology blindly just because you're too lazy to learn is plain, unpatriotic. For a party that prides itself on tradition, I think the founding fathers that you quote so often would give you the side-eye.

To those Republicans at Palin's book signing, she is an idol, a celebrity, not a politician. I pray that you realize how foolish you look. Lord knows the country doesn't need a population full of half idiots...

Dear Larry Johnson

Get back to football.. You're tweeting too much

via USA Today:
The Kansas City Chiefs have cut RB Larry Johnson, one day after his suspension ended.

The move comes two weeks after Johnson belittled coach Todd Haley in a series of Twitter posts and used gay slurs with reporters in the team's locker room.

A two-time Pro Bowler, Johnson was second on the team's all-time rushing list with 6,090 yards. A group of fans had petitioned the team last week not to allow Johnson to gain the 75 yards he needed break the team's rushing record.

They say that Twitter killed the publicist. I, for one, think the opposite. Twitter is every entertainment and sports publicists worst nightmare. It allows fans, peers and of course the critics to peer into the livelihood and 'inner thoughts' of the people, who up until now, only had voices during press conferences, interviews and award shows. I suppose no one knows that better than you now, Larry. After being the linchpin of the Kansas City Chiefs offense for 5 seasons (only 2 were good fantasy-wise; My team suffered), you've pretty much fallen out of favor, especially with Todd Hailey at the helm of the offense. Now, instead of talking to the coach, or finding new ways to help the team, or just going along with it and praying everything works out, you decided to tweet about it. Big mistake. As a celebrity (I guess we can call you that), people WAIT for you to tweet something controversial. You should have known as soon as you pressed send, that your ass was gonna have a fire under it hotter than the Chiefs jerseys.

Yeah, I know it's your personal Twitter, and it's really supposed to be for you, and people took what you said 'out of context'. I get it. In fact, I think the NFL or any sports league for that matter should have its hand in your tweets or your life OFF the field. As long as what you're doing doesn't affect how you play (I guess you don't qualify because you've SUCKED for the past 3 years), the league shouldn't be able to reprimand you. However, as is usually the case with what should be, that's not the way it goes. Those gay groups that were protesting outside of the Chiefs practice facility had more power than whatever tweets you sent (think Michael Vick and PETA). Had you just said something about your coach and left the word 'fag' out of your tweets, you'd probably still have a job today. In this day and age of information and technology mixing with people's easily-offended attitudes, you can't afford a slip, or a tweet that belies your utter stupidity and supposed homophobia. Then again, you're jobless now. You can tweet all you want; on and off the unemployment line...

Dear Lil' Wayne


Now, you knew this was coming Wayne. I'm not even trying to make fun of you, because jail really isn't a laughing matter. However, this is an excellent example of a rapper's art imitating life, only we're in the real world, not on wax. Wayne, it's been no secret that you're lyrics deal with the 'grittier' side of life. From slanging cocaine and running prostitutes, to shooting rivals and wearing gang colors (which you apparently didn't even earn), you've pretty much exemplified the violent lifestyle that more or less breeds platinum records. What you seem to have forgotten is the two other things that that kind of lifestyle breeds: jail and death. And you seem to have gotten the lesser of the two evils (if either can be called lesser).

Gun possession and illegal drug possession are the charges. Both of them seem silly in comparison to how you got them. According to police reports (yeah, they're not the most reliable, but that's all we have to go off), when they smelled and saw marijuana smoke seeping from your tour bus, they approached the bus. And when you saw them, you threw a Louis Vuitton bag, containing a loaded .40 caliber semi-automatic gun, out of the bus. To me, you sound guiltier than Cheddar Burress (also arrested in NYC on gun charges) on a Saturday night at a club with no metal detector. Face it Wayne, your 'gangsta' (I feel like Tom Brokaw writing that word) lifestyle caught up to you. And while you might not serve the minimum 3 1/2 years (thank your $5000/hr lawyers), you'll definitely be in prison for a year. I wonder how 'real' your lyrics are going to be after some hard time...

Dear Parents

This is a letter that should have been written years ago, probably after Columbine, or some other happening involving children. If you were anywhere near Twitter or a TV yesterday, you heard the mind-blowing story of Falcon Henne. The little boy supposedly was trapped, airborne in an experimental balloon-esque craft after having released it himself. After a four hour chase, that saw the media get airborne coverage faster than the authorities, the balloon was brought down with Falcon not in the balloon, but in the attic. Now, does something about that entire situation seem a bit, I don't know, dumb?

Now parents, at how many points could an embarrassing event have been prevented yesterday? If you said anything more than three, then you don't even have to read this letter. Man, they could have been watching the kid, they could have had their experimental craft protected in some way, or maybe just looked EVERYWHERE for the child. As a parent, there should be certain things that are a given when it comes to your child. Perhaps your kid is, let's say REALLY imaginative and inquisitive. Why in the world would you allow him to wander around a Colorado ranch by himself, with an experimental balloon ready to launch? Come on, you've got to have a little more sense than that.

But if you don't and just so happen to bring the child on a show without TALKING to him and REPRIMANDING him, what do you expect for this really imaginative and inquisitive child to do? It's parents like these that raise destructive children and wonder why the world is crumbling before us. I don't mean to say that Falcon is a troublemaker, because as much as a cop-out as it is, he is a kid. One thing about kids, is that if you don't steer them in the right direction, black or white, big or little, smart or dumb (sad, but true), they will get into trouble. Any person who's been a child knows that. As parents, your job is to prevent that deviation and help them understand why it's wrong. Falcon's parents, whatever hippie cult they were raised in, obviously aren't to adept at that. It's a damn shame America had to find out because of their 'experimental' balloon...

Dear DMX


Now, you know you're wrong for this one. If anything falls under 'crackhead behavior', participating in an MMA brawl as a rapper, is probably one of them. Now, I'm not saying you're destined to lose, because I've never actually heard of Eric Martinez (a quick Google search showed Martinez linked to DMX on all the hits). However, for a rapper attempting a comeback, don't you think you should probably be, ummm, maybe in the studio? Or on a promo tour? Or doing something, anything rap related? X, you were one of my favorite rappers in like 6th grade. What happened to the X that was about his grind, and not exposing himself as a druggie on BET? All I hope is that you don't end up getting knocked out, especially by a dude that's on your management team (via AllHipHop). Please just take it back to the Earl Simmons that was at the end of this track...