Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Super Lupe Fiasco - Super Lupe Rap


Super Lupe Fiasco - Super Lupe Rap

Lupe Fiasco went on a Twitter rant (what else is new?) after seeing Soulja Boy say this:
“I don’t want to be super-Lupe-Fiasco-lyrical and n***** don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about,”
Honestly, it doesn't matter what the hell Soulja Boy says because he's pretty stupid when it comes down to it. Lu clearly took offense to the comment and decided to accompany said Twitter rant with a track making light of Deandre's idiocy. The track is nothing short of 6 minutes of lyricism that deserves nothing less than a bunch of rewinds. Lu goes off on a sub-par beat, stuffing it full of wordplay, metaphors and punchlines, and it's hard to debate that he's one of the best rappers out right now. Taking up the persona of Super Lupe Fiasco, Super Lupe Rap is only a tidbit of what we hope will be on 'Friend of the People' and 'L.A.S.E.R.S.'. PLEASE check the track out and remember what real lyricism sounds like, especially since you'll be rewinding it so many times...

Neighborhood Newsletter (11/8)

Dear Cleveland Cavalier Fans

Keeping in line with a penchant for trying to be a little less negative and a little more positive with my letters, I almost didn't write this. Then I realized the purpose of writing these letters isn't to be nice or to get people on my side. It's to display a valid argument and (hopefully) show people why that argument is valid. That said, I came upon this video amidst my random internet binges, and automatically burst out in a fit of good old-fashioned (and apparently healthy) belly laughs.

Really, Cleveland fans?? This is what you guys have resorted to as some ridiculous ploy to feel better about what transpired over the summer in the LeBron-athon? That's pitiful. Yes, LeBron could have gone about his move down south in a more tactful manner. Yes, basketball's coup of the century left your team decimated with a raggedy bunch of Robins. Yes, LeBron's commercial thumbed it's nose at all of the hate spewed towards the City of Rock. Even so, it's a new season!!! You guys have new uniforms, new coaches, and a few new players on the roster. Let me repeat: THIS IS A NEW SEASON! LeBron is long gone and looks like a kid in a candy store taking the court with Wade, Bosh and company. He's moved on, as should you. And it's funny that your team hasn't even played Miami yet. I'm thinking the score differential might be up there in the 40s, if not more. You guys should know better than anyone that an angry LeBron is a scary LeBron...

I understand the ailing of a city who's 3 sports teams don't even amount to LeBron's billfold. I understand how betrayed you felt in July. But, there has to be a point at which you decide that this is a new beginning. Videos like this will only enhance the curse that LeBron's shadow is casting on your city, and serve to make your city all the more bitter, and unhappy. No, Cleveland, you shouldn't forget what happened. However, does it really help to keep flinging trash at LeBron's name at this point? Making hateful videos isn't going to bring the man back, or make your team any less boring on paper (I see not one All-Star on that roster). As a matter of fact, rather than making hating videos and being upset, maybe you guys should be trying to train up another crop of LeBrons. Yeah, that's it... Start pushing your kids into basketball, so that maybe one day, one of them can leave the city's basketball team in shambles bring a championship to Cleveland...

Lost in Sofa by Daisuke Motogi Architecture


Have you ever lost something in the sofa? Take a second and think about all of the things you've lost to the couch. Now, have you lost something in the sofa on purpose? Few people can really answer positively to the second one, much less think of a time when losing something in a couch has been convenient... Until now. The good folks at Denzeen put me on to a new design of a couch that literally eats everything. The design features a bunch of upholstered cubes that can fit things into the grooves. Honestly, I wouldn't mind an entire living room of furniture like this, though this particular prototype is a one of one. Check out some more pictures...




Dear Four Loko

People would definitely pass on Four Loko if it made you look like that...

via The Chicago Tribune:
Four Loko, the high-octane alcoholic beverage favored on college campuses, is again under fire.

Michigan announced Thursday that it is banning alcoholic caffeinated drinks like Four Loko, which is produced by Chicago-based Phusion Projects and has been singled out for criticism by health experts. A day earlier, members of Chicago's City Council proposed their own ban on energy drinks that contain alcohol.

The Michigan action, passed by the state's Liquor Control Commission on a 2-1 vote, identified 55 products for its ban. The commission's decision followed recent reports of students in Washington and New Jersey being hospitalized after drinking Four Loko. Manufacturers will have 30 days to pull the banned products.

If there's one thing I've learned during college it's that drinking should be its own department, with its own courses, and degree. The amount of alcohol consumed on any given college campus weekly could flood a stadium, drowning sorrows and a plethora of aspirations and memories with it. That said, the main barrier for most college kids and their desired inebriation is that stingy age requirement. Kids have been finding ways to acquire alcohol for generations, whether it be fake ID, older friends helping them, bootlegging or dipping into their parents' stashes. Until this past year, that was it. Now we've got you, Four Loko, with your fruity, wine cooler-esque flavors, your unusually high alcohol levels and your abnormally low price.

Four Loko, you burst onto the scene before the summer, with most people mistaking you for cans of their favorite iced tea. Now, months later, college campuses and parent groups are calling for your head due to the overwhelming amount of kids winding up in the hospital or dead after knocking back a few too many of you. That said, you shouldn't be blamed for their demise, even though you were in their hands. There are a few reasons why I believe you ARE NOT guilty, and why people should check their habits before they blame you for anything:

1) Drinking alcohol is COMPLETELY voluntary. People use peer pressure as a scapegoat for everything, yet when it comes down to it, no one is drinking you with a gun pointed at them. No one is being forced to down 23.5 ounces of your blackout-inducing elixer. At the end of the day, a person who deems himself responsible and old enough to drink one of you should have to deal with your consequences. In the same way as drinking you is voluntary, so are the headaches, nausea, memory loss and health benefits that come with you.

2) You taste DISGUSTING. Yes, I have tried you, and no I will never put my lips to a can of you again (Gin and tonics are my drink of choice anyway). It's funny that nature's way of telling you not to ingest something is by having it taste like the broad side of an outhouse. You would think that young adults could master that idea. But no. They continue to guzzle you, unaware of the damage they are doing to their livers, but all the more inebriated.

3) You keep people awake. The silver lining for most drinkers is that after a night of pounding back Jager Bombs or guzzling from the tap, they can take solace in the fact that alcohol is a depressant. They will undoubtedly fall out either due to fatigue or because of the alcohol in their system. Not with you, Four Loko. You make it so that no matter how much one drinks, they will never fall asleep. Your inhuman levels of caffeine, combined with the alcohol, makes one all the more drunk but no more tired. That leads to to the inevitable: blackout drunkenness.

Four Loko, those are three things that people should know about you before drinking, but don't for some reason. It's a sad day and age where people are unable to control their urges to drink, so much so that they endanger their lives. It's even sadder when people can't fess up to there being a problem with their own habits, rather than blaming everything on the inception of a product to the market. Yes, you are the next of kin to poison, Four Loko. Yes, drinking you probably takes 8 hours off one's life. But at the same time, shouldn't people know that before they pop the top? The balance between personal and external responsibility is something that is being lost every day, with your effigy at the forefront. Sadly, that balance will never be righted as long as you're on the streets...

Freestyle Friday (11/5)

Hey people, it's Friday which means Dear Whoever is posting freestyles for your listening pleasure. Today we've got Lupe Fiasco up first, dropping some freestyle bars while on Tony Touch's radio show. Lupe doesn't go too hard. He seems a little laid back, if not tired, but manages to piece together a half-decent verse. The second freestyle is by the homie Diggy Simmons over the beat "Rising to the Top". It's an interesting cipher for two reasons: 1) the random, but well-intentioned, Uncle Murda cosign, and 2) the instrumental, which is well before Diggy's time. Even in lieu of #2, Diggy does the beat justice. Check out both freestyles and keep it locked to Dear Whoever...

araabMUZIK Promo Visuals

Musical talent has so many different avenues that what can be considered talent by most is nothing more than a party trick for others. I'm hoping that no one will think the latter after watching araabMUZIK's promotional videos. The man has been producing beats for Cam'ron, Dip Set and the rest of their affiliates for the past few years, so he's no stranger to a little bit of fame. At the same time, I've yet to see a man use a synthesizer as masterfully as he does. Whereas most people think in words or numbers, it's almost as if araabMUZIK thinks in music. Take a look at how much of a blur his hands are over the boards. I really hope araabMUZIK gets a chance to showcase his talents on a wider scale with more artists, but with performances like these, it's hard to see him being a secret for much longer...

Neighborhood Newsletter (8/2)

Hot 97 Freestyle - Kanye West & Pusha T


Hot 97 Freestyle - Kanye West & Pusha T

Honestly, I would've waited until Freestyle Friday to post this, but this freestyle was 2dope. I suppose due to tenure, Funkmaster Flex's show has become the new stepping stone into relevance for hip-hop nowadays. Today, Flex offered the airwaves to Kanye West, and (essentially) hip-hop's million-dollar man, Pusha T. After a quick chat session, Pusha and Ye spit two VICIOUS writtens, that had the trio cracking up mid-line. Though I'm a bit disappointed at how many of the G.O.O.D. Friday tracks ended up on the album, Ye's definitely going all out to push it. And Pusha... (psshhhh) No words. Just check the freestyle...

Aloe Blacc - The Dark End of the Street


Aloe Blacc - The Dark End of the Street

I didn't write a review for Aloe Blacc's 'Good Things' because I received it early, and by the time it did come out, I was listened out. That said, Blacc's debut album was beyond masterful and thus far into the year is the best R&B work I've heard. His infectious ode to being broke 'I Need a Dollar' is everyone's favorite song, yet we haven't heard much more from the California swooner since the album dropped. Today, that changed with Aloe dropping this tune fresh off a European tour. The track features the band 'The Grand Scheme' switching the midtempo lighthearted background music to a funk-a-mafied riff worthy of a George Clinton cosign. The highlight of the song, though, is Aloe Blacc's raspy, soulful lyrics about hidden and forbidden love, and the toll it takes on a relationship. Honestly, I don't know too many cats in R&B that can mess with Blacc on vocals or content. If you like soul music, this man needs to be on your radar...

Dear Non-Voters

Exercise your rights, people...

This is America... The land of the free and the home of the brave. I'll repeat that. The land of the FREE. No, that doesn't mean that we can engage in every and all types of hedonistic behavior or do as we please simply because it suits us. It means that as Americans, we have certain freedoms, or unalienable (look it up) rights that we are privy to, given our legal status (career criminals, you can stop reading here). One such right is that of voting. The American political system is built on a tenet of democracy. Loosely defined, a democracy is a form of government that derives its powers from the people, either directly or indirectly. Ours is an indirect democracy, in which we elect officials to positions in which they can adequately represent our views and desires on a wide scale. As a nation, every year we get a new chance to put people in office on Election Day, the Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

Now, to the point at hand. Every year, around late September, political parties and campaigners bombard us with commercials, fliers and other garb for the purposes of us, the voters, placing their names or their causes on our ballots. And every year, we hear pundits tell us to vote. In 2008, the world watched as our nation elected Barack Obama, with a record turnout of voters and political activism. Now, all I ask is, where did all of that fervor go? Around the water coolers you hear people being a little shaky as to whether they will exercise their right to vote. People give reasons such as, but not limited to:

- 'I don't know about the issues.'
- 'I'm not registered.'
- 'I don't know the candidates.'
- 'I don't have time.'
- 'Does it really matter this year?'
- 'My vote doesn't make a difference.'
- 'I don't know where to vote.'
- 'It's Election Day?'

Come on, people. Not to be a political party pooper, but we've got to vote. It shouldn't be an afterthought. This sh*t matters!!! What goes on during these elections affects you, directly and indirectly. Your student loans, your legal status, your taxes, your benefits, that parking ticket you don't want to pay, your mom and dad's retirement status, EVERYTHING can be changed by voting. The thing that makes me upset about our country is how tenacious we are about politics in times of turmoil, yet how lackadaisical we are when it seems as if the dust has settled.
NEWSFLASH: We're still in a recession! Our country has no money and no jobs! Our environment is crumbling around us!
You can't complain about our country's issues if you don't vote... Point blank. Midterm elections are just important as presidential elections, in that you're picking the people who surround the President. You're voting for candidates in Congress that would support issues important to you and probably be able to further those initiatives. Why would you put a beautiful candle on a cake made of manure? Why would you want to start a job and not finish it? No, I'm not a certified political pundit, but I know for damn sure that there is worth in a vote. And by not voting, you might as well not have the right. So, please, do yourself and the country a favor and exercise your right. In this information age, it's pretty easy to figure out what a candidate's all about. Rather than visit MTO, take some time out to know the issues, find a polling place and just vote! Seriously. People died for universal suffrage in this nation. Don't die thinking your vote could have changed something. Just pull the lever and be on your way...

Dear MC Hammer

You know how you know you're getting old? When you see performers, artists and actors from your earlier days making fools of themselves today, and wonder 'where did it all go wrong?' Today is such a day for you MC Hammer. Now, I don't particularly understand what your gripe with Jigga is. What he said in that line from Kanye's 'So Appalled' was completely true, and you know it.
“Hammer went broke, so you know I’m more focused/I lost 30 mil’, so I spent another 30/’Cause unlike Hammer, 30 million can’t hurt me,
No, it's not nice to kick a man when he's down, nor is it in good taste to discuss another man's money. But come on, Hammer. You know that at least one point in the past 15 years you've said to yourself: 'Where did all that motherf*ckin' money go?' And thanks to modern accounting and banking, you now know exactly where you went wrong in your monetary decisions. It's great that you've put that era behind you and begun to seek new things in your life.

That said, Hammer, making diss videos towards Jay isn't going to cure your hungry pockets. It's all well and good that you're making an attempt to resurrect your career, but you've showed up late to an entire revolution of technology and social media. Times have changed, Hammer. Diss tracks are like assholes now. Everyone puts them out as feeble attempts to gain notoriety, in the 50 Cent mold. And sadly, Hammer, you're no different. Diss track aside, the fact that you put out a music video to go with it is beyond laughable. Seriously, man. Who dances for a diss track? Didn't we leave that alone in the 80s (well before you were popping onto the scene)? Also, what did the little boardroom meeting have to do with anything? You know the last time you had a corporate meeting that meant anything, it was your contract release meeting. Add to that, the song sucks. I know it. You know it. The American people know it.

Hammer, this isn't the way to get your celebrity back. You do know that Jay-Z won't even regale this with a response? If anything he'll toss another (singular) bar at you and probably have the internets going nuts with laughter. No, Hammer, it's not that your musical contributions have been forgotten. It's just that you're choosing to take on a titan of hip-hop, when you've clearly been downgraded to a mere mortal. Why not take the Rev Run route and get a reality TV show or something? I'm sure it'll have more shelf life and profit coming out of it than this sorry video...

Kanye West - The Joy (ft. Pete Rock, Jay-Z, Charlie Wilson, Curtis Mayfield & KiD CuDi)


Kanye West - The Joy (ft. Pete Rock, Jay-Z, Charlie Wilson, Curtis Mayfield & KiD CuDi)

Okay, so it's another GOOD Saturday Friday track from Kanye, this time with a sultry Curtis Mayfield sample. Ye and (I'm assuming) Pete Rock sped the first verse up for the chorus, then put it over a slowed down, minimal beat. Kanye raps about the ills of his sex life, ironically after pictures of his nether regions leaked onto the interwebs. Jay puts together a better than average verse, while CuDi and Charlie sing. I liked that Pete Rock got to close out the song with that funky riff in the background. Also, I'll be honest. The past two GOOD Fridays have been a bit boring to me. I guess a roster like this on a track can't help but pique one's interest. Doesn't hurt that the track is good...

Dear Halloween

Has nothing to do with my reasoning, but I thought it was hilarious... Deal with it.

Let's get this straight: I've never celebrated you, Halloween. Everything I will say in this letter is a third-party observation. Halloween, I grew up in a devout Christian household, so quite frankly, I've never been exposed to all of your 'greatness'. That said, I can see your allure for small children, whose addiction to sweet treats and dressing up like cartoon characters is almost crack-like. My beef with you, Halloween, is what happens when constituents of my age bracket start planning for you.

Enter the waning weeks of October. Everywhere I go I see parties (the adult version), decorations and general regalia dealing with you. And I wonder, 'Why?'. As young adults, what really is the point of dressing in costumes to do what they do on weekends anyway? Drinking and dancing seem a lot more cumbersome when donning masks, bad makeup and other random props. Also, not to be sexist, Halloween, but your occurrence is nothing more than an excuse for women to be half naked during the late-fall freeze. Why wait until a kids holiday to do that? Why not walk around drunk in a cutoff pirate uniform in mid-January? For men, you're an even stranger holiday. What do I look like dressing up as a policeman, at night nonetheless?

It's not that I'm against you. It's that after a certain age point, you don't have any use. In the same way that Christmas loses it's magic when one finds out that Santa was indeed their father, and one's birthday falls off when their parents stop throwing extravagant theme parties, you become another day on the calendar with a funny font. Halloween, maybe it's the cynic in me causing this feeling. Maybe its the household I grew up in. Maybe it's that I hate wigs more than I hate waiting in line at the convenience store. Whatever the case, Halloween, I won't be dressing up. Sure, I'll be at the gatherings and engage in whatever buffoonery taking place. But I won't do it simply because you're here. Holidays tend to make people into fools for that holiday. Ghosts and the like aren't real. Nor are the traditions we make up. In fact, the real reason behind the costumes was to disguise oneself for the impending influx of dead spirits that would be wandering as the portal between our world and the underworld opened momentarily. Does that mean after you, some spirits will still be hobbling around? No. It means most will have spent their hard earned cents on apparel that won't be of any use on November 1st. That I can pass on... Even if my sweet tooth does lead to some serious binge candy eating. Happy All Hollows Day to my future cavities and those that won't be scraping fake blood and cobwebs off for the next week...

Freestyle Friday (10/29)

Friday means freestyles. And that's just the long and short of it on Dear Whoever. Let's not mince words. Today we've got two very, very different ciphers on the schedule. The first one is with Big Sean, Cory Gunz and Mickey Factz. Let me tell you this before you even hit play: CORY GUNZ KILLS IT. I don't understand why this man is not one of the best in the game, though his signing to Young Money might have something to do with it. Mickey and Big Sean both spit okay verses, but it's clear who's shining in that video. The second one is an old freestyle (I'm guessing) circa 1995 featuring Raekwon and Ghostface Killah, both draped in the finest of apparel from that time. And, as one would expect they spit bars about what else but things only people with Cuban Linx would be able to relate to. Regardless, the cipher is FIRE, and I know a few of you older hip-hop heads will dig it. Check out both the young and older eras of hip-hop for this Freestyle Friday and keep it locked to Dear Whoever...

Hip-Hop's Basketball Team

Basketball and hip-hop culture are damn near brothers cousins... Well, they're just related, very closely. Since the late 1980's hip-hop lore has laced the hardwood through players, teams, the gear that those entities wore and the music going along with them all. Movies like White Men Can't Jump, Above the Rim, Hoop Dreams, He Got Game (and sadly Like Mike) feature hip-hop music and culture centered around hoops. Rappers and ball-players have notable friendships and romantic relationships (RIP Trina and Kenyon Martin). Ballers like Shaq, Allen Iverson and sadly Kobe Bryant ventured into hip-hop, attempting to capitalize on their fame in the opposite arena. But what about rappers who try their hand at basketball? Dear Whoever now examines those (literally) crossover artists, putting together a team of the best rappers ternt ballers, and who would make the cut on hip-hop's basketball team. Who did I miss? Would your squad be able to go up against mine?

Honorable Mentions:
Mike Jones
Slim Thug
Lil' Flip

Cam'Ron & Ma$e

We all know Cam and Ma$e from their days rapping together as a part of the Harlem collective 'Children of the Corn'. Little do most people know that Killa Cam and Murda Ma$e didn't meet through rap, but because they were childhood buddies that played basketball together in high school. In this clip, you see Cam putting on a show for a high school championship game, with Ma$e making a cameo. If I had to start a team, Cam would have to be the point guard and main playmaker with the way he gets into the lane and finishes...

The Game and Snoop Dogg

California, and most notably, Los Angeles are a hot bed for rap and basketball talent. Brandon Jennings and Jrue Holiday aren't the only ones making knees buckle, though. Uncle Snoop and his nephew the Game both draw crowds whenever the step onto the hardwood (pause). The Cali duo do some damage against one another in this charity tournament. Snoop wows the crowd with some well placed handles, while the Game takes athleticism into his game, doing some high-flying layups and put backs. Sure, Snoop is older than basketball and Game brings little else to the table, but every squad needs role-players...


Al-Quaeda Jada is already hoops-famous in my book for his forays into basketball stardom with Allen Iverson in the early 2000s (two of my favorite basketball commercials here and here). But who knew the Yonkers representative could ball like this? And at an actual tournament to boot? Jada makes some quick fans here, balling out of control with Nate Robinson on his team. How does A-HCHAAAAAAHHH!! *Jadakiss voice* sound as a team battle cry?

Joell Ortiz

Joell Ortiz is a heavyweight on the mic. That's no secret. Being a heavyweight on the court doesn't always make for good basketball though. Joell disproves that notion in this video, putting the shakes on a few unlucky cats who thought it would be hilarious to see the Brooklyn MC take on the roundball. Joell shows he knows how to pull off the pick-and-roll seamlessly, driving to the net and LeBron-ing some hooper straight into a chorus of OOOOOOOHHHHHH's. Any man that can control his weight in motion like that can definitely be on Dear Whoever's squad.

Chris Brown

Okay, so Chris Breezy isn't a rapper. He's as likely to get killed in a verse than he is in domestic abuse court (is it too early to make jokes about that?). That doesn't mean that the R&B swooner can't hold his own up against some of And 1's best. And that he does, crossing up one of the streetballers for a nice layup... Only to get the ball stripped when he tries to pull off a next level move. That's okay for Chris, though. He gets the nod on Dear Whoever's team simply for making Bow Wow rethink his then-aspirations to play basketball professionally. The below video is an ironic microcosm of how play can mirror work perfectly. RIP to Bow Wow... and his layup.

Iron Solomon - Rule #4081 (ft. Cassidy)


Iron Solomon - Rule #4081 (ft. Cassidy)

While the next wave of battle rappers is waiting in line to be on a Smack DVD or the next Youtube sensation, the older wave is trying to cash in on that fame, with mixed results. Two of the most famous from that era, Iron Solomon and Cassidy are synonymous with freestyle supremacy, so it's only right that the two would find their way onto a track together. Ironically, the song is about what you need to do to make it onto the scene in hip-hop, with hilarious results. Solomon and Cass made light of the drama and controversy-laced entries into the music industry with this track. 'Rule #4081' describes all of the dirt you have to have in order to be famous, and we can all point out a few rappers who've used that formula to get on top. Whether it's getting shot, a sextape or what have you, can we get back to liking rappers because they can rap, not because of the stories behind them? I know that'll probably fall on deaf ears, but hearing a song like this has to resonate for some of the rappers who follow Dear Whoever. Check out Iron Solomon and Cassidy's rulebook for hip-hop supremacy and start plotting your rise to the top...

Vic Mensa - Blow My Mind (prod. by SC)


Vic Mensa - Blow My Mind (prod. by SC)

These days, when hip-hop is infatuated with swag and shameless promotion, it's always refreshing to hear someone... just spit. And I don't mean spit in the Lil' Wayne sense, where it's constant bathroom humor or the like. I mean stream of consciousness flows that don't even have choruses. I mean flows over good instrumentals about every-man subjects and things we can all relate to: like waking up wondering what the day holds for us or increasing our understanding. No, Vic Mensa isn't about the chew sticks and 'real hip-hop'. He's just another young man making his way up by his bootstraps, albeit with eloquent wordplay and understated symbolism There's nothing more honest than that. That's why Vic Mensa is on my radar. It's almost too easy to listen to the man. Check out this random loosie from the Chicago representative, and just vibe out...

Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On


Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On

Lupe Fiasco recently celebrated his triumph over his label's apathy towards him by announcing that he's got a new mixtape on the way. Of course, I'm beyond excited for that, especially with the really boring state hip-hop is in right now. Apparently, Wasalu is Atlantic's new favorite guy, considering the quickness with which they allowed him to let this new track loose. It would seem as if the loosie is slated to be on LASERS, but with the shenanigans coming out from every which way, who knows? What I am sure of is that Lupe seems a lot happier on this track... Maybe even content? I suppose the title of the song is as truthful as it can get when it comes to the man's situation and with all of the backlash he's gotten from the blogosphere (myself included). Whatever the case, Lu sounds like an uncaged bird on this, which for fans is the best Lupe, isn't it?

Skewby - Believe


Skewby - Believe

I got one of the most heartfelt/inspired e-mails I've received regarding hip-hop yesterday. It was from the team of Skewby, the Memphis MC who's new LP, 'More or Less' is slated to drop in the next few weeks. The e-mail detailed the descent of hip-hop into swag and how the artistry is being lost to the allure of record sales daily. Along with the a-mail came a track off the LP entitled 'Believe', which was imploring the listener to believe in Skewby, and his individual style. Skewby's no stranger to Dear Whoever, but as his music gets exposed to a wider audience, I'm curious to see if his sound will evolve at all or if he'll stick to the organic sound that's gotten him to this point. I guess only time, and you, the listener will be the judges of that. Check the track out...