Everic White

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Filtering by Tag: Summer

Dear Allergies

I hope whoever wrote that sneezed himself into another dimension...

As the seasons turn, the leaves fall and the chill of colder months comes back, there is an evil, so diabolical that no one is safe from its wrath. It is an evil so wretched that there isn't even a remedy for it. An evil so terrible that there's no hiding from its ugly head at any point during the year. That evil is you, allergies. You've afflicted me from the moment I was born to this very day. From numerous visits to doctors and allergists, to 'herbal' remedies, to every medication known to man, I've yet to have a season that you didn't render me incapacitated for days on end and have me laid out in the fetal position. Allergies, I don't understand you.

Apparently, your wrath stems from lack of exposure to allergens at a young age. Yet even in these latest years, as I've grown wary of cats and dogs and tried to have tissues at my side at all times, you've still not seen your metaphorical grave. Allergies, you never seem to be in a position where I, or anyone I know for that matter, can adequately deal with you. Everyone I know has had their head congested to the point where they turned into a bobblehead. It's never been a situation where there was a sense of control over your evil, or there was a way out. Every time I think I've rid myself of you, there's a sneeze waiting around the corner or a sore throat ready to pounce on a perfectly good weekend.

The worst part about you, allergies, is that you don't even have the gall to have a standard weakness that anyone can take advantage of. You take on different forms for everyone and affect everyone in ways as numerous as Abraham's sons. It's as if you're worse than the plague, because you'll never be gone. In medical history, only a few ailments have eluded the magic of modern medicine. Cancer, AIDS and other terminal diseases have nothing on you (word to Bruno Mars) because they're preventable with good lifestyle choices. You on the other hand, hit without warning like a kamikaze crashing metaphorical shores. We don't deserve you. Modern medicine should've found a cure for you (and the common cold) years ago. That said, I say curses to you, allergies! I will continue to combat you with inordinate amounts of fluids, vitamins and antihistamine drugs, and implore any and all allergy sufferers to do the same. I wish nothing but antibodies, antibiotics, and fresh air on you, and hope that you develop an allergy of your own one day, as improbable as that is...

Illecism - A Love > All The Trees (prod. Nicatyne)


Illecism - A Love > All The Trees (prod. Nicatyne)
Queen, as exhausted as I seem, I could stay up all night just to hear you talk about your dreams...
Yeah, summer is almost over... School bells are getting warmed up (I've been in school mode all summer), Staples is running more ads than BP, and everyone is looking forward to some good old-fashioned tax-free shopping. That doesn't mean heads can't enjoy the last few weeks of summer sun and a special someone to go along with them. That's why this track from Illecism is so raw. The beat is breezy, light and melodic, with Illecism going off about summer love in all its glory. Illy recently dropped this track on his new EP 'The Sun Don't Chill', which can be bought here for a contribution of $5. Honestly, if you just want something to ride to or relax to, look no further. And with more music on the horizon, I honestly don't know why Illecism wouldn't be on your radars, people. Enjoy the track...

adidas Summer Deck Shoe


Summer is more than halfway over. That still doesn't mean you can't carry over some hotter apparel into the school year. adidas has really been impressing me as of late with some of their releases. This one is no different. Taking a unique spin on the traditional boat shoe, adidas used a very lightweight black canvas material for the upper, a white midsole and a very funky red-striped interior. The Summer Deck shoe is perfect for late summer/early fall and looks great with damn near everything. And at $60, you can't go wrong. Check out some more choice flicktures. Props to Ronnie Fieg...




Orisue Summer 2010 Collection

There are few things more summer-y than a nice afternoon out on the water with friends. I suppose that's the look that streetwear brand Orisue was going for in the lookbook for their Summer 2010 collection. They brought out the yacht, some libations, some females and had a grand-old time dressed in the freshest of attire. The collection draws from both preppy and streetwear styles, with a few striped t-shirts, short sleeve oxfords and other pieces that seem to just meld for a good look. Not even going to lie. The party on the boat looks pretty fun. Whatever the case, check out the rest of the collection at Orisue and some choice flicktures...








Dear Cuffing Season


What's up people? I haven't written a 'general' letter in... let's just say a while (check my college posts). By general letter, I mean a letter directed at an entire population. They're more advice and my take on things happening in my world and probably your world too. This one is dedicated to the time of year we call 'cuffing season'. Yes that's right. Everyone's ready to get their spring fever on, but we've got to lay some laws down so that there isn't an Icelandic ash cloud's worth of drama and BS to deal with by the time September rolls around...

1. First of all, I don't think any specific season should be 'cuffing season' or whatever you want to call it. Pimpmanship doesn't have an offseason, and neither should you. The people that talk about there being a cuffing season are either adding new prospects to their roster at an exponential rate (means you're getting a lot of fringe prospects) or not getting any action at all. That doesn't bode well for people like me, interested in being the happy middle ground, rather than a gross deviation. Regardless, keep your eyes open at all times, not just spring. You'll see more people that catch your eye and will be better off discerning what you want and don't, which brings me to the second point.

2. If you do subscribe to the idea of a season for cuffing, more power to you. That said, you shouldn't jump in headfirst or hit the ground running for your springtime exploits. Nothing is worse than an overly thirsty person who is overly excited to bag something up for the spring. Not only will any potential targets see that, and run for the hills, you'll probably end up going for someone that you won't be too happy with after the summer winds down. Like Fat Joe says, 'Slow down, son, you're killin em.' No seriously, doing too much in the romantic realm never does the trick. Cuffing season is no different.

3. This one is more directed at the ladies, though dudes can take heed as well. The springtime and its beautiful weather is no time to start flaunting all the curves that only darkness should touch. Seriously. Yeah, you've been in the gym all winter, getting your beach body ready and shaving off those extra pounds from all those late night 7-11 runs and extra handles of (insert liquor). That isn't a green light to come outside with two bandaids and a cork screw covering your essentials. No one likes seeing more than they need to. Take a hint. There's a difference between being sexy for spring and having too much confidence for too few clothes. It'll make you more attractive in the long run if you're beauty is conservatively veiled rather than a buffet platter at a $5 Chinese place.

4. Going off #3, keep what you do have tight and fresh. Upgrade your wardrobe, try out a new haircut, a new style or something. Also, keep yourself well groomed and hygienic. There's nothing worse than a person who doesn't know how to take care of themselves during the hotter months. Follicular and epidermal faux pas tend to happen and stick out more during the summer because the heat amplified EVERYTHING. Body odor will increase tenfold. Hair will turn into Brillo (for black people, at least). Clothes and skin will change color because of the sun hitting them. People have breathing problems due to the humidity. Whatever the bane of your physical appearance, take strides to keep them under control, so that they don't control your summer.

5. Now that you're all primped up and fresh out the box (whatever phrase you wanna use), make sure you don't go around thinking because it's 'cuffing season' you can talk to the opposite sex any old type of way. Just because the weather is nice, doesn't mean you can't be. Lose the lame lines, 'swagger' talk, and braggodocious thoughts for some respect, actual conversation and getting to know the person. Sure, you won't be knocking boots down all summer, but it's better than finding out in August that the person didn't even find you remotely interesting, much less that it wasn't their real name. Think chivalry and charm rather than game and G. Those do the trick much better in the long run and, if done right, can have just as many joints knocking at your door by summer's end. They'll probably be a lot more worth your time too.

6. Would you, as a Roman gladiator (or Zulu warrior, or whatever) run up into battle without your armor? I hope not, because you would be the first dead on Spartacus. The point is, any dirt you do end up doing, be safe. Use protection and keep your warrior out of harm's way. Point. Blank. Period.

7. Take advantage of all of the resources available in your city, town, municipality, principality, fief or what have you. Spring and summer are notorious for shenanigans and events popping off EVERYWHERE. Not only do random concerts, jam sessions, festivals, carnivals, parades, etc., make for great outdoor fun, they are cheap as hell when thinking about an activity to do with a summer significant other. I know too many heads who break their personal banks when it comes to dating. Do yourself a favor, and do some research. You'll probably have a better time, and so will your wallet.

8. Remember to have fun!! Courtship, flirting and all variants are more about the journey than the destination. No significant other is above getting dropped to the curb if another is pulling their weight better. As it stands, people take their romantic lives too seriously at our age. If you're under 25, CHILL. We've got the rest of our lives to find soulmates. Might as well enjoy the weather while you're searching...

There you have it people. 8 rules that'll have you cuffed and booed up in no time, if you want, that is. Even if you don't believe in cuffing season, by no means should you take my word for proof. Get outside, find a spot to post up, grab an icee from the Mr. Softee truck and try your luck with the opposite sex. If you don't end up cuffin, at least you'll have had a good time trying...

Had this song in mind the entire time I was writing the post. Only seems fit for the summer...

adidas Beach Pack – Superstar 2 + Forum Mid + Stan Smith

#shoutout to Sneakernews for the pictures...

As the weather gets much sunnier and nicer (I'm outside right, just to put it in perspective), it's important to have sneakers that match the times. Not that I'm going hypebeast, but the summer is traditionally the time when the beaters get stocked and the heaters get rocked. Now, adidas is trying to get in on the summer act, releasing their 'Beach Pack' right in time for those Memorial Day trips and whatever malarkey and tomfoolery you have planned. The Superstar, Forum Mid, and Stan Smith all have white leather with white mesh, that overlap with yellow, green, and blue panels on their uppers. I really think they got the inspiration from looking at terry cloth towels on the beach. Whatever the case, these things are already available at Mita and will be dropping on local shores pretty soon. Check out some closeups and keep your eyes open...




LRG Summer 2010 Collection

The good folks at LRG blessed us with a video and a lookbook of their Summer 2010 collection. This year, LRG is going for a more casual look. They went to some exotic location for the shoot, and did a lot of frolicking on the beach, a yacht and in what seems to be the jungle. The Spring collection looks like it's drawing from vintage 90's Ralph Lauren with some of the tops and looks very Miami Vice-esque with some of the others. All in all its really colorful, and another step up from LRG after having lost some of its clout over the past few years. Check out Big Sean, Cory Gunz and some of the LRG Skate Team in the video and the flicktures...






Nike Air Max 90 'Infrared'


Just when I thought there were only going to be Jordans and nothing else released this summer for the sneakerhead clientele, saw these bad boys floating around the interwebs. What's probably the most famous colorway of the Air Max 90s is going to be re-retroed again. They should be dropping on July 20th (right around the corner for my birthday, if anyone cares to add to my fund/collection) at most Nike retailers, including Foot Locker. Props to Sneakernews for the info. Keep your eyes peeled for more drops and news...


