Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

1984 is Coming: Hi-Tech ID Cards

Yes, I know it's 2010, and the dystopian future that George Orwell imagined for 1984 never happend (or even came close). Even so, Orwell is probably laughing up a sun-scorching storm as we speak (blog). Samsung has created an ID card with an AMOLED display that looks normal until you bring it up close to an RFID card reader. In laymen's terms, that means they have a see-through LED screen that shows a picture when you put a device with a special light up to it. The picture that comes up is a high-resolution picture, that can not only zoom, but is better than your typical ID card photo (hope they get your good side). The technology itself is DOPE, but the application scares me a bit. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but it's awfully strange. It's like The Man is trying to find ways to pinpoint us even further, and putting it under the guise of cool technology. Better clean up that driving record...

The Apple Tablet


via Engadget:
According John Paczkowski over at All Things D, Apple is planning a "major product announcement" for Wednesday, January 27th -- not the 26th as we've heard in previous reports. Additionally, the French site Mac4Ever says developers have been given a beta of the iPhone OS 4 SDK which includes a "simulator" for reformatting / scaling applications to a new, tablet-sized screens. Here at Engadget, we can confirm that sources very familiar with the situation over in Cupertino have been given info about a tablet heading for launch at the end of January, which will -- in fact -- require reformatting and resizing for (we assume)... yep, its new screen size and resolution.

First off, the Mailing List is getting a bit of a change. Instead of having 5 per month and pretty much having a countdown, if it's going down this month, it's in the Mailing List. Most of y'all don't catch that, but, I suppose it's cool.

Anyways, enter the Apple Tablet aka the iSlate aka the Macbook Mini, or whatever heads want to call it. On January 27th, Apple will announce a 'major product'. The interwebs have been raving over a bunch of hear-say about the Apple Tablet, and have gotten a few hints via Apple product development. The final result should be DOPE. Of course these pictures are all photoshopped fan pictures, but you have to admit the possibilities are endless when it comes to Apple. Check the rest of the pictures and stay tuned for more Mailing List posts, especially when it comes to Apple...




LRG Spring 2010 Collection


It would seem as if 2010 is all about resurgence, with all of the clothing brands looking to put 2009 behind them. I know a lot of you dudes out there used to rock LRG. The somewhere between that hoodie with the skeleton and them being sold in every store imaginable, people stopped going hard for them. Maybe it was a muddled sense of design, or lack of direction, but LRG seemed to just fall off. 2010 might be the year they take off again with their Spring collection. While the line is still the colorful blend that we remember from LRG, the cuts are more reserved and clean, and the fits aren't as big. Hell, they even got Mike Posner to pose for the lookbook (debatable decision). Check out some flicks from their 2010 Spring Collection...

He sucks as a musician, but I suppose being fresh can alleviate that..




Dear Houston Rockets

When you're on the bench this long, you might as well get to know the journeymen...

Trevor Ariza is cool. T-Mac was cooler. Aaron Brooks is a nice point guard. T-Mac was a better player. Whatever your team has now, T-Mac was doing it from before them. Rockets, you're team is good, but Tracy McGrady would dump on any of them in his prime. That's not to say that the man lost a step in his injury-riddled career. He very well might be a former shell of himself. However, shouldn't it be your prerogative to explore that theory? What if T-Mac can still be dunking on people, dropping buckets left and right and can be the spark you guys need? Let's face it, at times your team can be flat offensively, and you need some guaranteed scoring. If T-Mac has fully healed from his injuries and can do that again, then what are you waiting for?

You guys have McGrady riding the pine pony, still earning the same amount of money from his insane contract. Don't you owe it to yourself and to your money to see if this man is worth the $20 million you gave him last year? And then, if it turns out T-Mac isn't back to his super-self, you could assess his value, and maybe look for a trade, or just release him. That all pales in comparison to the fact that you have one of the greatest scorers EVER chilling on your bench. The man destroyed the league for 6 years, and if not for injuries to him and Yao (I might have given up on Yao, though), would have had the squad as a huge contender in the West. I'm not saying that you have to give him his old minute, because that would honestly screw up your team's chemistry. But at least give the man a shot. You and I both know a healthy T-Mac will murk Trevor Ariza, and won't be putting up 3-14 nights like some of your swingmen. And at the least, T-Mac would definitely sell some seats, if not help you guys keep your head above water in the Wild Wild West...

Yantouch Jellyfish LED Lamp


There are certain objects or products that just induce amazement, wonder, or hallucinations depending on who you ask. The Yantouch Jellyfish LED Lamp induces the former for me. It features a touchscreen that can go through the entire color spectrum, as well as adjusting the brightness to both extremes. Also, the lamp can do little light shows, either pre-programmed, or your own creation. Like I said before, this may induce hallucination based on who's using it, but for most of us it'll be another DOPE conversation starter. Check a video of the lamp in action...

Emilio Sparks x Cloud Kicker - Kicks, Chicks & Porno Flicks


Emilio Sparks x Cloud Kicker - Kicks, Chicks & Porno Flicks

This is the type of togetherness in hip-hop that I dream of. Emilio Sparks, of 'The Emilio Sparks Experience,' a New York radio show, has put together a menagerie of up-and-comers in hip-hop to create the free album, 'Kicks, Chicks & Porno Flicks'. The release features the likes of Curt@!n$, Stalley, ESSO, Outasight, 6th Sense, AC, Donny Goines, and Nola Darling. I've reviewed a few of these cats, so when I saw their names associated with the album, I had to give it a listen. The tape has great production, mixed in with interviews from Emilio's radio show, which are HILARIOUS. It's amazing that Emilio could develop relationships with all of these artists, and bring them together on such an eclectic work. When I say eclectic, I mean that there is every type of sound you could imagine on a hip-hop work. Plus, the lyrics are on point on every song (I guess every artist put their best foot forward). I know half of you won't give this a listen, but if you want to hear the 'new wave' of hip-hop, hit the link above, and check the tracklist, #dopetracks, loosies, and videos...


Don't Let Me Down
Loyalty's a Must (the skit at the end of this is hilarious!)
Feels So Right
Around the World
Sky High

Emilio Sparks – Hello f. ESSO & Rhya
Emilio Sparks – Don’t Let Me Down f. Donny Goines, AC, & A. Pinks

Dear NYC Drug-Use Initiative


via New York Times:
A New York City-funded guidebook for heroin users offers information on how to prepare drugs carefully and care for veins to avoid infection.

The state's top official with the Drug Enforcement Administration calls the ''Take Charge Take Care'' guide a ''step-by-step instruction on how to inject a poison.'' DEA special agent-in-charge John Gilbride says the handout is disturbing. The city's Department of Health and Mental Hygiene printed about 70,000 copies.

A health official says the goal is to promote health and save lives. Assistant Commissioner Daliah Heller says instructions on how to perform injections were included because there's ''a less harmful way to inject.''

Sadly, his is what NYC heads are paying taxes for. Since when is teaching people how to use a needle for drug purposes safely promoting safety at all? NYC, you've always had a stigma as being a haven for drugs (let's not get into the definition of drugs). Whether it's the trademark weed spots at bodegas or underground ecstasy raves, your underground drug culture has never been a secret. In fact, many people have tried to bring this culture to the forefront, especially when dealing with marijuana. That said, you don't have to inject weed, as well as weed being linked to decriminalization both in the city, and nationwide.

Therein lies the problem, NYC. Heroin use has always been one of the most heralded drugs of mortality (that means people die from it, a lot), and of transmitting diseases. The latter of the two is what you are trying to discourage through this program. To that, I have one question: Why not just try and deter the use of heroin altogether?? Since when has the 'safe' use of a hard drug overshadowed the use of the drug?? I'm not sitting here downplaying the fact that drug use increases one's chance for disease. I'm simply stating that there are better ways to keep people from catching the germ. Maybe instead of trying to teach people how to use drugs in a safer way, you should be teaching people NOT to use drugs. Trust me, I've seen enough junkies and addicts in my day (a relatively short period) to know that they don't give two flying shits about how they shoot up. Regardless of whether the needle was fresh from the hospital, or they found it in a pile of shit, they're going to shoot up. Why not kill two birds with one stone and eradicate heroin use? You could probably use the same forum (flyers) and do society one less evil, NYC. Lord knows, if your pamphlet is the last one a junkie reads, why not have one trying to help, not enable him?

Star Wars x adidas Originals Sneakers


There's nothing like a dope streetwear collaboration to start off the year. adidas decided to pay homage to Star Wars in 2010 with a full collection of t-shirts, hoodies and jackets. On the other hand, they decided to release a bunch of original sneakers like the Samba and the Top Ten, themed after different characters and vehicles in the series. Pictured are Yoda, a Storm Trooper, Dart Vader, the Tie Fighter, the X-Wing, Luke Skywalker, and others. Check Star Wars for the rest of the collection...







Cure Awkardness with Chicken?

I suppose cultural relativism would apply here, but as a black man, I can't help but feel a bit turned off by this. If you played this commercial in the United States, would it be a hit, or would Al Sharpton be protesting in seconds? Not that I'm some racist-sniffing do-gooder, but I wonder if the black community in Australia is at all offended. I suppose awkwardness is just skin deep down under...

Neighborhood Newsletter (1/4)

Illecism - 4DB (FORDAHBOY!)


Illecism – 4DB (FORDAHBOY!)

If you don't know who Illecism is, then you'd seriously better pay attention NOW. The Natomas, California native has been flying relatively low on the radar in terms of blog and overall hype, but has more bars than 95% of hip-hop. His first offering, 'Have a Refreshment: Volume 1', was an introduction to a talented young lyricist, and this second work, '4DB' shows incredible growth. Instead of cursing, there is crazy wordplay. Instead of sneaker raps and talk of mindless sex, there's flow diversity. Illy doesn't ever sound like he's struggling to find his sound or like he's trying too hard to drop lines. His craft is so effortless that you can't help but be drawn into his rhymes. What makes the mixtape even better is the fact that he talks about his struggles as an MC and other topics that a 20 year old black male would encounter. Me writing about the tape doesn't even do the man justice. You have to listen for yourself. Check the download, the tracklist, #dopetracks, loosies and a random freestyle I just found. Illecism is another one to watch out for in 2010. Make sure you're not the last one...

1. 4DB
2. BARbarian (feat. Nicatyne & JoEL) (Produced by Nicatyne)
3. Bang Bros! (Produced by Nicatyne)
4. Introducing: The Real Carlton Banks
5. Day N Nite Freestyle
6. Norfside Doo Wop [Skit]
7. F.H.O.D. (feat. Nicatyne) (Produced by Nicatyne)
8. Cheese Louise (Shoebox) (Produced by Nicatyne)
9. Liu Kang (Produced by Me Gusta)
10. Illecism’s Creed (Produced by Lee Bannon)
11. Crash Course (Produced by Me Gusta)
12. Smoke N Ride (feat. Anca) (Produced by Nicatyne)
13. I Got Grapes Freestyle
14. Pornstar (Produced by Nicatyne)
15. Touchdown (Me Gusta Freestyle)
16. On Citas (Produced by Will Swagger)
17. Chick Please (BONUS)
18. Illecism x Carlton Banks Freestyle (BONUS)
19. The Freshman (Illecism’s First Song) (BONUS)

Cheese Louise (Shoebox)
Liu Kang
Porn Star
I Got Grapes Freestyle
On Citas

Illecism - Bang Bros
Illecism – Escupida Hueco
Illecism – Bon Appetit

MT the Great - I MAKE MUSIC


M.T. the Great - I MAKE MUSIC

It's a rarity that the title of a work of music begets exactly what the work is about. Such is the case with M.T. the Great's 'I MAKE MUSIC'. Hailing from Memphis, Tennessee, I was introduced to the man through Twitter. Usually, I'm hesitant to give anyone below the Mason-Dixon line an automatic cosign. After hearing one track from his last mixtape, "Soundtrack to Greatness" and seeing how incredible the production was, I couldn't pass up this latest offering. M.T. is a wonder on the soundboards. Every track sounds like an audible full-course meal. If the last work was him introducing us to his lyrical side, then I MAKE MUSIC is M.T. flexing his production muscle. Along with the trademark syruppy Southern style, he tries his hand at uptempo and more electronic beats, and doesn't disappoint. Lyrically, M.T. has shown improvement as well, and it's obvious that he's in tune with his beats on more than a spiritual level. This is a musical experience. Get with it or get lost. Check the tracklist and #dopetracks...


The Prelude
9th Grade
Beers & Blunts
Triangular Tragedy

Dear Gilbert Arenas & Javaris Crittenton

Replace the sneakers with a gambling debt, and you have the story below...

via Associated Press:
The investigation of Gilbert Arenas(notes) and the guns he brought to the Verizon Center took a much more serious turn on Friday amid a report that he and Washington Wizards teammate Javaris Crittenton(notes) allegedly drew on each other during a locker-room argument over a gambling debt.

Arenas responded with a flurry of messages on Twitter, at times making light of the news but also making one tweet that read somewhat like a denial: “I understand this is serious..but if u ever met me you know i dont do serious things im a goof ball this story today dont sound goofy to me.”

If there's one thing that the NBA was known for last decade, it was being the home of the most thuggish athletes in all of sports. That said, David Stern (as much as I dislike some of his practices) has made a valiant effort to try and shed that image. By placing emphasis on character, community service, and imposing some questionable rules (eg: dress code, Twitter, personal conduct, etc.), he's cleaned up the way the game is viewed. And after all of that, we have to turn a locker room into the Wild West??

Gilbert and Javaris, you guys are on one of the most disappointing teams in the league, (sad that DC is the home of two disappointing teams) and haven't been able to put together more than two wins in a row all season. You're in the bottom of your division and 12th in the East. That being the case, why the hell were the two of you making high stakes bets?? Shouldn't you guys be, you know, lamenting in your mediocrity, or maybe even practicing?? And then to make matters worse, the two of you got so engrossed in the bet that you decided to pull guns out on one another. What kind of bet was that imperative, that it would require the use of firearms to defend or acquire one's winnings? Javaris, I guess being a bust, and all, you decided to take up a second career as a bookie. And Gilbert, in addition to getting your wife snatched by Shaq, you're drowning your sorrows in gambling? Come on, guys. This is sad.

It's even funnier that both of you had unloaded guns. So in addition to being trigger-happy gambling addicts, neither of you even had the sense to know how to work them. This is a damn shame, not only for the both of you, but for the Wizards and the NBA. Gilbert, you've always been one of my favorite players on and off the court, and Javaris, I always loved your potential. But, DAMN. Nothing can erase a 'nigga moment' in the NBA...

Neighborhood Newsletter (1/1)

Dear Jay-Z

Kudos Jay, kudos. I've been one of your most staunch critics over the past year, saying that you were going through the motions of rap to some degree. However, after watching this video, I realize that your eye for detail is so much greater than most could imagine. Arguably, this was the best song on The Blueprint 3. Not only did it quench the thirst of people like myself who were doubting your hunger, it also showed your lyricism was never lost to the wind. Not to mention, the video is visually enthralling. From the black and white theme, to the slow motion drops, to the wires dancing, to the avante-garde caricatures, this video was an experience. It fits the song, and doesn't follow the traditional scope of rap visuals. I may have spoken badly about your approach to hip-hop in the last decade, but I suppose ringing in the new year with a bang more than suffices. Again, kudos, Mr. Carter...

PS: Who exactly is the dude behind you and Swizz though?? Not that it's important, but I hate random cameos in music videos without explanation...

Mickey Factz - thedarkphoenix: #ALPHA


Mickey Factz - thedarkphoenix: #ALPHA.

I was getting annoyed with Mickey Factz in 2009. He didn't release any mixtapes or new tracks. Amid his Truthfully's and Sad Really's on Twitter, #ALPHA was emblazoned, but in a very cocky and unneeded way, in my opinion. That said, he made sure he went into 2010 swinging, with his new release #ALPHA. I was somewhat skeptical about it, because to me, Mickey's always a been a good lyricist, but way too willing to experiment with his music for most. On #ALPHA, he still does a lot of experimenting with electronic beats and random indie samples. Even so, his lyrical ability shines through. Mickey may not be for the masses as of yet, but you can't deny that the man is talented. Check the download, tracklist, #dopetracks, some loosies and videos...

1. Sunrise
2. Amnesia
3. Turn it Up
4. Still I Rise
5. Ashes
6. S/ecrets T/hat D/estroy
7. Contemplations Of a King
8. Sunset

Stil I Rise
S/ecrets T/hat D/estroy
Contemplations of Kings

Mickey Factz – The Lost Exhibit
Mickey Factz – #FuckYourShow (prod. Precize)
Mickey Factz – #FuckYourShow pt.2 (prod. Precize)

Freestyle Friday (1/1)

What's good people? It's a new year, and a Friday, so that means freestyles. The first one is from Cam'ron, who's always been a guilty pleasure of mine. His crack raps might have gotten a little more foolish over time, but it's looking from this freestyle that he's gotten a lot more focused. Check him go in for a few minutes after a short interview & smoke session. The second one is from Young Chris (probably not a freestyle, but I'm going off what they labeled it) over Drake's 'Fear'. He's gotten a lot better since his Young Gunz days, with a lot more wordplay and less filler. He might be one of the next up in this new year, so I'm definitely keeping my ears open for him. Enjoy both videos...

Babies (2010)

There are certain movies that you can't help but smile at. This is definitely one of them. I've watched the trailer at least 5 times now, and even my mother wants to see it now. Babies follows the first year of life for four babies around the world. They're located in Japan, Mongolia, Namibia, and of course the US of A. The social and economic implications of the movie will be incredible, as we see how in some countries (I'm not even gonna say which ones), the standard of living is low, and child-rearing is difficult. Raising a child might seem like it is the same everywhere, but Babies will serve to debunk that myth visually. This reminds me a lot of Earth, just with people. There's no word of a release date, so keep your eyes peeled for updates...

PS: Just researched a little more and the movie's coming out on April 16, 2010.