Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

A Completely Transparent Car

If you're like me and have the imaginative capacity of a 5-year-old (that's actually a really good thing), then you're always wondering how stuff works or what's on the inside of all your favorite pieces of technology. As a matter of fact, you've probably contemplated taking apart some of your stuff just to see its guts. Unfortunately, most of us don't have the technological expertise to pull that off. Even so, we're still curious. That's why projects like this are so dope. Shell, in an effort to push its new motor oil (somewhat of an afterthought), built a completely clear Nissan 370Z to show the oil going through the engine, the cylinders, piston, crankshaft, and flywheel. Mind you, the car, as well as the engine itself, is made completely out of a glass-like material called Permex. They patent cut every single, solitary part of the car, and then carefully put them together by hand. The outcome is an (almost) fully functional, clear Nissan 370Z with Shell Helix (really wack name) pulsing through its veins, which is pretty cool to look at. Riding around in this as a felon or a snitch is a death certificate, though. Check out the corporate science project...

Neighborhood Newsletter (4/26)

Dear Jan Brewer (re: Arizona Immigration Reform)

Photoshop in an Arizona police badge and we have the same scene...

via The Washington Post:
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed into law Friday the most restrictive immigration bill in the country, setting the stage for a showdown with the Obama administration and reigniting a divisive national debate less than seven months before congressional midterm elections.

Brewer, a Republican facing a stiff primary challenge, said she had no choice but to act because Washington's failure to address the issue had effectively left border protection to the states. "We in Arizona have been more than patient waiting for Washington to act," she said, as hundreds of demonstrators gathered outside her Phoenix office. "But decades of federal inaction and misguided policy have created an unacceptable situation."

Even before it was signed, President Obama criticized the Arizona law, which requires police to question anyone who appears to be in the country illegally. Obama called the effort "misguided" and directed the Justice Department to monitor its implementation, warning that it could violate citizens' civil rights. Immediate legal challenges were expected from outside groups.

There is a huge difference between protecting the interests of the many and protecting the ignorance and small-mindedness of the few. That said, in a lot of states below the Mason-Dixon line and under the influence of Republicans, the ignorance of the few seems to reign supreme. Governor Brewer, I always thought Arizona was towards the forefront of a cordial relationship with immigrants, particularly those from Mexico. However, with this new bill focused on immigration, I can see that you and your state are about as bass ackwards as Glenn Beck attending an NAACP meeting. You see, by throwing this piece of shit legislation out, you're more or less saying to every non-white immigrant 'You are not welcome,' regardless of whether they are legal or not. This new bill doesn't enforce anything other than your own insecurities that in another 20 years, whites will no longer be the majority in your state (or much of the Southwest US, for that matter). What's the matter? Afraid that the popular vote might not swing your way again? Well, with laws like these being enacted, your hold might be a lot shorter than you think.

I mean, really.. Do we have to take it back to Nazi Germany, where any person remotely varying from the German ideal was asked 'Where are your papers?' Is that what misunderstanding and ignorance about other cultures have driven you to? Unlawful searches and unwarranted stops? By enacting this law, you're essentially giving the police the green light to racially profile people. Not that racial profiling wasn't an institution already, but I suppose having it on paper makes it all the better for you guys. Civil rights and general parity in the reach of the law don't matter when you've got a bunch of day-laborers immigrants to keep from adding to our GDP bogging down our infrastructure. You tell those wetbacks to stay on their side! And if they try to go out without identification, you arrest them and hold them for unlawful reasons! I wonder how long until they legalize racial profiling up here...

2010 NBA Playoff Commercials

If you've been watching the 2010 NBA Playoffs (I've been watching religiously), along with being bombarded with commercials, you've seen a bunch of new commercials highlighting how crazy the season and first round have been. The marketing people for the NBA used soundbytes from press conferences, post game interviews, on-court sounds and a few synths to make up Nike Battlegrounds-esque tracks for their commercials. I guess it's one more thing to add to a list of improvements the NBA gone through to bring the game back to prime relevance. And just think, this is just the first round. I can't wait to see what they come up with later on. Kudos to the NBA marketing people...

Cam'ron & Vado - Speaking in Tungs x I Don't Believe N*ggas


Cam'ron & Vado - Speaking in Tungs

Cam'ron - I Don't Believe Niggas (ft. Fabolous & Vado)

I may be from the Bronx, but I certainly am a fan of Harlem rappers (BX is gonna have a resurgence soon.. I can feel it!). Cam'ron and his newest protege Vado are up there on the list, though Cam has been doing it since the 90s. The thing that I like about Vado is that, unlike Juelz, it hasn't taken him 4 years and a label dispute to get his rhymes together. Vado drops a bunch of bars on both of these tracks, and compliments Cam perfectly. Even Fab drops a lyrical dime or two (why can't he do that on his own work?). Check out the Cam and Vado's odes to lying adversaries and great love-making...

NERD - Hot N' Fun (ft. Nelly Furtado)


NERD - Hot N' Fun (ft. Nelly Furtado)

Well, I for one am hyped, because I'm seeing N.E.R.D. tonight. Chad, Pharrell and Hugo have been off the scene for about 2 years touring and doing God knows what. I suppose their first leak from the new album 'Nothing' would come straight out of left field. They recruited Nelly Furtado for some vocals and threw together a snappy, bop-your-head beat to talk about girls who just want the physical pleasures in this life. I especially love the piano breakdown. If 'Seeing Sounds' was their return to a grittier sound, then this album should be a lot more diverse musically. I'm expecting a banger. Check out the track...

Air Jordan VI 'Infrared' Pack


PIFF. That is all I have to say about the new Jordan VI Infrared pack dropping. Well, not really. The VI is one of the more underrated silhouettes in the JB catalog, but definitely one of the richest in Jordan history. Released first in 1991, they were the shoe that MJ won his first NBA title in. They also were the first that Tinker Hatfield personally consulted Mike about, adding touches like a molded back to protect his Achilles tendon, a sturdier rubber sole than the V, and reinforced toes. Now, they're coming back out in a pack (haven't seen a good one since the DMPs) featuring a new white/infrared and the more familiar black/infrared colorway. No word yet on when they're dropping, but considering the lack of number retroes coming out lately, they'll definitely be out sooner than later. Think early summer. Check out some more pictures...




Dear Alchemist


I never thought I'd see the day when Twitter truly became hood. Now, I eat that thought and the naiveté behind it. Game's 400 bar freestyle to Jay Electronica's 'Exhibit C' didn't break any world records, nor did it suffice to break Jayceon out of his 2-year landslide rough patch. In fact, most people (including myself) didn't get halfway through it. I'd say 5 minutes in, I was ready to hit the spacebar. Regardless, this is about you, Alchemist. You found out today just how 'real' Twitter can get. Like most people, you used your account to voice an opinion, albeit a famous one, to the Twitterverse. Unfortunately, Game didn't take too kindly to that and had you jumped. Whether Game called that or not, it stands to say that Twitter might be gone to the wolves soon. If this is how grown men niggas act over a 20 minute freestyle, how are they going to act when something.. you know.. real happens?

Joell Ortiz - YAOWA (Mixtape Trailer)

'You're Actually One World Away' from me... YAOWA... That's what Joell Ortiz decided to call his next mixtape, a collaboration with DJ Green Lantern and Don Cannon. Ridiculous acronyms aside, I'm actually pretty hyped for this one. Joell's has been the most consistent out of the Slaughterhouse crew (Budden, Royce & Crook need to come out with some hot shit) and with that 'Nissan, Honda, Chevy' cut, has the ears of hip-hop. Along with the new mixtape, he put out a song about MY WIFE, Sanaa Lathan. I couldn't help but listen to what another dude has to say about my queen. Check out the loosie track and the trailer for YAOWA...

Joell Ortiz - Letter to Sanaa

Dear Chris Brown

Ummmmm... Chris, you've truly lost it with this one. You are not Trey Songz or R. Kelly, in that you can't make the transition from singing to rapping and back; nor will you ever be. You haven't even mastered the art of singing enough to say 'Okay, let me try my hand at this.' No offense, but that sounded like the most generic of generic verses I've ever heard. Are you sure that Diddy didn't buy this verse for you? In fact, Tyga killed your verse and didn't even say anything worthwhile. Now, I'm not hating on your grind, because lord knows you have to bank on something these days. Your last album was a snorefest, even with all the features, and your credibility is at a low point. At the same time, though, shouldn't you be in the studio working on YOUR craft, not trying to come back out with a gimmick and a wack sidekick?? (Tyga can rap, but he's not a good rapper) I mean, for God's sake, you and Tyga looked (and sounded) like Kriss Kross in this video. And with a gimmick this lame, you guys might have just as short a run as Kriss Kross (even Jermaine Dupri can cosign that). Let's just hope your next move isn't wearing backwards clothes, because I will quit listening to hip-hop at that moment...

Man vs. Machine in a Field Goal Contest

Man vs. machine is one of the ideas that has always been in society's mind's eye since the Industrial Revolution. Whether the plight of John Henry vs. the steam engine, the rise of computers in the latter half of the century, or the advent of true artificial intelligence, we've always been curious as to how we stacked up against the machines of our own creation. Such is the case here, where Joe Nedney, the kicker for the San Francisco 49ers engages in the battle of his lifetime against machine. Some engineers participating in the annual Robogames, crafted a 360-pound robot capable of kicking field goals with the best of them. And that machine almost took Nedney to the wire, until Nedney his a 45-yard shot against the wind. Ziggy (aka the robot) was nowhere close. I suppose in most feats of physical prowess, humans will prevail; that is, until modern science perfects physiological function. When it's 'the Future' (with a capital F), we'll see...

Dear Solar

Tell me Solar doesn't look like a schemin-ass nigga...

Now that we've had the chance to pay our respects to Guru, it's time to tackle the case of your involvement in Guru's pre-mortem dealings. Solar, it's been hard to find closure with Guru's death with all of the mystery and lack of communication surrounding it.

First of all, why was the entire world, with your exception, kept in secret about Guru's medical situation? I feel like you damn sure weren't overall the closest person to Guru, even at his time of death. If his son was so 'beloved,' why wasn't he the sole caretaker of Guru? Why was all of the press coming from YOU?!?! Second of all, in the letter to his fans, Guru must have mentioned your name about 10 times (actually 7). Solar, you're telling me that as a rapper and poet, and as a pioneer in hip-hop, the only person Guru cared to mention more than once was you??? I'm sorry, but that doesn't add up. What about all of the family, friends, DJ's, rappers, promoters and writers that Guru knew? What about addressing his work as a rapper? What about some sort of statement about hip-hop as an art form and the direction it's taking? Somehow I think that Guru would have had more to say about more things than just his relationship with you. Third of all, what was up with all of the hate on DJ Premier in the last letter? You mean to tell me that at the time of his death, rather than a peaceful statement, or a burying of the proverbial hatchet, Guru's last testament to Primo was a hate-filled diatribe about how he doesn't want Primo involved in his estate? Seriously, if I'm on my death bed, the last thing I'm thinking about is trivial beefs during my living years. I'm trying to make peace with the world around me and leave this life with some credits on my heaven ticket (as blasphemous as that sounds). Solar, that brings me to my conclusion.

Now, it's not a good thing to surround a dead man with this much controversy, but there is no way in heaven or hell that Guru wrote that letter (clearly subjective). It sounded nothing like what a man with his verbal prowess would have cooked up. Also, the amount of times your name was called was egregious. It sounds like you're his PR person and are trying to buy up as many rights to his namesake as possible, so you can cash out when the air clears. Either that, or you were just trying to get your name out there more. Most hip-hop fans wouldn't even mention you in the same breath as Guru or Primo, no matter how much Guru wanted you to replace him. There's no way a man, in his last breath, is going out with that much hate or that much attention to business. The diction used in the letter reminded me of a hateful being, or a general misanthrope. The way you Guru wrote that letter made him sound a lot like this guy:

#shoutout to Devin for the inspiration for this post...

Guru's Letter to His Fans

This is who really should've been at Guru's bedside...

I, Guru, am writing this letter to my fans, friends and loved ones around the world. I have had a long battle with cancer and have succumbed to the disease. I have suffered with this illness for over a year. I have exhausted all medical options.

I have a non-profit organization called Each One Counts dedicated to carrying on my charitable work on behalf of abused and disadvantaged children from around the world and also to educate and research a cure for this terrible disease that took my life. I write this with tears in my eyes, not of sorrow but of joy for what a wonderful life I have enjoyed and how many great people I have had the pleasure of meeting.

My loyal best friend, partner and brother, Solar, has been at my side through it all and has been made my health proxy by myself on all matters relating to myself. He has been with me by my side on my many hospital stays, operations, doctors visits and stayed with me at my home and cared for me when I could not care for myself. Solar and his family is my family and I love them dearly and I expect my family, friends, and fans to respect that, regardless to anybody’s feelings on the matter. It is my wish that counts. This being said I am survived by the love of my life, my sun KC, who I trust will be looked after by Solar and his family as their own. Any awards or tributes should be accepted, organized approved by Solar on behalf myself and my son until he is of age to except on his own.

I do not wish my ex-DJ to have anything to do with my name likeness, events tributes etc. connected in anyway to my situation including any use of my name or circumstance for any reason and I have instructed my lawyers to enforce this. I had nothing to do with him in life for over 7 years and want nothing to do with him in death. Solar has my life story and is well informed on my family situation, as well as the real reason for separating from my ex-DJ. As the sole founder of GangStarr, I am very proud of what GangStarr has meant to the music world and fans. I equally am proud of my Jazzmatazz series and as the father of Hip-Hop/Jazz. I am most proud of my leadership and pioneering efforts on Jazzmatazz 4 for reinvigorating the Hip-Hop/Jazz genre in a time when music quality has reached an all time low. Solar and I have toured in places that I have never been before with GangStarr or Jazzmatatazz and we gained a reputation for being the best on the planet at Hip-Hop/Jazz, as well as the biggest and most influential Hip-Hop/Jazz record with Jazzmatazz 4 of the decade to now. The work I have done with Solar represents a legacy far beyond its time. And we as a team were not afraid to push the envelope. To me this is what true artists do! As men of honor we stood tall in the face of small mindedness, greed, and ignorance. As we fought for music and integrity at the cost of not earning millions and for this I will always be happy and proud, and would like to thank the million fans who have seen us perform over the years from all over the world. The work I have done with Solar represents a legacy far beyond its time and is my most creative and experimental to date. I hope that our music will receive the attention it deserves as it is some of the best work I have done and represents some of the best years of my life.

Today was a somber day in hip-hop. Guru, born Keith Elam, lost his battle with cancer. He's survived by his son, and leaves a legacy of innovation in rap. Regardless of his feud with Premo, or the questions surrounding his relationship with Solar, he will surely be missed...

Marvel vs. Capcom 3

It's really a great time to be an older video game fan, with classics like NBA Jam (clearly won't compare) making a return for next generation systems. The video game companies, specifically Capcom, are answering more of our prayers by releasing Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Ten years ago, the 2nd version of Marvel vs. Capcom turned my free time into ridiculous blasts of energy, huge punches and mind-numbing graphics (maybe not that serious). The characters in the new version will be mostly the same, along with a new graphics engine that allows for 3-dimensional fight scenes. All in all, MvC3 looks like it's going to be just as addicting as the 2nd. Sadly, it doesn't drop until next year. Keep your eyes peeled for more...

Dear Cam'ron & Jim Jones


via MissInfo:
“Minya, it’s Jimmy….I’m sitting in the passenger seat of this car right now. I want you to talk to the driver real quick.”

“Ok, Jimmy.”

[brief pause] “What up, Min. It’s Cam…”

Jim Jones: “It’s 2010, and this is something I gotta get off my chest…You’ve known us from back when we didn’t have what we have now, so you remember, that above all, me and Cam, we still brothers. And we’re building on getting back on track but first, I apologize for being a rude brother, for saying things publicly without first trying to handle them privately. I apologize for not leading by example because what I didn’t realize at the time, I was venting but it wasn’t all about me. There were other people whose dreams were also part of this movement. So by not leading by example, they were left stranded too. The way I handled our business issues was with emotion, and it got totally f–ked up. That’s what selfishness does….”

Cam’ron: “There’s nothing really Diplomats-related to show you yet. We all have our own obligations right now, our own projects. I have this Boss of All Bosses Pt. 2.5 mixtape with Vado and DJ Drama dropping soon. But yes, me and Jim have been speaking, we’re working out the mechanics of this, and looking at our options right now. If it makes sense, it can happen.”

Back in 2004, I was in high school, still somewhat young in my understanding of hip-hop and rap. That said, along that time, the movement that was moving was Dip Set. You, Cam and Jim, served as the soundtrack to basketball games, tomfoolery in hallways and homework. When the rumors came in around 2007 that you two weren't speaking, it was like seeing the Power Rangers get into an argument: slightly devastating. That said, the news relayed by Miss Info was a highlight to my day. I blasted 'I'm Ready' and 'Come Home With Me' in my room as I remembered the tall tees, jerseys, fitteds and ridiculous jewelry that you guys donned during your run at the top. Of course, the look will be different now. Even so, it's refreshing to see some unity come back. That doesn't mean the news comes without its issues.

First of all, why did it take the two of you so long to reconcile? Maybe it's the fact that both of you were too wrapped up in your own individual success to realize that your strength came as a group. I suppose both of you started feeling the dent in your sales, regardless of hot singles (would it be cliche to yell 'BALLIN' right now?) or illegal dealings outside of rap. Second of all, where's Juelz?? A Dip Set reunion wouldn't be complete without Santana on deck, and you both know it. As a matter of fact, I'd definitely say that Juelz is doing a lot better than both of you at the moment. He has a hit single out and a lot of buzz for 'Born to Lose, Built to Win' (or whatever it's called), while you two have two sub-par underselling albums under your studded belts. You guys would have to truly bury the hatchet and apologize to Juelz for doing him dirty, ALONG with offer up a few hundred stacks to get him to come on with the movement. Third of all, this is only the 3rd or 4th time that you guys have alluded to a reunion and have come up with either nothing or a new beef to squabble over. While it's great to see you guys are cool riding around town together, until I have substantial proof that Diplomatic Immunity 3 is on the way, I will continue to be the skeptic. Besides, I'm looking forward to Boss of All Bosses 2.5 and Slime Flu much more than I am anything Jim Jones-laced these days. At least we can reminisce...

Nike Dunk SB 'Skunk'

#shouts to SneakerNews

Happy 4/20 to all my smokers out there! Nike SB did the unofficial holiday right this year, by releasing the 'Skunk' SB's at midnight. They feature a tonal green color scheme, rough suede upper, with purple and orange accents. What kills the sneaker is the hidden stash pocket on the inside of the tongue. Also, they have a 'dizzy' skunk on the insoles, just in case you were in any doubt as to the theme of these sneaker. No, I wouldn't rock them, but I would definitely have these in a collection. I know there's going to be some idiot stoner who's going to use that stash pocket and get caught. Whatever the case, the concept is dope. Check out some more pictures...





Neighborhood Newsletter (4/19)

Ski Beatz - SUPER BAD (ft. Rugz D Bewler)

I've all but given up that 24 Hour Karate School will ever be released to the public with the amount of copyright troubles they're having right now. That doesn't mean Ski Beatz and his ridiculous collective of MC's have stopped chopping at something bigger. The producer inked Harlem MC Rugz D Bewler to lace this track entitled 'SUPER BAD' and the two hooked up to throw together a video for it. If I'm not mistaken, it's around 105th St. in Harlem. Regardless, the track is dope, and so is the video. Check it out...

B.o.B. - Fame x Past My Shades x Airplanes (Pt. 1 & 2)


B.o.B. - Fame

B.o.B. - Past My Shades (ft. Lupe Fiasco)

B.o.B. - Airplanes (Pt. 1) (ft. Hayley Williams)

B.o.B. - Airplanes (Pt. 2) (ft. Eminem & Hayley Williams)

I've never been quick to eat my words, but in all honesty, I can't hold back anymore. Bobby Ray is about to blow. Point. Blank. Period. Two top 10 iTunes downloads don't lie. Neither does the crossover potential of a track like Airplanes (Pt. 2). And neither do insane collabs with Lupe Fiasco and Eminem. The thing that impresses me about B.o.B. right now is that he's mastered his flow and is rapping like himself. We can't even compare him to 3 Stacks right now because he's already distinguished himself and found a lane. No, I'm not heralding the rebirth of hip-hop, but it's a bright sign to see an artist garner so much press right now, and have so much anticipation with him. Better yet, it's a bright sign to see more than one artist like that, with Drake and J. Cole gaining steam too. I don't like quoting myself, but this tweet couldn't be truer these days:
