Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Tucker Carlson

I always find it sad when political 'pundits' weigh in on certain issues, especially ones dealing with race, crime, the President and facets of culture unfamiliar to them. They speak so freely about such issues, usually with misinformation and hateful dialogue, but blast anyone with a slightly different opinion. They come out saying things, that if the people they were criticizing said, the entire world would grab pitchforks and ready the gallows. Your rhetoric is right up that alley, Tucker. I usually don't like commenting on anything you do, simply because it's as useless picking an intellectual argument with a 1st grader. Even if what you're saying makes little sense, you're still going to pull out the 'But you've got cooties/you're stupid/you're a booger-face' argument. That said, I can't let these comments pass.

Tucker, first of all, where in tarnation do you get off saying that Michael Vick should be executed for his dog-fighting incident? You said you're a Christian, and 'believe fervently in second chances', so what gives? Let the man live! You say he's some 'creepy, rich, overpaid football player'. The last time I checked, you weren't rubbing pennies together to heat your house, were you? Your friends (who usually are just as dumb as you) are right. My reservations and about the severity of his acts aside, Vick paid his debt to society and is constantly reminded of what he did every time he has to show his face at some PETA event to save face. Execution for dog-fighting? Come on, Tucker... You own dress shoes and belts, and eat meat. Do you feel any ill-sentiment about that? Maybe you should be executed for driving a car with leather seats, or wearing wool sweaters. You eat chewing gum or Jello? We should put you in the electric chair, then. Tucker, my point is that we use products from animals every day. That Vick got into it with dogs pales in comparison to the cruelty that livestock and other animals used for production face. We don't execute the guys who kill bears that attack people. Should we really still be vilifying Vick?

Second off, since when is it wrong for the President to have an opinion on things? For God's sakes, if our President can't have a stance on an issue, then who can? Barack is a football fan, so he's got to have something to say about the whole Michael Vick saga. Why are you allowed to have a section on your show completely dedicated to thrashing the name of anyone you disagree with, but President Obama can't laud the efforts of the Philadelphia Eagles to give someone a second chance? If you can spread hate, misinformation and right-wing agenda like they're popsicles, why can't the President spread love and admiration for a man who laid not a finger to another human being?

Thirdly, is it just me, or do political pundits like yourself catch erections from seeing a public figure (most of the time, black) lost in the criminal justice system? Seriously, Tucker. I guarantee if John Doe from Anytown, USA was caught doing the same thing, his punishment would be little, if any compared to Vick's. Americans have a nasty habit of holding celebrities and athletes to higher standards than themselves. We can cheat, lie, steal, fornicate, kill, and do every other crime under the sun, but if a public figure does it, the entire world turns against them. I'm sick of the American media making celebrities of people and then tearing them down when they inevitably make lapses of judgment. Why do a celebrity's illicit acts hold more gravity than that of every other man? Do we really have to invest that much into what someone in the public eye does? I know this is a media-based society, but sheesh! Tucker, it's clear you're the type of personality that thrives on sensationalism when dealing with anything you don't agree with. It's as if you're a controversy-sniffing dog (pun intended). Tell you one thing... I wouldn't mind if Vick had put your fear-mongering behind down. *hides from PETA backlash*

Dear LeBron James (re: Contraction)

You wouldn't have been talking that contraction mess if you were still in Cleveland...

via ESPN:
LeBron James welcomes the New Jersey Nets and the Minnesota Timberwolves as part of the NBA, and said that he never intended to advocate contraction in recent comments he made about the league's "watered down" talent level compared to the 1980s.

"That's crazy, because I had no idea what the word 'contraction' meant before I saw it on the Internet," James said after the Miami Heat's practice Monday. "I never even mentioned that. That word never even came out of my mouth. I was just saying how the league was back in the '80s and how it could be good again. I never said, 'Let's take some of the teams out.' "

James found himself Monday in a position of yet again having to clarify some controversial comments. On Thursday, he told reporters before the Heat's game against the Phoenix Suns that he would like to see more stars playing together instead of them being spread out throughout the league.

He also made specific references to the Nets and Timberwolves, including promising forward Kevin Love, in reference to the number of premier players toiling along with struggling teams. James was portrayed in some reports as advocating contraction and the loss of NBA jobs at a time when the league and players' association are haggling over a new collective bargaining agreement. James, who was named Eastern Conference Player of the Week on Monday, said he was speaking only in hypothetical terms when he suggested what it might be like to remove Love, the league's leading rebounder, from the struggling Timberwolves, or to see some of the Nets' better players on teams that could contend for a championship.

"Imagine if you could take Kevin Love off Minnesota and add him to another team and you shrink the [league]," James said Thursday. "Looking at some of the teams that aren't that great, you take Brook Lopez or you take Devin Harris off these teams that aren't that good right now and you add him to a team that could be really good. Not saying let's take New Jersey and let's take Minnesota out of the league. But hey, you guys are not stupid, I'm not stupid, it would be great for the league.

I always cringe when athletes begin trying to wax philosophical about the business side of sports, especially basketball and football players. For the most part, these fellows accomplished nothing in the way of education, and what few who do are not in positions high enough to warrant an opinion. Such is your case, oh verbose King James. LeBron, I'll admit it, most people were wrong about the Heat. You guys are doing pretty well right now, though the season is still young. Your move to the Miami Wades has turned into the ultimate sports media frenzy, with the sports world hinging on every play you make and every word you speak. The latter (your words), as profound as they may be when dealing with basketball, need to be chosen more carefully when dealing with off-court issues.

LeBron, you and the Heat have indeed made it so that no one can compete unless they begin stockpiling stars in a soccer-esque power struggle. You're essentially the Barca of basketball. Teams like the Timberwolves and Nets (just to keep your example going) that have promising talent but no superstars are constantly being blasted. While you guys may have highlights for days, your team is eventually going to get boring to watch, much like the league you imagined after contraction. What grinds my gears the most about your statement is that you didn't even know what contraction means! C'mon son... Didn't Gloria ever tell you not to use a word if you don't know the definition? Yes, you would've caught a little bit of crap if you admitted to not knowing, but that's better than making a base statement, then having to retract it.

Just because the league is now a cakewalk for you and Chris Wade Bosh, it doesn't mean certain teams shouldn't have a fighting chance. Lord knows you and your boys were some of those players who probably would've wasted their careers if you didn't show up at D-Wade's doorstep. And who's to say that Kevin Love won't turn into an unstoppable force (unlikely, but a necessary comparison) by the end of the season? Who's to say Devin Harris and Brook Lopez won't develop a chemistry like Magic and Kareem (also unlikely)? Who's to say the Nets won't sweep you guys (highly unlikely, as well) in the Playoffs? The point is, LeBron, that you're IN the league. Talking about the league as if you're an GM isn't your place. Play the game and leave the business to Jay-Z and Prokhorov, unless it has to do with sneakers or Dr. Dre commercials.

Lastly, Bron, the league is far from 'watered-down'. For the first time in a while, I can say that every team has considerable talent. Maybe not every team is capable of running others off the court every game like your team, but on any given night, I guarantee Kevin Love and Mike Beasley (who's killing) can shock you guys. This is the NBA, LeBron. The same league that the 2007 Golden State Warriors roughed up the #1 seed Mavericks... The same league where guys like Chauncey Billups can go from a bust to Finals MVP... The same league where even the most physically gifted player (coughcoughDwightHowardcoughcough) can be shut down by a role player. Don't forget that, Bron Bron. Fans love underdogs just as much as they love your highlights, and every underdog has his day, whether you see it coming or not. Maybe if you guys sweep the Playoffs, you can talk. If you don't, though, all that contraction crap you were talking will be just as 'watered-down' as the Miami Heat without their three-headed monster...

Consequence - I'm V.I.P. (ft. Diggy & Mac Miller)


Consequence - I'm V.I.P. (ft. Diggy & Mac Miller)

One thing that's always racked my brain is the plight of rap veterans who have yet to truly 'get on'. Consequence has been a mainstay in the hip-hop community, hailing from the A Tribe Called Quest camp, and got with Kanye and his GOOD Music imprint in 2005. Cons still has yet to get the mainstream hip-hop success that his cousin Q-Tip has garnered, but that doesn't stop him from putting out music (kudos to his continued grind). He's set for a new mixtape, and this is the first single, drawing from Biggie's line in 'Big Poppa'. Diggy (want my opinion on his latest mixtape? Check here) and Mac Miller came along for the ride and provide some nice verses and punchlines. Hopefully Cons gets a little more exposure, but even if he doesn't, his music speaks for itself...

Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On (Music Video)

LASERS comes out on March 8th, 2011. I repeat: LASERS comes out on March 8th, 2011. What was becoming a Detox-esque wait for stans such as myself, is almost over. That's not to say that this is my favorite song, but sometimes some music is better than none, especially when there's not a lot of good music coming out. Lupe shows the viewer his path to the stage, complete with high-res visualizations and random cronies helping him put on his performance attire. It's a simple video but exemplifies the title of the song as well as the way to alleviate his label woes: by letting the show go on. Check out the visuals and keep waiting for LASERS...

Neighborhood Newsletter (12/20)

Curren$y - Days of Thunder (Music Video)

One of the reasons Curren$y is one of the best out is that he never rests on his laurels. Where a lot of rappers are content to put out music and content (see what I did there?) once a year, Spitta has dropped three works this year, all of which have been good. What's crazier is that he has another on the way. Maybe those Young Money days rubbed off on him and made him a lab-rat like Wayne. We'll never know, but it's nice to see an artist with dedication like that, nor does it hurt to have one of the best flows out. Curren$y keeps holding up to the name Hot Spitta when he raps over different types of beats, and still comes up just as cool. This particular visual is for his cut over Rawse x Kanye's 'Live Fast and Die Young'. Spitta, in a very hairy state, waxes philosophical about his affinity for Chevys. Enjoy...

Word Lens

For all of you iPhone-using jet-setters, here's another reason that I'm slightly jealous that I don't have one. This new free app called Word Lens, in laymen's terms, is a visual translator. The Word Lens uses a technology called augmented reality to visually transpose translated text onto the iPhone screen. Things like this make me believe that we're not too far from virtual reality being a feasible thing. In fact, it's better off being seen than told. Check out the video, and be happy if you've got an iPhone... for once.

Dear Amar'e Stoudemire


This time last year, the New York Knicks were 8-16, and in the midst of yet another season ready for the toilet. D'Antoni's defensive deficiencies were killing the team and there really didn't seem to be a leader in the locker room. David Lee was having another All-Star season, Al Harrington was still underwhelming and Tracy McGrady was the most expensive bench rider in the league. Needless to say, the Knickerbockers were in dire straits, with their sights focused more on the summer of 2010 and the LeBron-athon more than the Playoffs. We all know what happened. LeBron took his talents to the Miami Wades with Chris Bosh, and your name was next up. I think you always knew you wanted to be in a big market like New York. That LeBron eschewed the opportunity opened the door for you to be the wrecking ball you are right now.

Amar'e, when you announced that the New York Knicks would be signing you, I secretly prayed that it was a 2-for-1 deal and that Steve Nash was coming too. Your talent's always been a bright spot, but your attitude and ability to be 'the Man' have always come into question. The past two games against the Celtics and Heat brought those issues right back to the forefront.

My beef with you, STAT, is that with all of that athletic ability, you've made no strides on the defensive side of the ball since you've gotten to the league. Yes, you block shots and get a steal here and there. But at the end of the game, when the team needs a stop, much like the game with Boston, you can't be counted on. And I'm not talking about the last possession either. There were times that you let Kevin Garnett, and (in the Heat game) Chris Bosh make you look worse than LeBron's hairline. Your footwork sucks, you don't make good rotations and rarely do you crash the boards like you should on defense. It makes your game incomplete. As a matter of fact, I think if we fused you and Dwight Howard (Dragon Ball Z-style) I think we'd have the greatest big man ever on our hands. That just goes to show you how offensively gifted you've gotten.

Defensive mishaps are sooooo much worse in slow motion...

Amar'e, I won't lie, you've injected a hell of a lot of energy in to the Garden this season. For the first time in years, I think people are interested in Knicks basketball without it being a punchline to a joke. Your play is a big part of that, but won't mean anything in the long run if you don't round your game out. Maybe D'antoni is to blame for your lack of defense. Maybe you sincerely have tried to become a better defender. scoring 30 points per game doesn't mean a damn thing if you give up 31 and the game in the process...

Skewby - Everyday


Skewby - Everyday

Sometimes a steady grind is all you need to really ascend to the ranks of hip-hop stardom. You might not need some smash hit record, or a million-dollar cosign, or sex scandals, or even a diss track to get on. Putting out solid work consistently can trump all of those with the right talent. Skewby is proof in the pudding, with his new mixtape 'More or Less' dropping this week. Rapping about the obstacles he's faced in getting to this point, the Memphis MC lets the listener know he's in it for the long haul and working day after day. This is the type of personal track that endears a rapper to an audience, because it shows that rappers are human too. Hip-hop psychology aside, I'm excited to see what Skewby has in store for us on the 21st...

Kanye West - Christmas in Harlem (ft. CyHi Da Prynce & Teyana Taylor)

With Selita Ebanks on my arm, hell, I'd be in the Christmas spirit year-round...

Kanye West - Christmas in Harlem (ft. CyHi Da Prynce & Teyana Taylor)

Now, before I get into the semantics of this track, let me say this: I had yet to find out what exactly it was that Teyana Taylor was famous for until I heard this song. I knew she was involved in music in some capacity, but not that she was capable of holding a tune, much less an entire chorus. I wonder if that makes Kanye's cosign that much better, because everyone he's worked with in the last few months has elevated their game. G.O.O.D. Music accolades aside, Ye' decided to spread some Yuletide cheer in the mold of Run DMC by releasing 'Christmas in Harlem'. I suppose it's Harlem simply because of Teyana, but ignoring locale, this is a pretty nice track. It's cool to see Yeezy bringing back the holiday-themed track. Let's just hope he doesn't bring back Horrorcore too...

Lil' Wayne - 6'7'' (ft. Cory Gunz)


Lil' Wayne - 6'7'' (ft. Cory Gunz)

Make no mistake about it. Lil' Tunechi was not going to waste any time after being released from Rikers earlier. Rather than do a comeback song, or a 'sorry' song, like some rappers we know, Wayne came right out with a song that's supposedly going to be on The Carter IV. The best part is that he dropped it off with Funk Flex almost immediately. I guess he was writing more than letters to fans. No it's not some great revelation track, where Wayne finds Allah or stops cursing. It's Wayne at his best: being Wayne. The track is produced by Bangladesh and features Cory Gunz in a less than stellar verse. So much for showing up Wayne on wax again *replays Cory Gunz' A Milli verse* Whatever the case, it's a nice welcome back for the self-proclaimed 'best rapper alive'...

Neighborhood Newsletter (12/13)

Dear KFC

Fried chicken... Fly vixen

via The Washington Post:
LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Yum Brands Inc. is targeting Africa and other emerging global markets for expansion for its venerable KFC chain that has become a dominant fast-food player in China but has struggled in the U.S. Louisville-based Yum said Wednesday that it expects to double the number of KFC restaurants in Africa to about 1,200 by 2014. Yum projects that KFC will grow into a nearly $2 billion brand in Africa within four years and will contribute more than $100 million in profit to Yum's international division, which excludes China - which has its own division.

"Africa has tremendous opportunity," Yum Chairman and CEO David C. Novak said during the company's investor-analyst conference in New York. "It's a great emerging continent, and we have a chance to really lead in that business."

KFC is already a leading brand in South Africa with more than 600 restaurants. The chain has a small presence in a few other African countries.

"We're using our South African base as an opportunity for us to ... enter other countries," Novak said.

The chain will expand with restaurant openings planned in such places as Nigeria, Ghana, Angola and Zambia. The company said it expects franchisees to invest about $500 million in Africa by 2014.

Ever think the Illuminati someone is listening in on your conversations and taking your ideas? Or better yet, ever think the jokes you make are a lot more close to truth than they appear? That's how I'm feeling right now in reference to the above news story, KFC. Now, it's been high time since I've written a letter, mainly because nothing has piqued my interest. Today though, KFC, you made for a finger-licking blog post.

The irony in your modus operandi is so thick that only your gravy could compete. It's no secret that your restaurant is failing on numerous fronts. From the assertion that your chicken is more processed than Sarah Palin's appeal, to the Double Down's artery-clogging chicken goodness (sarcasm), KFC, there's not much left to conquer in the United States, much less any losses you can take. My issue, or question, here is simple, though. Is this racist? KFC, the pervading stereotype for this century is that people of the black diaspora tend to enjoy chicken of the fried variety. Fried chicken is an American phenomenon that has yet to take hold worldwide, which was putting a major dent in your international pockets... At least in the developed Anglo-Saxon world. By that token, your move was damn predictable. In fact, I imagine the meeting to decide to pump more chicken into Africa as something like this:

Corporate Head 1: Seems like our shareholder value is dropping... Maybe we should cut back on the artificial flavors, coloring, and preservatives?

Corporate Head 2: Noooo! are you crazy??? Those chemicals make our chicken finger-licking good, and make it so we don't really have to cook or prepare the food! Why mess with a formula that works? Besides, I have a tip that might make us rich again!

Corporate Head 1: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Corporate Head 2: You know it, man!! Let's pump our cardiac arrest-good chicken into Africa! You know what they say about black... (looks at concerned African-American board member) Africa? Emerging markets always take hold of American fast food!

From the perspective of a young black male, this is Chappelle's Show-worthy comedy. The amount of possible insights into your reasoning could outnumber the stars, but at the end of the day, it's pretty obvious why there's a huge 'X' on your map of Africa. Rather than make better food or try different marketing worldwide, you guys are running to the Motherland with the hopes of making bank. It's business, I understand. Yet, at what point can we be real with the fact that stereotyping and racial stigmas affect our decisions? Does there have to be a huge sign that says 'Black People Enter', or have you guys already thought of that? Whatever the case, KFC, you can't run from what such expansion looks like, no matter how you try to sugarcoat it. No race is as compartmentalized as blacks, and it's only a matter of time before other racial minorities are in that same fold. Call it expansion, development, or what have you. It will never erase the stigma, much less keep you from making out like bandits in Africa. Then again, hasn't every other entity that's come to the continent? History lesson aside, I see you KFC. I see you...

Singing Telegram: Cam'ron - Horse & Carriage (ft. Ma$e)

PREAMBLE: I've decided I'm doing a new type of post. It's called the Singing Telegram. Not that most of you would care. I just felt like stating it... Anyways, these will feature older songs and videos, and anything in between, hence the antiquated name.

This week's feature is late 90s New York hip-hop on its rise. With Biggie laid to rest and the West Coast reeling from the death of 2Pac and Death Row's instability, New York's crown was up for grabs. Cam'ron made his play at the throne with catchy tracks like this riff with Ma$e. 'Horse and Carriage' reminded me today of why I love 90s and 2000s hip-hop videos: the cameos. Take a look at any hip-hop video form the 90s and early 2000s, and you're guaranteed to see a who's who of rap's elite in the background, probably singing along or having random rapper fun. 'Horse and Carriage' is no different. I spy Styles P, NORE, Jim Jones (who looks ridiculous, by the way), among other hip-hop personalities. See who else you can spot...

Laws - Honor (ft. CyHi Da Prynce)


Laws - Honor (ft. CyHi Da Prynce)

Ever heard of a thing called 'honor'? Well it's something that's missing in hip-hop according to Laws and CyHi Da Prynce. I can't help but agree with the duo, especially as you see rappers and singers exploit personalities, publicity and themselves (coughcoughKeriHilsoncoughcough) to sell records. Ironically, those who sell themselves short never sell records in the long run. Hopefully Laws and CyHi aren't part of that overwhelming majority, but with tracks like this airy ode to keeping one's artistic integrity, it's hard to see them failing. I've lowkey been a Laws fan since I heard 4:57, but he's slowly becoming a favorite of mine, while CyHi is putting together a steady resume as well. Check out 'Honor' and keep your head high...

J. Cole - Leave Me Alone (ft. Kevin Cossom)


J. Cole - Leave Me Alone (ft. Kevin Cossom)

A little while back, I threw up an unfinished J. Cole track called 'Problems', with piano chords lacing a midtempo beat. A few months later, and the track finally has a chorus and a new name. 'Leave Me Alone' features Kevin Cossom on the hook, but is essentially the same song. Still no word on 'Cole World', if it's still even going to be called that. I suppose the cons of leaks might be outweighing the pros of it when it comes to new artists. The blog era's casualties are the full-length albums, though there really should be more synergy between the blogs and the industry. That's another blog post though. Check the finished track out...

Yelawolf - Swagger Killer


Yelawolf - Swagger Killer

No, I'm not posting about some new dance, or another sorry incarnation of swag *cringes*. No, this new Yelawolf cut is more about the little happenings that will kill someone's swagger, no matter how well-intentioned it is. The Alabama MC tells a story about a night on the town and it's disastrous results, effectively killing his swagger. The track is a nice switch-up from the trunk-rattling, bass-heavy songs that Yelawolf usually puts out. Also, his flow is a lot more laid back and relaxed, to match the beat, of course. #shoutout

'The Lottery of Life' by Save the Children


Sometimes, in America, we forget how fortunate we are to grow up not having to worry about simple things like food, general safety and shelter. That's why we need reminders of how harsh life outside of the comfort of the industrialized world is. Save the Children has put together some very powerful advertising for their 'Lottery of Life' campaign. The ads juxtapose life in the third world with life in the industrialized world for a very shocking comparison. Save the Children's purpose of aiding children with food, medical care and education helps communities rebuild through long-term recovery programs. Check out some of the ills that come with losing the lottery of life and the spoils that come with winning it...




Neighborhood Newsletter (12/1)

Illecism - Disregard All Turbulence (ft. Yae)


Illecism - Disregard All Turbulence (ft. Yae)

This time of year is especially rough. As a student, the impending weight of final exams, papers and other buffoonery is turning you into a hunchback, while the winter weather is enough to turn a sunny day into a disaster. That said, music is always a cure. This new Illecism track landed in my inbox and not only woke me up from a day-long funk, but is serving as a great vibed-out study song from henceforth. I suppose blogging and schoolwork should never cross paths, but at some points they're destined to collide. When they do, find yourself some tunes to ease the tension. This track did the trick for me, and hopefully can be of some use to you as well. Check out this cut from Illy's 'Molotov' mixtape...