Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

It's F***ing Charging!?!?!?!

I'd probably say the exact same thing if I saw this. If there's one thing that always blows mine when dealing with portable electronics, it's losing or not having a charger when you got 1% battery left. This might not change the problem, but definitely adds to the solution. The convenience of having a charger like this is only offset by the price: $100 for the actual mat, and up to $40 for the cases for each device. I'm not sure I'm ready for it yet, but this is a step towards 'the future'...

The Mailing List: October 2009 (#5 )

5. The HTC Hero

I think I've found my new phone!!!

Hey, I'll admit it. I'm on Sprint, everybody's favorite wireless carrier to make fun of. For the longest it was our reception and customer service that got crap. But since Sprint stepped into 3G (and have been developing 4G), it's the phones that have needed an upgrade. We got the Palm Pre in June, we got the new Blackberry in August, and now we have the new G-Phone. Enter the HTC Hero. It's a touch-screen phone that uses Google's Android OS and uses a new user interface called Sense UI. Forget Blackberries and iPhones. Sprint users, we have a G-Phone. Rejoice. Check out a hands-on demo of the Hero, which comes out on October 11th...

Dear Public Option Opponents

It the man, man!!!

via The New York Times:
The widely awaited budget analysis of a pending Senate health care bill indicates that the legislation would meet President Obama’s cost target and would reduce future federal deficits by a deeper amount than previously projected.

I hate to say that I told you so, but it wasn't even just me telling you so. For the past 8 months, we 'death-panelers' have been telling you guys that the public option not only will benefit the health industry, it will benefit the country!! And all of you were so trapped in your ways that you couldn't see what's always been your motivation from jump: money. Look at the dollars. The health care reform bill would cost us $829 billion over 10 years, but would reduce our federal deficity by $81 million. Dollars make sense fellas. We might not be out of the recession yet, but if there's one thing the recession's taught us, it's that reform is necessary. Being a stick in concrete only leads to you being broke (like the pun?), and by being so conservative in your policies, you guys have put us in the red for a LONG time. So why don't we do it like this: You guys sign off on the bill. We enact it. And then we allow positive reform to start the country off on the road to recovery. It's as simple as that.

The thing is, you guys saw the idea of changing something so deep-rooted in our society as BAD, even if it was sapping our wallets and feeding a vicious cycle. The pharmaceutical companies know that, and continue to feed into your vicious cycle. All of the interest cuts in the world wouldn't have been able to pay for the hole we were digging ourselves into health-care wise (I'm not even going to start with the banks). So, tell me who makes sense? The guy that tries to patch up the plumbing that's been leaking for 10 years, or the guy that tries to bring in new pipes? Hopefully you guys think the latter. If not, you have some flooding floors to attend to...

Curren$y - Jet Files (Review)


Yeah, yeah, yeah... I haven't done an album review in a minute. Hip-hop is so cyclical that you guys might get sick of album reviews by the end of this month. Regardless, I'm hyped that I got to listen to this one. Curren$y had the best summer out of all the Freshman 10 in my opinion, dropping his first album and a classic mixtape with Wiz Khalifa. Now that the summer is over, and we're looking for a new fix, it's only natural that Hot Spitta would be working on some new ish. Turns out he was way ahead of us, putting out his 2nd digital album, titled 'The Jet Files' (check my preview).

Now, if you've listened to any Curren$y in the past an didn't like him, I think I can tell you why: CONTENT. If you don't smoke weed, watch sports and cartoons, or obsess over sneakers, you're probably not as quick to jump on his bandwagon. However, 'Jet Files' is the dawn of a new day for the man. His delivery has continued to improve, and his lyrics are now reaching a new plateau of creativity. Tracks like 'The 70's' and 'I'm Just Dope' show that Spitta has been spending his time doing a lot more than smoking. Of course, with any Curren$y work, the production is IMPECCABLE. His beat selection has caught fire, with relaxing, breezy, laid back instrumentals to complement Spitta's flow. Honestly, I'm not going to mince words anymore. Curren$y is a monster. If you don't know, PLEASE check the tracklist, loosies, and videos for 'The Jet Files'...

1. Dossier (In and Out)
2. Perfect Time
3. On My Way
4. Smoke N Maintain (In and Out)
5. Sleepless in New Orleans
6. Stay Up
7. Tokyo Drift
8. The Seventies
9. The Pledge (In and Out)
10. Burn an Ounce
11. Bring Her Home
12. I’m Just Dope

Cream of the Crop:
On My Way
The Seventies
I'm Just Dope

Cream of the Crap:
Smoke and Maintain (only track I didn't like)

Curren$y – Bout It 2010
Curren$y – New Pollution

The Book of Eli

Just take this one in... Action movies are usually better in their trailers than in the actual full films, especially when touting A-list actors. That said, I have nothing but faith in the decision to star in this movies by Denzel Washington. The man has a penchant for finding roles that expand his repertoire and 'The Book of Eli' looks like it's next in line. Check out the trailer for Denzel's new movie, coming out next January...

Floating Houses


No longer should sustainability be measured by how little damage something does to nature. Sustainability should show how well something blends into the environment. At least that's the case with Brad Pitt's latest project straight from New Orleans. The house can break away from it’s moorings and rise up up to 12 feet on two guideposts. It acts as a raft and provides the family with battery power for up to three days until help arrives. While the media and the limelight seem to have moved on from the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina, there are still thousands of people with damaged housing. Kudos to Brad Pitt for keeping the rebuilding going...

via Morphopedia


Dear Ron Browz


Womp womp womp. See, this is a prime example that gimmicks DON'T WORK. Ron, I respect Ether for what it was, a dope song. But there's no way you can tell me that Nas wouldn't have ripped it over some other beat. The fact that you use it as your one claim to fame is sad to say the least. That's why when I found out that you got dropped from Universal Motown, I knew it wasn't the recession hitting those A&R's; it was your putrid use of auto-tune. Ron, not only did you manage to put out sub-par music, you have everybody forgetting how to say the word Arab. I can't say that I'm too upset though. The sound of 'EEEEETHER BOY' in bad auto-tune (I'm mad auto-tune sounds like a language now) always made me want to cringe even if 'Pop Champagne' made everybody want to get lite. Oh well. RIP to your deal, and I hope you're praying for a new fad in hip-hop that covers lack of talent...

You were such a ground-breaking musician.. We will miss you Ron...

ABC Exposes Racism

We all have our biases. Whether driven by experience or for no good reason at all, they subtly pervade our thought processes, if we want to admit it or not. Now, I'm no expert on race relations, but I've been in enough CVS's and Rite Aid's to know when my ethnicity is working against me. But that's neither here nor there. ABC did a service by conducting this experiment. Not only did they show that not all Americans are racist, Muslim-hating pigs, they exposed the falsehoods that you 'patriots' espouse as reasons for your hatred. Check the video...

Usher - Papers

In the present-day state of hip-hop, marriage vows are at an all-time high. Unfortunately, so are pre-nups. Our boy Nas learned the hard way that those might be the way to go. I be he wishes he had songs like this about to blow up. Usher's song Papers used to be called 'Divorce Papers', and with good reason. It shows us that protection goes further than the bedroom; you need it in the courtroom too...

David Banner - Something is Wrong (prod. by 9th Wonder)

Monday equals music on Dear Whoever. That's why I'm hyped to announce David Banner's new collaboration project with 9th Wonder called 'Death of a Popstar'. The Mississippi native has always been socially-conscious, but is looking to turn it up another notch with this offering. This new track openly discusses the murder of Derrion Albert, among other issues plaguing black people. And of course, 9th Wonder beats are always a treat. Check his first leak from the new mixtape...

Dear Rupert Murdoch

If this picture doesn't sum it up, I don't know what does...

via Vanity Fair:
Rupert Murdoch is going to battle against the Internet, bent on making readers actually pay for online newspaper journalism–beginning with his London Sunday Times. History suggests he won’t back down; the experts suggest he’s crazy. Is he also ignoring his industry’s biggest problem?

We have a new tag on Dear Whoever. It's called 'the Man'. Everything I tag with this is talking about the prototypical rich white man behind every social, political, and economic injustice in today's world. Our first feature on 'the Man' concerns none other than you, Mr. Murdoch. You're the chairman and CEO of News Corporation, probably the biggest news conglomerate in the world. And now you're mad because people don't use any of your services anymore. FOX News has pretty much been exposed as a fraud and as ridiculously biased and the Daily News has less readers than a Tellytubbies blog. In fact, the only reason that you're not posted up at the soup kitchen is because Twentieth-Century Fox has been putting out blockbuster movies. And 75% of them are either remakes or superhero movies. But that's neither here nor there.

So you FINALLY realized that most people don't read physical newspapers anymore? It's about time. It's only been 30 years since newspapers went online (dead serious; check the source). You should feel a little stupid considering how much time and effort your company spends on research and development (we all know they spied on us on Myspace). Now you want to charge people to get onto ALL of your websites? You sound like the Internet Nazi. What good is ordering us to pay for your content, if we can get it pretty much anywhere elsewhere? So we won't have Myspace; no one worth their weight is still on that. Plus, any piece of news you have, I GUARANTEE the Times or the Economist has. Rupert, trust me, monetizing your stuff is the last thing you want to do. It'll ensure you that your service will not fly. You see what happened to music sales. The Record labels' pockets have been looking thinner since Napster got bagged. are If I know 'the Man' (and I do), then you don't want to be the next person to feel the recession...

NBA 2K10 Commercial

Okay, suspend your dislike of Kobe Bryant for let's say, 40 seconds, and take in how dope of a commercial that this is. Everybody in the NBA is gunning for that number one spot. Amped is not the word for how I feel about NBA 2K10. It comes out TOMORROW, October 6th. Any charitable donations for my 'Buy NBA 2K10' Fund can be sent directly to me...

iDump4U - Ending Relationships the 21st Century Way

Just listen to this. I'm not going to say that I would do it, but it would certainly allow for a lot less awkward situations. I mean seriously, how many of you guys have broken up in a public place only to have it erupt into a battle royale of shouts, screams and profanities. This service would either cut that in half, or raise domestic violence two-fold. You can try it for yourself, but I sure as hell will be making my roster cuts manually...

Freestyle Friday (10/2)

Hey people!! You know what time it is.. Freestyle Friday. Today we have somebody I've slept on for a minute (I've been saying that a lot; time to get back on my music grind). Skyzoo, who's been shouted out by damn near all of my favorite rappers goes in on True Stories Radio. At first he doesn't wow you with the flow, but he has such consistency in his lyrics that he has to be nice. The second one is from a hometown hero of mine. Cory Gunz, who just dropped his latest mixtape last week (check here) has a cipher at Adolessence Radio (can somebody put these blog/radio station/magazine names in check?). I have to say, and I continue to stand by this, that Cory Gunz is a MONSTER. Do not let the lack of mainstream success fool you. If you want a lyrical onslaught, look no further...

Dear Disillusioned Adopters

I'm gonna come right out and say it. Race has nothing to do with this. Nor does ethnicity. In the vast matrix of variables and factors that deal with maternity and infancy, this could have literally happened to ANYONE. I'm sick of people making racial issues out of things that should be minimized and minimizing things that should be racial issues. Anita, don't take the scoffs of ignorant detractors seriously. In the 'other' animal kingdom (I say other because humans are very quick to dismiss themselves above animal status), it's not rare to find mothers rejecting their young, either eating them, or leaving them because of weakness or their own incapabilities. Why then, is this woman getting so much flak?

It's not as if she's treating the baby like a commodity. She would much rather give that little man up than give him a half-assed life with a mother who he was simply not vibing with. Whether it was race or not in the baby's mind, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell when two people (no matter what the relationship) are not meant for one another. Anita, your maternal instincts are better than you are being given credit for. What's funny is that she already has five biological children of her own. If anything, the adoption agency should have told her to fall back. Where are the families with no children jumping for adoption? Are Angelina Jolie and Madonna a bastion of the adoption industry today? Stories like this only open Pandora's Box of mystery when dealing with touchy issues. Regardless, it's good that there's now a precedent, so that the next time an adoptive mother decides she doesn't want a baby anymore, we can call bullshit on her faster than she adopted the little critter...

Neighborhood Newsletter (10/1)

A REAL Transformer

Optimus Who?? I've been waiting for technology to step into the 21st century. This is more like 'them' (whoever they are) kicking in technology's door, pillaging the house and burning it to the ground, compared to the last 10 years. While this robot is still remote controlled, it is the first that I've seen with full transforming capabilities. This is the 9th OmniZero robot built by Takeshi Maeda. The previous eight could skip rope, climb ladders and crack eggs. I don't think it will be destroying any worlds anytime soon, so Shia LeBouf and Megan Fox are safe, but you have to admit that this is pretty dope...