Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Nike

Who knew one release could tell so much about a company??

It's a funny thing about sneakers. Everyone loves to hate on them, and the fact that everyone is copping them, but no one ever takes into account who releases them. Nike, you released the first Air Jordan XI's in 1995. It was crazy because Michael Jordan himself got fined $5000 a game during the playoffs for wearing them. That fact only served to hype the sneakers up even more. The original Space Jam XI's were released in 2000, to even more hype, with sneaker collectors lining up for days to get their hands on a pretty nice colorway. Today, Twitter, the blogs and every mall in America were filled with 'sneakerheads' all looking for the same thing: another shot at those Space Jams. Therein lies the problem: another chance.

Nike, for the past decade, you've been giving people 'another chance' to get all of your more popular releases from the previous decade. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, I relish the opportunity to get a sneaker that I was too young, or dumb to see the value in, or even afford. However, Nike, it is a HUGE problem when EVERY hot release you guys come out with is a retro. Think about it. What was the last sneaker you guys came out with, that people were lining up for, that WASN'T a retro?? I racked my brain for about 20 minutes trying to find one original sneaker from the past ten years. I couldn't find anything. Dunks and Uptowns are from the 80s, all the Jordans after XVI suck and Air Maxes stopped being hot after 2000. Even the Nike Basketball sneakers get rehashed. Penny's, KG's and other signature kicks are getting retroed too.

Here is some simple economics, Nike: rarity drives prices up. If you can't get something, that makes its value that much more for you. That said, I can understand why you guys keep retro-ing sneakers. You won't see a cent of the value of OG sneakers after retail (eBay and sneaker forums killed that profit), which is why you guys keep re-releasing them. Even so, you guys are tarnishing your legacy like that. 1/2 Cents and Sharkleys suck, as do the rest of your recent releases. Maybe you should focus more on R&D, and less on recapturing the magic of the past. Yeah, the Jams are a good sneaker, but how many times can you re-do a good thing before it gets (gasp) old???

Dear Loud Commercials

I've been tempted to do the same on many occasions...

via CNN:
In her crusade to eliminate the nuisance, Rep. Anna Eshoo wrote the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act, or CALM, which mandates that TV commercials be no louder than the programs in which they appear.

Representatives unanimously passed the bill last month and sent it to the Senate for consideration.

The brief measure directs the Federal Communications Commission to develop regulations preventing ads from being "excessively noisy or strident" or "having modulation levels substantially higher than the accompanying program." The bill also addresses "average maximum loudness."

There are certain laws that just baffle most people, like it being illegal to have sex with socks on in Virginia. Then there are certain laws that make you wonder why they weren't there in the first place. This law's for you, commercials. I consider myself an avid television watcher, and even I can't get around the overwhelming knack for commercials to be twice as loud as the TV show I'm watching. Commercials, why is it even necessary to do that?? If someone is going to buy something, they're going to buy it. If they aren't going to buy it, they're not going to buy it. Do you really think bombarding people with your insane amount of decibels makes them want to buy your products any more?? If anything, I'd refrain from buying them. You guys are like that pushy-ass salesman who keeps putting his foot between the door even while I'm smashing his leg with the door. Nobody wants a Snuggie that badly that they would appreciate losing their hearing. Tonedeafness should only be left for church choirs, not during the evening news...

Top 10 Most UNDERRATED Mixtapes of the Year (4-3)

Honestly, this was a hell of a year in terms of music. So many new artists showed their talents through sound, and it was easy to get lost in the shuffle (get it?). We saw Drake, Wale, KiD CuDi & J. Cole all get their time in the limelight. All over the blogosphere, I'm seeing everyone's top 10, or 5 or whatever, mixtape lists, and I'm seeing the same fucking mixtapes over and over again. That doesn't sit well with me.What about all the artists, and more importantly, mixtapes that flew under the radar? What about the mixtapes without the huge promotion and big name features? What about those mixtapes you DIDN'T hear? Those questions end as we enter the new year. Dear Whoever is listing it's top 10 underrated mixtapes, as well as the #dopetracks (my Twitter fam knows I love that hashtag). We'll cross two names off the list every two days, and end next week with the most underrated mixtape of the year. Check out who chimed in at numbers 4 and 3, and keep it locked to Dear Whoever for the top 2 most underrated mixtapes of the year...

4. The Cool Kids - Gone Fishing


The Cool Kids - Gone Fishing

Hammer Brothers
Gold Links

Yes, everyone knows about the Cool Kids. Yet at the same time, in this fickle blogosphere (I really do love that word), acts seem to get swept under the rug a month after they release some hot shit. I feel like that happened with the Cool Kids. Gone Fishing came out in May to some serious fan fare, and had bass-thumping tracks for days. Also, I think people tend to forget that both Chuck and Mikey are pretty good lyricists in their own rights. Pair those with a Don Cannon cosign and beats (good as gold, even with the ridiculous amount of drops), and you have a dope mixtape...

3. Curren$y & Wiz Khalifa - How Fly


Curren$y & Wiz Khalifa - How Fly

The Life
How Fly
All Over
Car Service

It's a rarity that two solo artists can collaborate and successfully make good music. So when it does happen, it's a great thing. Curren$y and Wiz are both great by themselves, but exude so much chemistry over their tracks that it's impossible to not like them. This is an underrated mixtape for the same reason that both artists are underrated: they all get pigeonholed. If you think this mixtape is just for sneakerheads and weed-smokers, you're wrong. These two not only have bars on the tape, but also have great beats from front to back. I'm still bumping this one, hopefully you will be too...

Redskins Special Teams runs a 'Special' Play

I have a lot of friends from DC, but even they can admit that this was, without a doubt, one of the DUMBEST playcalls EVER. The last time I saw the swinging gate run successfully, I was in 7th grade. What made Jim Zorn, or the Redskins special teams coach, think that this was a good idea? Your 1st string quarterback was getting eaten alive for the whole half. Your offensive line looked like a bunch of deer in front of an 18-wheeler. So, to remedy that, you guys decide to line your punter up behind center with half of the offensive line gone?? Not to mention, where was he passing that ball to?? He motioned the kicker out, and the play was most likely designed to go to him. Unfortunately, that throw ended up getting completed to the defense. I don't like to joke on teams unnecessarily, but you gotta admit, seeing that was hilarious...

Dear Senate

The Republicans ironically are the most well-fed politicians.. I wonder why

via The Raw Story:
Landmark health care legislation backed by President Barack Obama passed its sternest Senate test in the pre-dawn hours early Monday, overcoming Republican delaying tactics on a 60-40 vote that all but assures its passage by Christmas.

"Let's make history," said Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, shortly before the bill's supporters demonstrated their command of the Senate floor in an extraordinary holiday season showdown.

The bill would extend coverage to more than 30 million Americans who now lack it, while banning insurance company practices such as denial of benefits on the basis of pre-existing medical conditions.

It's a sad day in the United States when the deciding bodies of our country can't even decide on an issue that's been plaguing us since the days of JFK. Senate, today amidst screams and whines and kicks from Republicans and flip-flopping legislators, you passed the ever-so-elusive health care bill. I can't say that the bill was passed through an overwhelming majority (it went through 60-40), I am happy that the bill passed.

That said, why did it take you guys so damn long to get this bill passed?? First of all, it always seemed like half of the Senate didn't even read the bill, much less understand what the bill was proposing. It's like the Patriot Act, but in reverse. What happened to the gung-ho, go-get-um attitude that made mining phone numbers and tapping cell phones okay in 2002?? What happened to the lackadaisical attitudes that allowed the Fed to cut interest rates and dig us into an even bigger recession?? It always seems like the government is ready to make moves when it LEAST helps the people. Now that we finally had a plan, half of you guys were dragging your feet more than O.J. going to his verdict hearing.

Second of all, why has it always taken 60 votes to get something through the Senate? According to the Constitution, there actually is no law that can end a filibuster (the conflict that was keeping the bill in limbo), which means that as long as less than 3/5 of the Senate votes for a bill, the bill cannot get passed. Why is that the norm?? In fact, why is this bill even in the hands of Congress in the first place?? For something affecting the people, shouldn't the vote be in the hands of the people?? I find it funny that so many Senators were against publicizing health care, when most of you guys have never not been able to afford health care!! That's like Paris Hilton telling an anorexic girl she should eat more. The hypocrisy in our government is rampant, and your failure to pass this bill in a timely manner is laughable.

Finally, if this is how you guys decide something as drastic as health care, what in God's name is going to happen when other issues (ooh, I don't know the financial situation or climate change) stand to be reformed?? Is it going to be the same standstill, and then overwhelming revision that comes?? I hope not. Our government, like our health care policies, are in need of drastic change. And if it takes 60 votes from a bunch of wishy-washy legislators to do that, then I truly have lost hope in our political system. Get it together, Senate. Lord knows it doesn't take a two-month long filibuster to recognize how inefficient you guys have been as of late...

Little Girl Types at 119 Words per Minute

While this is a wondrous feat, I can't help but think that there is something seriously wrong with a 10 year old girl that can type 119 words per minute. In this day and age, it's not unnatural for children to have a great aptitude for computing. However, where do you as a parent, or as an educator, put your foot down and tell that little girl to GO OUTSIDE!! Seriously. Have we as a society grown so attached to computers, that instead of raising children ourselves, we allow the computers to do it?? Oh wait, yeah we have.

Parents, do yourselves and your children a favor, and TURN OFF THE COMPUTER. It's ironic that I'm saying this from a computer. At the same time, though, I can say that I was never glued to a computer. Oregon Trail day came and went, and though it was always a big deal, electronics never seemed to trump the thrill of going down a slide or kicking the ball out of the park playing kickball. To say that we are in a digital age is an understatement when you see things like this. At this point, it's really really disheartening to see a girl, no older than the concept of the modern internet, so drawn in by computing that she has made a hobby out of typing. Does this girl have friends? Do her parents just not care?? Whatever the case, I feel bad for her if her career goals ever go anywhere north of secretary...

Banksy Returns


If you don't know who Banksy is, I feel sorry for you. The British graffiti artist is notorious worldwide for his use of his canvas in coordination with the actual work. Also he's known for being damn near un-catchable (not a word) and being the most elusive tagger ever. This time, he takes on global warming in a tongue-in-cheek way, showing that if it doesn't stop, one of his works will disappear. Honestly, I can't describe the pieces. Just look, and understand how much of a genius the man is...



Top 10 Most UNDERRATED Mixtapes of the Year (6-5)

Honestly, this was a hell of a year in terms of music. So many new artists showed their talents through sound, and it was easy to get lost in the shuffle (get it?). We saw Drake, Wale, KiD CuDi & J. Cole all get their time in the limelight. All over the blogosphere, I'm seeing everyone's top 10, or 5 or whatever, mixtape lists, and I'm seeing the same fucking mixtapes over and over again. That doesn't sit well with me.What about all the artists, and more importantly, mixtapes that flew under the radar? What about the mixtapes without the huge promotion and big name features? What about those mixtapes you DIDN'T hear? Those questions end as we enter the new year. Dear Whoever is listing it's top 10 underrated mixtapes, as well as the #dopetracks (my Twitter fam knows I love that hashtag). We'll cross two names off the list every two days, and end next week with the most underrated mixtape of the year. Check out who chimed in at numbers 6 and 5, and keep it locked to Dear Whoever for numbers 4 through 1...

6. Pac Div - Church League Champions


Pac Div - Church League Champions

We the Champs
Pac Div
Young Black Male

They say the West Coast is dead. Lies. Pac Div (formerly known as Pacific Division) is the first group from that side that has gotten East Coast heads such as myself (yeah I have that bias) hyped. Their mixtape Church League Champions mixes a basketball theme, hard-knocking beats and witty lyrics from start to finish. On tracks like 'Pac Div', they espouse themselves as 'cool with the thugs', but never to be grouped in with hipsters. They straddle the line perfectly and don't disappoint on any tracks. Making the cut as a group is hard, but Pac Div made it look easy with this work...

5. Outasight - Further (Free LP)


Outasight – Further (Free LP)

Catch Me if You Can
Don't Say Anything
Brand New Day
Downtown in My Mind
Stranger than Fiction

Here's another tape that more or less came out a week ago, but I really don't think heads know what to think about Outasight. It's an LP, but in this day and age, if it's free, it's a mixtape. People have heard him rap, and people have heard him sing, but this is the first complete work from the man that blows everything out of the water. Outasight takes musicianship 'further' with this offering. There is a lot of acoustic production, which works for his sound. Also, the LP does a good job of mixing up genres, so that you don't try and classify Outasight. Oh yeah, and this is yet another NOTHERGROUND artist gracing the list. If the 6th Sense beats aren't enough, then Outasight's lyrics and voice should make you a fan...

Neighborhood Newletter (12/21)

Freestyle Friday on Monday (from 12/21)

Yeah, I know, it's not Friday, but I couldn't let another day go by without some freestyles to lace you guys with. Don't worry, I'll have another one this Friday. Anyway, the first on is from Cory Gunz, who needs to drop a damn album already! He goes in for about 5 minutes straight. It's actually insane how this guy spits. It doesn't even seem like he's trying sometimes, which is why freestyles like this are DOPE. The second one is from another favorite of mine, Illecism. Illy hails from California, and has BARS (and really bad hair; sorry Illy). When I say BARS, I mean lines that will handcuff you and make you rewind the entire video. The actual freestyle is in the last 2 minutes (8:40), so skip that whole interview (it sounded like bullshit anyway) Please check this man out. He is disgusting...

The World's Deepest Underwater Volcano ERUPTS

For most of you, this might go right over your heads. But for those of you interested in the past (and future) of the world, this is beyond DOPE. The West Mata volcano in the Pacific Ocean is the world's deepest underwater volcano. In the video, you see it spewing molten-hot lava out into the ocean, in what is probably going to be a new island in about 2,000 years. This pretty much hearkens to 2012, where the world's plates and molten core work in concordance to drive the North Pole to Minnesota. I find the inner workings of our planet fascinating. Hopefully you will too...

Top 10 Most UNDERRATED Mixtapes of the Year (8-7)

Honestly, this was a hell of a year in terms of music. So many new artists showed their talents through sound, and it was easy to get lost in the shuffle (get it?). We saw Drake, Wale, KiD CuDi & J. Cole all get their time in the limelight. All over the blogosphere, I'm seeing everyone's top 10, or 5 or whatever, mixtape lists, and I'm seeing the same fucking mixtapes over and over again. That doesn't sit well with me.What about all the artists, and more importantly, mixtapes that flew under the radar? What about the mixtapes without the huge promotion and big name features? What about those mixtapes you DIDN'T hear? Those questions end as we enter the new year. Dear Whoever is listing it's top 10 underrated mixtapes, as well as the #dopetracks (my Twitter fam knows I love that hashtag). We'll cross two names off the list every two days, and end next week with the most underrated mixtape of the year. Check out who chimed in at numbers 8 and 7, and keep it locked to Dear Whoever for numbers 6 through 1...

8. Lloyd Banks - Happy Birthday


Lloyd Banks - Happy Birthday

Real Recognize Real
Me and My Strap
Hottest in the Hood (Remix)
Money Moves the World
Don't Come Around

I'm tired of heads who think Lloyd Banks is 50's little brother on the microphone, because honestly, Banks shits on 50 on wax. And that's a fact. His 'Happy Birthday' mixtape went under the radar in terms of the blogosphere (heads are allergic to gangsta shit these days), but lyrically, Banks is still the top dog from G-Unit. To top it off, the release was 2 CD's!!! Seriously, if you liked Lloyd Banks before, you'll love him even more. And if you weren't a fan before, you will be now...

7. Harlem's Cash - CASHifornication


Harlem’s Cash – Cashifornication

Keep It Truck'n
Stank You
Ignint Shit
Ground Level

Harlem's Cash is a MONSTER. Say it with me. A MONSTER. Along with that trademark Harlem flow (all my Big L fans know what I mean), Cash has lyrics for days. CASHifornication was a short mixtape, but it had enough firepower for two releases. Also, he does a great job with his vocabulary and his wording on this release. He's always working with (not against) the beat, and his beat selection was great (even though three of them were Drake joints). I can say that Cash is another one to watch out for in 2010, along with the rest of the Notherground camp (a few more might make appearances on the list; hint hint). Follow him on Twitter @HarlemsCash.

Neighborhood Newletter (12/19)

Valets Gone Wild

To all my friends who like to go to fancy restaurants and partake in the valet parking, let this be a warning to you. If you've seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off, you know exactly what I'm talking about. This guy posted videos like this on Youtube of him doing all kinds of crazy stunts in exotic cars, only to be found out by one of his patrons months later. He's a pretty good driver given the circumstances, though I doubt he'll be doing much driving pretty soon...

Ronaldinho Dribbles (kinda) Blindfolded???

Everyone knows who Ronaldinho is (or at least I hope so) purely off the ridiculous ball skills (pause) that the man has on the pitch. His dribbling is incomparable, but what happens when his sight is impaired (I was going to say 'taken away', but you'll see the end)?? Ronaldinho, as well as Theo Walcott (Arsenal), Xavi (Barca), Chiellini (Juventus), among others, put their 'impaired' dribbling to the test for FIFA 10. Check out the mastery of REAL football...

Top 10 Most UNDERRATED Mixtapes of the Year (10-9)

Honestly, this was a hell of a year in terms of music. So many new artists showed their talents through sound, and it was easy to get lost in the shuffle (get it?). We saw Drake, Wale, KiD CuDi & J. Cole all get their time in the limelight. All over the blogosphere, I'm seeing everyone's top 10, or 5 or whatever, mixtape lists, and I'm seeing the same fucking mixtapes over and over again. That doesn't sit well with me.What about all the artists, and more importantly, mixtapes that flew under the radar? What about the mixtapes without the huge promotion and big name features? What about those mixtapes you DIDN'T hear? Those questions end as we enter the new year. Dear Whoever is listing it's top 10 underrated mixtapes, as well as the #dopetracks (my Twitter fam knows I love that hashtag). We'll cross two names off the list every two days, and end next week with the most underrated mixtape of the year. Check out who chimed in at numbers 10 and 9, and keep it locked to Dear Whoever for numbers 8 through 1...

10. Trey Songz - Anticipation


Trey Songz - Anticipation

It Would Be You
Does She Know
You Belong to Me

If you like R&B, this is the essential mixtape of the year. In a work that I think superseded the album that came after it, Trey laced very minimal and some acoustic beats with his usual silky smooth vocals. The mixtape was nearly flawless. All of the tracks are what some people like to call 'panty-droppas'. Trey really outdid himself with this one, and made me a fan...

9. Rockie Fresh - Rockie's Modern Life


Rockie Fresh - Rockie's Modern Life

New Chapter
Rockie Go Get Um
Rockie Fresh
Fire Bed

You know a mixtape is fire, when it came out two days ago and I'm posting it as one of the most underrated of the year. Rockie Fresh from Chicago is a punchline king, and you probably don't know that yet. Download this mixtape NOW. I'm serious. He definitely has room to grow as an artist, but already has 95% of rap beat in terms of lyricism, which is not a light statement at all. Rockie is going to be someone to watch in 2010. Don't say I didn't tell you...

Dear Married Athletes

RIP Chris Henry.. He died in vain..

Next year would be the best time to renew your vows, buy flowers and candy, and take your wife out for every conceivable holiday under the sun. I'm serious. This morning, we received word that Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chris Henry died from a serious accident after a domestic dispute with his fiancee. Apparently, the five year player out of West Virginia hopped into the back of his pickup truck as his fiance drove away. About a mile down the road, Henry was found with life-threatening injuries.

Now, I won't make any assumptions as to the nature of the incident, or how or why it came about, but as soon as I heard the word 'domestic', it rung the bell of all bells. Whether it's Tiger Woods' whole situation, the Gilbert Arenas and Shaq saga, or Terrell Suggs pouring bleach on his wife, athletes seem to always be at odds with their women (sad that all of them are black). Athletes, some of you get married or engaged under the wrong pretenses. Whether you just got drafted, won a championship, got a new contract or whatever, it always seems like you guys go for broke with love at the wrong times. A lot of the time, I think your elopement is more out of circumstance than it is love. Perhaps children are involved, or the joy of success in professional sports puts a rosy blinder over the truth: YOU MIGHT NOT BE AS IN LOVE AS YOU THINK.

Seriously, guys. How many more Media Takeout and TMZ stories have to be released before you get the picture? Relationships (including marriage) take more than love. They take commitment, sacrifice and understanding, much like the sports that you play. If you don't have any or all of those working in your relationship, chances are that person is not right for you (or maybe not at that time). Whatever the case, Chris Henry clearly died in vain. He ran out of his house looking to clear his relationship up or to settle a dispute and ended up losing his life. Not to say that every argument in your household will end in fatality, but you get what I'm saying.

Why do you think the most successful athletes are NOT married?? Or better yet, why does their success preclude their marriage?? It's because as an athlete, you're so used to putting all of your effort into your trade (or I hope so), that at the end of the day, there really might not be anything left to put into a relationship. Kids might make the relationship more tame, but they still can't sweep inherent problems with the relationship under the rug. Athletes, get your situation squared away before you commit to someone else, especially if your maturity off the field pales in comparison to that on the field. Having an unstable partner behind you is worse than not having anyone behind you. I'm sure Tiger's plight spells it out perfectly for you...

Iron Man 2

Somehow, someway, I WILL see this movie in IMAX. Anything less would be shortchanging the movie. In addition to adding Don Cheadle to the cast to replace Terrence Howard as War Machine (worst decision EVER), the directors put on Mickey Rourke as Whiplash. From the trailer, this looks like it's going to be another maelstrom of special effects, great storyline and, of course, Robert Downey Jr. Downey did a great job portraying the embattled Tony Starks, bringing his own wit to the character, and I expect more of the same. Iron Man 2 comes out in May. My inner 7-year-old is lining up as we speak...

Rocket Launchers Mounted on a Motorcycle??

Beyond Mad Max Halloween costumes and new episodes of Jackass, I can't think of any conceivable civilian use for this. That said, you have to admit the idea is dope, even if the ammunition is just bottle rockets. Where and why you would ever use a motorcycle with rocket launchers is beyond me. I suppose when you like weapons and motor vehicles, the next step is to meld the two. Then again, I think the only place where one can get away with this legally is the military. Homeboy who made this clearly didn't get the memo, and now has something that GI Joes and 7-year-old boys all over the world dream about...

Office X-Mas Party Gone Terribly Wrong

Everyone has THAT friend (or co-worker in this case). You know. The one who can't hold their liquor and suddenly becomes the love child of Rush Limbaugh and Kurt Cobain; inebriated and outspoken. This video is like a public service announcement to those people, as well as the friends who let them dip a little too far into the deep end of the liquor pool. This holidays, don't let a few too many drinks on Christmas Eve turn into a CRAPPY New Year. Be safe, friends...