Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Nas & Damian Marley - Distant Relatives (Trailer)

After a collab in 2005 called "Road to Zion" on Junior Gong's "Welcome to Jamrock", Nas and Damian Marley have considered themselves to be quite alike musically and politically. Therefore, I guess it's no surprise that they decided to collab again for an album, entitled "Distant Relatives". In the trailer you see the two in the studio chopping it up about the album and its direction, of course with some audio from songs on it. The first single, "As We Enter" rocks with a faster ska beat and conscious lyrics that they promise in the trailer. Check out the download for the single and the trailer for "Distant Relatives"...

Nas & Damian Marley - As We Enter

Neighborhood Newsletter (4/1)

Dear Keri Hilson

Obama would be proud...

WOW, that is ugly, to say the least. Keri, I've always thought you were talented and all, penning all those hits and even beginning your own singing career. This sure isn't the way to keep the ball rolling. At a primetime game between your HOMETOWN Atlanta Hawks and the Lakers, you botch the National Anthem?? What's funnier is how you tried to cover it with the mean little church choir extension. It was a valiant attempt to save a ridiculous faux pas. I mean, I understand not being completely patriotic and remembering the Anthem. Few people do, and even fewer give a you-know-what about patriotic stuff. At least practice or memorize the piece before you perform!! If you were really feeling shaky, you could've put up a teleprompter, or had somebody holding up a sign somewhere like a grade school recital. The crowd didn't react like a bunch of parents too proud to notice their kids messing up. At least you looked good doing it...

Dear Jae Millz

Okay Jae.. Why does this not surprise me? Wayne goes to jail, Drake & Nicki are gaining some steam, and you're feeling left out of the lineup? I guess you could be mad about that, but where was all of this animosity when you should have been blowing up?? I was rocking to "Who" and "No, No, No" in 2003, when you were solo. You had "Bring it Back" and never capitalized on it. Now you're with Young Money playing the bench and want to weigh in on who you think XXL should've picked? Ehhhh, you're wrong for that one, especially for calling them nobodies. Who are you? 500,000 copies of a free mixtape doesn't mean you're a hip-hop heavyweight, especially when you've got Bow Wow on the same label claiming 1 million downloads (false). I'll give you that Vado is nice, and probably should've gotten considered for this year's Freshman list (he didn't really even get on until 'Boss of all Bosses'). Even so, XXL had to cater to the blog crowd, and you should know that, surfing the blogs as much as you claim to. Jae, trust me, 10 years of inconsistent rapping isn't the green light for you to run your mouth...

Nipsey Hussle agrees...

Dear E-Books

Both are good reads. Only one has a place in my backpack...

via The New York Times:
With a growing number of people turning to Kindles and other electronic readers, and with the Apple iPad arriving on Saturday, it is not always possible to see what others are reading or to project your own literary tastes. You can’t tell a book by its cover if it doesn’t have one.

“There’s something about having a beautiful book that looks intellectually weighty and yummy,” said Ms. Wiles, who recalled that when she was rereading “Anna Karenina” recently, she liked that people could see the cover on the subway. “You feel kind of proud to be reading it.” With a Kindle or Nook, she said, “people would never know.”

Okay, one of my taglines for Dear Whoever is that 'reading is fundamental'. I love to read. Whether it be newspapers, magazines, blogs, nutritional labels or what have you. In the past 2 years, though, reading has taken up residence in a new venue. You, e-books, are what the iPod did to CD's. You're slowly changing us from a society of page turners, to button pushers. While people still are reading, the modus in which we read is now swiftly changing. Because of you, there isn't a use for the delineation between paperbacks and hardcovers. It's the Kindle versus whatever other e-readers there are. Because of you, there won't be any such thing as a book weathering generations or being handed down through those said generations. We can just as easily point and click that same book to whomever we want, and save it on our hard drives. Because of you, the time-honored traditions of bookmarks, pages folded over, and writing little notes in the margins will wither. No longer will there be people like myself perusing book stores for hours looking at interesting covers to see which book they want. In fact, if you continue at this pace, I'd be surprised if there even are bookstores anymore in 20 years.

E-books, it's not that I'm against the whims of technology overtaking the physical presence of ideas laid out on paper. It's just that after one of you gets purchased, hundreds of books are essentially deemed obsolete. Maybe your use will cut down on deforestation and other side-effects of book production. Even so, is that worth trading in a technology that revolutionized religion, science, philosophy and pretty much every other facet of humanity? The printing press might very well be the most important invention of the past millenium (#shoutout to Johan Gutenberg; bet he's rolling in his grave). It took Europe about 200 years to fully embrace it. It took you about 6 months to seriously catch on. Is that indicative of the change in society or just technology at work?? Whatever the case, e-books, I probably won't be buying any of you any time soon. Though I gladly rock MP3s and DVDs, I think I'll wear my papercuts with pride as I lug a backpack full of books around. You might be convenient, but convenience shouldn't always override principle, especially when you have to pay $260 plus each book to enjoy it...

Pete Rock vs. DJ Premier

I literally jumped for joy when I saw this. It was like waking up on Christmas to see a life-size GI Joe under the tree, and then seeing it shoot its way out of the box. For you hip-hop heads, it should be the same reaction. Manhattan Records, a Japanese record store, is celebrating its 30th anniversary by having a battle of epic proportions. Pete Rock and DJ Premier will be having a once-in-a-lifetime battle to help the Tokyo-based vinyl spot throw down, and for the upteenth time, I'm truly saddened that I have no connects in Japan to crash with. Both Pete Rock and DJ Premier are legends in their own right, with some of the illest production and DJing in hip-hop history. I can't stress how ridiculous an event like this is. Please believe I will be taking donations to somehow get to Tokyo for the May 2nd show. Check the promo video out, and get excited!!

PS: On a somewhat related note, why is there never a production of this scale going down on this side of the pond? Someone get on that, ASAP!!!

Faces in the Crowd - Nile Overton


NOTE: Here's a new feature on Dear Whoever. I've been seeing a lot of negativity in the blogosphere as of late, and I'm tired of it. Faces in the Crowd is a section dealing with the young people making big moves out here. Check it out...

I was blessed this past term to meet a young man by the name of Nile Overton. Along with being a three-sport athlete, the Philadelphia high school resident is a rising poet and. That's not the reason behind the post, though. In July, Nile will be taking a trip to Australia for a Student Ambassador program, where he'll be doing a homestay, exploring the Great Barrier Reef and examining the historical areas inhabited by the Maori people. To some, this may seem trite, but especially after the negative imagery of Philadelphia teenagers in violent flash mobs over the past few weeks, it's refreshing to see a young man expanding his horizons on such a grand scale. Nile was even featured in the Philadelphia Tribune (the picture is too big to post, so check the article here). I'm honestly excited to hear what's next on this young man's agenda, because it's so easy to get the negative news about young people. Also, if you do happen to be in Philadelphia this week, make sure you check Nile out performing some of his poetry at Drexel University on Thursday. Need more info??? Click the GMail icon to the right, and I can direct you. Last, but not least if you want to contact Nile directly with good wishes or just to see what the young man is about, hit his Facebook here. Hope this was a breath of fresh air, and I wish the best to Nile for the trip...

PS: I got the info for Nile's performance. It's at the Creese Center at Drexel University on Chestnut St (btw 32nd & 33rd Street), and starts at 8:30 PM. Keep it locked to Dear Whoever!!

2010 Hennessey Venom GT

#shoutout to Autoblog for the flicktures...



American sports cars, with the exception of the Mustang and Camaro, have been virtually non-existent in the past decade. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that I'd rather walk than drive an American sports car. Now however, the bar has officially been raised for domestic whips, with auto detailer and customizer Hennessey Performance Engineering manufacturing the Hennessey Venom GT. This thing is being rumored to dole out 1000 horsepower and 900 lb-ft of torque through an American twin-turbocharged engine under a British chassis. To automotive purists, it might be a mutt of a car, but to speed freaks, it's a wet dream on pavement. In addition to the ridiculous engine, the Venom GT holds a $600,000 price tag. And with only 10 in production per year, you'd better start looking for four-leaf clovers if you want to cop one. Check the video of one of the most powerful production cars during its construction...

Charles Hamilton x B.o.B. - Paperboy

Charles Hamilton & B.O.B. - Paperboy

Chuck seems to be getting back in a groove, especially after putting out his 'last' mixtape, that was generally received with yawns. He and B.O.B. have been recording in Atlanta for the past week or so, and this is what they came up. I have to say that the beat is fire, first of all. Second of all, both Sonic and Bobby Ray seem to mirror each other well on wax, with their sounds meshing really well. I suppose it doesn't hurt that both of them are considered two of the more eccentric MC's from last year's Freshman 10. Hell, sometimes they even sound alike. Whatever the case, I'm hoping the two decide on the pairing being more than a one-track stand. Then again, we never know what to expect with these two guys. Check out their ode to rolling implements, money and non-sequitur laced rhymes...

Neighborhood Newsletter (3/29)

Scarface x 3rd Grade

In the back of your head, you can't help but think there's something seriously wrong with the events transpiring in the above video. Yet at the same time, there's something really, really clever about this 3rd grade production of Scarface. The cocaine is replaced with popcorn, the 'fucks' with 'fudges' and the real guns with NERF guns. I feel like a play of this sort is an interpolation of every Disney movie, Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network show, or cartoon character that had double meaning for the adults watching. Where the jokes would go over the kid's head, the adult would be laughing hysterical at a dirty quip. I suppose if the parents are cool with their kids re-enacting a violent, drugged-out cult classic, then so am I. Not to mention, the acting is pretty good for an elementary school play. The makeup, moustaches and Miami Vice-esque suits seal the deal for this production. Hopefully Shottas or Belly is up next, and I can see my favorite quotables being skewed for virgin ears...

Skewby - I'm ILL

I posted up a review of Skewby's 'Proving You Wrong Since 1988' a few weeks back, and am still bumping the tape today. I dig dude's music so much because it's earthy and organic without being preachy and sounding like I should have a chew stick in my mouth while listening. The Memphis native takes on the instrumental for 'I'm ILL', and doesn't disappoint. He pokes fun at 95% of hip-hop in the video the track, and the community's infatuation with swagg (cringe), stupid dances and a lack of lyricism. The video honestly makes the song pop that much more to me. Skewby seems to be on a roll as of late, and I can't wait to see what else 2010 has in store for him...

10 Deep x adidas Originals Consortium Stan Smith


I haven't remotely liked anything from 10 Deep in the past 2 years. From weird colorways to wacky designs, the New York brand has lost a little bit of steam lately. That doesn't mean they're immune to a dope collab every once in a while. adidas Originals and 10 Deep clashed together for a new take on the classic Stan Smith sneaker, throwing together a grey nubuck upper, a perforated logo on the side, and the oh-so-sexy gum soles. Of course they both got their licks in with logos from both brands left and right. I love how simple, yet refined the shoe is. Definitely a sneaker to break out when the weather gets gorgeous...





Fashawn - Life's a Bitch (ft. Talib Kweli)

Fashawn - Life's a Bitch (ft. Talib Kweli)

Illmatic is among my favorite albums for a host of reasons, the first being that after listening to it, I can never be upset at whatever was grieving me before I hit play. That being so high on my list, I've been waiting for a new rapper to embrace Nas' masterpiece and interpolate it into his own repertoire. It took 16 years, and the commercialization and digitizing of hip-hop for it to happen, but someone finally jumped on the bandwagon. That said, I slept on Fashawn up until this very moment. Was always aware that he could rap, but for whatever reason, didn't give the man the time of day. Now that he's working on a new mixtape entitled 'Ode to Illmatic,' I am literally all ears. Check out the 2010 XXL Freshman (though he's been out for years) talking about his new project and the re-interpolation of one of my favorite songs...

Neighborhood Newsletter (3/27)

Dear George 'the germaphobe' Bush

Wow, George. Just... WOW. Just when I thought we'd seen the last of your idiotic trademark social faux pas', you give all of the racist germaphobes something to cheer for. Now that you've finally gotten the f*ck out of the Oval Office ended your tenure as President, I suppose it was a good look to do a bit of political maneuvering under the guise of goodwill and charity. No harm in that, whatsoever. You accompanied everyone's other favorite black President, Bill Clinton, to Haiti for some photo ops and to make sure you weren't the only politician (yes, you are and will always be a politician) who didn't show your face in the earthquake-rattled country. That said, it was a valiant effort, until the little bigoted devil on your shoulder reared its ugly head. Part of being a politician is shaking hands. In fact, I'd say most politicians have shaken more hands than they've read books or written speeches. So the practice naturally would be extended, no matter what country you're in. George, in the act of shaking hands, there are a few things you shouldn't do:

1) Cough or sneeze before you extend your hand.
2) Refuse to shake a hand.
3) Make any remark or action in disgust or aberration of the handshake.

That's a pretty simple list, George. As a matter of fact, you should probably know these already, considering that you were the President. I mean, for God's sake, how do you ascend to that office without knowing handshake etiquette? That seems like a given. And in all honesty, doing it in Haiti was just a bad move. If it isn't some wacko reverend claiming that they're evil, it's rampant poverty or an earthquake plaguing the people of Haiti. The least you can do is shake their hands without looking like you just ingested a bile and dirt sandwich. They've been through a hell of a lot more than you, and probably should be the ones wiping their hands. They sure as hell don't have as much blood on their hands as you do, Georgie boy...

Add-2 - The Crown


Add-2 - The Crown

Been bombarding you guys with music lately, simply because I think most artists are done with their winter vacations and are trying to build up buzz for the summer. Add-2 is a new face on Dear Whoever, and he definitely won't be seeing his last time on the blog. The Chicago native reminds me of Lupe with a rapid-fire flow and a much more poisonous tongue. By poisonous, I mean he won't hesitate to curse, talk about what he's really really thinking and is a lot more palatable. That's no knock on Lupe, nor is that calling Add-2 the shit; it's simply a comparison. I hope his new offering 'Better Days' puts the guy on the hip-hop radar. He definitely has the talent...

Freestyle Friday (3/26)

Hey hey hey (Fat Albert voice), it's Freestyle Friday!!! Let's just cut to the chase, since I'm on my work computer and am not trying to get fired within my first week. We've got freestyles on deck today and both are virtual newcomers. The first one is from AC, who's hailing from Staten Island (I gave it the -___- at first too). He honestly has bars and does a good job of riding an interpolation of 'However Do You Want Me'. AC's also preparing to drop his mixtape 'Send the Scouts Out' soon. Hopefully, he's not a one-video wonder on the blogosphere (funny you can say that now). The second video is by GLC. Yeah, he's not a newbie to the game, but this is one of the first cuts I've heard from him going dolo in a freestyle. He sounds like he has a unique perspective on the game, being quite the street-dweller while hob-knobbing with the likes of Kanye and CuDi. GOOD Music might actually have a roster in the cut, much to my surprise. Regardless, check out the freestyles and keep it locked to Dear Whoever...

Dear Philadelphia Youth

Have you guys lost your mind?? I mean really. Did you guys leave your brains somewhere and not remember to find them? It's a sad day when you can't even go out for an evening on the town without being harassed or scared by a group of teenagers. It's an even sadder day when that same group of teenagers grows into a multitude, and instead of simply being, begins looting stores and getting violent, calling themselves a 'flash mob'. Young people of Killadelphia, Pistolvania, let me school you on what a flash mob really is. Check it out:

THAT is a flash mob. In fact, let me define it for you, just so there's no mistake. A flash mob is "is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and pointless act for a brief time, then quickly disperse." (Wikipedia)

Now, what of what you guys have been doing in the past few weeks is remotely reminiscent of an unusual or pointless act, in which you dispersed quickly? That's right. NOTHING. In essence, you who gathered on South Street were gallivanting around for hours, until you realized you had nothing to do. Then, upon realizing the sheer multitude of you, decided to levy those numbers in a destructive manner, looting stores, causing bedlam and even assaulting a pizza delivery guy or two. Nothing of that is fun, innocent or even cool. Leave it to inner-city youth to turn something novel and funny to passers-by into a special on the 6 o'clock news. Maybe it's the lack of things to do in Philadelphia, or maybe it's the mentality of you young people in the city. Whatever the cause, there's no reason UPenn & Drexel kids should be shook to go to McDonalds, because some Philly kids don't have anywhere to go after school or on weekends. Join a basketball team, go volunteer, go fly a kite, or hell, READ A DAMN BOOK!! If you want to do flash mobs, do one where everyone quotes their favorite philosophers, or does the hokey pokey, or wears a wacky outfit. Do something. ANYTHING!! Just stop giving yourselves reasons to be vilified, when you could really be enriching yourselves. Lord knows there's never any stories about that on the 6 o'clock news...

Did this pizza guy really have to get the business end of a group of misguided teenagers? Get it together, kids...