Everic White

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Neighborhood Newsletter (8/30)

Justin Bieber x Kanye West x Raekwon - Runaway Love (Remix)


Justin Bieber x Kanye West x Raekwon - Runaway Love (Remix)

Say what you will about Justin Bieber's place in pop music and his diabolically squeaky-clean image, the young man knows his hip-hop, evidenced by interviews and numerous cosigns. Plus, the young man sounds like a damn cherub. Add his charms, a verse from Rae and Ye, and an interpolation of the Wu classic 'Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nothing to F*ck With', and you have one hell of a crossover hit. Kanye was always a Bieber fan, but the Raekwon cosign was a pleasant surprise. It's refreshing to see that musicians aren't above accepting other types of music or other musicians, regardless of genre. To all of you 'hip-hop' purists saying Rae is selling out by adding Bieber, please go fall into a woodchipper. It's sad that people can't show flexibility without stans getting their panties in a bunch about 'real hip-hop'. Take the chewsticks out of your butt, turn off your Atmosphere album, and figure out why you're mad, while the rest of the world rocks out to this trill Justin Bieber chorus...

Dear Warmongers


via Newser:
A $40 million prison sits in the desert north of Baghdad, empty. A $165 million children's hospital goes unused in the south. A $100 million waste water treatment system in Fallujah has cost three times more than projected, yet sewage still runs through the streets

As the U.S. draws down in Iraq, it is leaving behind hundreds of abandoned or incomplete projects. More than $5 billion in American taxpayer funds has been wasted _ more than 10 percent of the some $50 billion the U.S. has spent on reconstruction in Iraq, according to audits from a U.S. watchdog agency.

That amount is likely an underestimate, based on an analysis of more than 300 reports by auditors with the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction. And it does not take into account security costs, which have run almost 17 percent for some projects.

It's one thing to propose a controversial plan, have the plan not work, and then admit that the plan was a failure and did more collateral damage than you though. It's a completely different thing to propose a controversial plan, have it fail, then deny the problem and try to keep going the same way. Therein lies your plight, oh ye in support of the military proceedings in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now that the last of the troops are being withdrawn from Iraq, it is quite evident that a hell of a lot of money has been wasted since we started this war, and that most of it has gone into structures with no infrastructure behind them. In war you guys decided rather than focus on combat, to build hospitals, schools and public works projects. Over $5 billion worth of materials, manpower and planning went into projects that weren't even finished.

My real problem with this egregious waste is that the same people who were clamoring for war and revenge on terrorism (how can you plot revenge on an idea?) are the same people getting salty at the government for too much spending. Hey idiots, the last time I checked our country still has some serious infrastructure and administrative problems too. Not to mention, we're STILL up to our nostrils in debt from a financial collapse that your irresponsible war spending caused. Warmongers, you can't have it both ways. You can't waste our money abroad on a war that really had no point and then get mad that we're in a huge recession. And that's especially when you guys want to curb spending on the homefront. So you can do what? Start another war? Look, the whole 'war driving the economy' got played out after World War II and after we started outsourcing all of our industries. So if it's not driving our economy, but in fact sucking money out of our wallets, with few if any viable victories, why are we still at war? I'm not saying that the initiatives in place were bad ideas. I just think that for all of the hoopla about the war, there's finally substantive proof that the US initiative in Iraq was more or less the military running around the desert with their thumbs up their butts. Warmongers, it's not enough to have a good idea for something. You've got to be able to see it through, while being efficient and realistic. You can't half-ass something and be content with the drastic losses you incur simply because you don't want to be wrong. That's flawed reasoning at it's core. I'm not sure most of you will even have the wherewithal to see this report and realize your folly. Then again, most of you don't see a lot of stuff coming. *starts building nuclear fallout shelter for imminent war with China*

Kanye West - Monster (ft. Jay-Z, Rick Ross, Bon Iver & Nicki Minaj)


Kanye West - Monster (ft. Jay-Z, Rick Ross, Bon Iver & Nicki Minaj)

I couldn't let the day pass before I posted this. As brief as this post might be, just know that words can't describe the heat rocks coming from this track, slated to be on the album Kanye tweeted about earlier today. He and Jay are apparently working on a five-track album entitled, 'Watch The Throne'. They brought Nicki Minaj along, and she DESTROYED her verse flow-wise, while Bon Iver sang an eerie chant at both the beginning and end. Rawse was a nice person to start rapping after that, but it was best that he got out of the way and let the heavyweights do the heavy lifting. And the beat, of course done by Yeezy, is impossible to not knock to. In fact, If this doesn't make you bop, please check your pulse. Keep on the lookout for more news for 'Watch the Throne', and enjoy the track!!!

Ye tweeted:

Freestyle Friday (8/27)

Hey, what's up people? It's Friday, so we've got freestyles, albeit a little late in the day. I'll keep it quick. The first cypher is by Ab-Liva and the Clipse on Shade 45. Let me tell you this: Pusha's verse (please tell me you know the difference between the two) is PIFF. I honestly don't know of any rappers in the game who can do coke raps like the Thornton brothers. The second freestyle is a relative newcomer, who I really don't have a lot of info on. Omen hails from Dreamville Records, the imprint of one of my favorites, J. Cole. He doesn't disappoint his flag in this freestyle to Jigga's 'Dear Summer'. Who knew Fayettenam was holding heaters like this? Check out both freestyles and keep it locked to Dear Whoever...

Neighborhood Newsletter (8/27)

Illecism - A Love > All The Trees (prod. Nicatyne)


Illecism - A Love > All The Trees (prod. Nicatyne)
Queen, as exhausted as I seem, I could stay up all night just to hear you talk about your dreams...
Yeah, summer is almost over... School bells are getting warmed up (I've been in school mode all summer), Staples is running more ads than BP, and everyone is looking forward to some good old-fashioned tax-free shopping. That doesn't mean heads can't enjoy the last few weeks of summer sun and a special someone to go along with them. That's why this track from Illecism is so raw. The beat is breezy, light and melodic, with Illecism going off about summer love in all its glory. Illy recently dropped this track on his new EP 'The Sun Don't Chill', which can be bought here for a contribution of $5. Honestly, if you just want something to ride to or relax to, look no further. And with more music on the horizon, I honestly don't know why Illecism wouldn't be on your radars, people. Enjoy the track...

Dear Reverse Sexists

So, because I don't look, dress or act like this, I'm emasculated... -____-

via The Bulletin:
Despite what feminists might argue, real men don’t wear skinny jeans. Real men also don’t wear V-neck tees, or accessorized scarves, and they avoid purple and pink like the plague. The mere idea of a pedicure or waxing makes a real man nauseous. If a woman hangs out with this kind of girly-man routinely, it’s only because she wants to share his wardrobe and his non-fat caramel macchiato. A woman can’t imagine a man reloading his double barrel shotgun or chopping wood when he’s donned in Donna Karan and drinking an Appletini. Men were meant to wear rugged Wranglers, leather jackets and boots, like they belong in a James Dean movie and not an episode of “Will & Grace.”

When did men in America go from being masculine steak-eating, plaid shirt wearing, Old Spice smelling, cigar smoking cowboys who like football, hunting, and Clint Eastwood movies to skinny jean wearing, satchel carrying, pierced ear metrosexuals who like chick flicks, “The View,” and Bath & Bodyworks? The American man is an endangered species due in large part to the over-feminization of society. Not surprisingly, the arrow of blame points towards the feminists who have transformed our schools into gender neutral zones of indoctrination. Early on, boys’ innate masculinity is suppressed by banning competitive, rough games like dodge ball and tag on the playground, having co-ed teams, not keeping score in soccer games, and rewarding passive, demure behavior.

Boys learn to subdue their more spirited, intrepid behavior in elementary and middle school, their male instincts of competition and individualism quashed in the interest of what’s best for girls as they walk like lemmings over the edge of the radical feminist cliff by the time they reach high school. Because of the feminist movement, boys aren’t allowed to be boys - society has fenced them in, corralled their adventurous enthusiasm in the name of sexual equality. The end product is pantywaist pushovers who will cry during “Steel Magnolias” and urinate sitting down. This is bad news for America, who will eventually have to reap what the feminists have sown, which will be a paucity of male leaders, entrepreneurs, scientists and heroes.

DISCLAIMER: Please do NOT take this letter regarding the wild ruminations of some wacko beat writer as my disdain for women altogether. At the same time, realize that not all of this applies to any one person, group or gender. As a society, we don't really treat the opposite sex as equally as we should, on both sides of the picture. What ends up happening is that people have to assume roles within their sex in order to feel secure in their sex, which leads to many of the misconceptions and misunderstandings between males and females. This letter is about women who feel the need to tell a man to 'man up', forgetting that they don't even know what it feels like to be a man...

One of the things I see a lot of, especially during trending topic hailstorms, is people airing out their grievances against the opposite sex. People gripe about every possible relationship problem they could ever have, and make known their ideas about what their relationships entail. The one that bothers me the most though, is the argument that men should 'man up'. Man up? What does that even mean in a literal sense? Absolutely nothing. When women say it to men condescendingly, such as the writer above, I have to ask you, do men tell you to 'woman up'? Throughout history, the plight of feminism was to gain equal standing for women and loosen their traditional role in society. Today, though there are many pitfalls to this goal of equality, huge strides have been taken by women. That said, what happens when the roles of men are generalized by women? We can't really speak out on that, can we?

I mean, when is the last time you've seen a "men's support group", helping men feel more secure about themselves or less constricted by gender roles? I can't think of any time. The truth is, masculinity is one of the most rigid structures in society. There's no room for movement. If a man doesn't fit that traditional role of a 'man's man', chopping wood, playing football, eating steaks and breaking women's hearts, he gets labeled as a p*ssy or a b*tch or whatever derogatory term is the letter of the day. But that's not the point of this post. Women telling a man to 'man up' is sooooo much worse than a man doing it. After reading Ms. Givalry's post, I have to ask you emasculating women, have you ever been a man? Do you know what it physically (never mind emotionally) means to be a man? How can a woman try to put a stereotypical gender role on a man, when she's trying to break free of one?

See, I don't get the 'men can't show emotion' and 'men can't be interested in their appearance' arguments. First of all, show me any woman who would go out with a man who didn't look relatively put together? I'm not saying he has to be fresh out of a spread in GQ, but ladies, could you see yourself dating the spawn of Oscar the Grouch and the kid from the Peanuts with the cloud of dust around him? Second of all, why is the spectrum of emotions for men limited to anger, happiness and sexual desire? Can a ninja be sad or upset for once?? For a man to open himself up to you, and be willing to share his feelings beyond those rudimentary ones is a big step for most of our kind. Downplaying it as him not being 'man enough' is about as small-minded as it can get. It's as if you get all of your ideologies about men from watching 'The Expendables' (great movie, by the way). How can YOU as a woman toss ME as a man toss me your copy of 'The Man Laws' and expect me to take you seriously? In today's world gender roles should be able to bend both ways, not just in women's favor. It stands as a testament to feminism, in a universal sense, where no one is restricted to what society deems worthy of manly or womanly. I guess my point is this ladies: If you want to sit around and talk about how men should 'man up', then you can never be upset when a man questions your feminine charms. You'd be erasing all that false power you'd built up in your head under the guise of feminism, and probably not feeling too pretty afterwards. Support the men in your life as they are, not as you think they should be...

Joshua Bennett - Don't Let Me Go (ft. AmJay)


Joshua Bennett - Don't Let Me Go (ft. AmJay)

How many guys can honestly admit to nodding their head to a 'track for the ladies'? *looks at watch* Not too many of the XY crowd have the emotional capacity to say what they're feeling to the women in their life, sans mothers. Men, for some reason (and especially in rap), tend to make love songs without a lot of romance in them. None of the sweet nothings, minute observations, or rosy perspectives tend to show up on a track like 'Thuggin Love' or 'Come With Me, Hoe'. That's why I'm proud to see the homie Joshua Bennett rocking out on a track dedicated to the beautiful ladies out there, featuring songstress AmJay. While all of us might not be blessed to have one in our lives, those fellows that do should appreciate the track too. From what I've heard so far Mr. Bennett's upcoming mixtape is heat rocks covered in dope sauce. Make sure to keep it locked to Dear Whoever for more previews...

Dear Team USA

There was the Dream Team in 1992. Then there was the No Self-Esteem Team in 2004. Then there was the Redeem Team in 2008. Now in 2010, we've got the Dreaming to Dream Team representing the United States in the World Basketball Championship. I call you guys that because right now, all you can do is dream about achieving the same success of some of the other mega-teams that the US has assembled for FIBA competition.

First of all, all of the top-tier players who should be playing in the FIBAs are out either with injury or lack of testicular fortitude. That first reason can be excused, I guess, but the second one is a bunch of pollycock, especially for those of you players who really haven't proved anything yet. From Kobe Bryant to Chris Paul to LeBron to D-Wade, none of the players who made USA Basketball dominant in the Olympics are playing. Dwight Howard p*ssied out for lord knows what reason, while LaMarcus Aldridge, A'Mare and the Lopez twins are all trying to preserve their bodies, leaving the squad with Tyson Chandler as the lone center on the squad. I don't know about you guys, but Tyson couldn't put the ball in the basket if it was already halfway down. Sure he's a good defender, but not much else. The big man in international basketball is used more as an offensive weapon away from the basket, so Tyson renders himself useless on defense, having to guard 7 footers with jump shots and handles. That doesn't bode well for a victorious campaign...

Second of all, the only truly unstoppable player on the squad is Kevin Durant. KD 35 has been the only consistent and aggressive player in the few exhibitions that you have played. He's had to take a lot of shots, while averaging a lot of rebounds, and having to defend post players because of his height. Don't you guys think he needs a companion? You know... Someone who might be able to take the load off the man? If it weren't for Durant blocking shots like he's 7 feet, you guys would've suffered an embarrassing loss to Spain after leading by a bunch after 3 quarters. Durant will have the 2006 Kobe Bryant Syndrome if you guys continue this way. Either he's going to have to go off and make people look retarded on the court, or you guys face losing. The only other players I see on the current roster that could turn it on when the game is on the line are probably Stephen Curry and Rudy Gay... And that's being generous, especially for Rudy. The fact of the matter is, that there are too many 'good' players and not enough 'great' players. I'm sure you can attribute that to youth, as the oldest player is Billups at 33, but international basketball isn't about potential or athleticism... It's about consistency and experience, as Team USA proved in 2004 and 2006.

By no means, am I saying that you guys won't be able to bring home the FIBA World Championship. In fact, you guys are still the odds-on favorites. That doesn't mean Team USA doesn't have any weaknesses. Along with lacking inside presence, perimeter defense is a huge concern, evidenced by how easily Spain was able to get into the paint. Also, besides Steph Curry, there aren't any shooters on this squad. You guys will be the most athletic team on the court 9/10 times, but will be brought down by lack of skill and knowledge. Basketball is a world sport now, and the world has adapted to what we were deficient at. That not only will make the road for you guys a lot tougher, but it should make for some damn good basketball. It's hard to be mad at that, even if Team USA does end up going home early. Whatever the case, I wish you guys the best of luck. Maybe Redeem Team won't have to be reassembled for the US to stay at the top...

Skewby - The Rambling


Skewby - The Rambling

Skewby isn't a stranger to Dear Whoever... He first proved us wrong in 'Proving You Wrong Since 1988', and has been slowly getting up his buzz on the interwebs. Right now, he's working on a new album and performing, but that doesn't mean he can't bless us with a loosie to keep our ears satisfied. 'The Rambling' is Skewby's response to his newfound level of fame, and judging from the track, he seems to be adjusting just fine. The Memphis, Tennessee native has a charisma on wax that I can't put my finger on, but am still drawn to. On the track, he says he's not even rapping anymore, but rambling. If this was a ramble, then his actual album cuts should be pifftastic. Check out the track and keep your eyes open for more from Skewby...

Kardi - Badd


Kardi - Badd

The whole 'artist who produces' stee-lo is a mixed bag. You've got some guys who produce, just because they can't spit over anyone else's beats. You've got rappers who can't afford good production, and do it themselves. Then you've got guys who are supremely talented at both, but choose to put their talents more into the words than the music. Kardi isn't Just Blaze out here, but fiddles with the Pro-Tools, drum machines and samplers just enough to make your head knock. 'Badd' is the 2nd single off his 2nd mixtape, 'The Valedictorian'. Boasting a sample from The Dream's 'I Luv Yo Girl', the private school hater spins a nice story about finding a fling on 233 and White Plains Road (BX!! BLOOP BLOOP!!!), then realizing everything isn't all its cracked up to be. Nothing wrong with being young and in love, but all of us can recount a young lady who's womanly charms outweighed her importance in our lives. If you're not nodding your head to the surprisingly masterful beat (I found myself wanting to jerk), then Kardi's flow should have your ears at attention. Check the single out and keep your eyes open for 'The Valedictorian'...

Neighborhood Newsletter (8/24)

The Census: The Unwritten Rules of Texting

#shoutout to Mashable for the interviews in Union Square...

We all text. Don't deny it. Since the advent of the smartphone (ie: Blackberries, Palms, iPhones, etc.) a few years back, texting has become almost ubiquitous. My mother texts me now (can't get my pops into it) and I don't think it's weird. Hell, I'm texting someone right now as I write this post. People have become so used to texting that phone conversation has taken somewhat of a backburner to rapid-fire fingers and day-long texting conversations. With such a reliance on the relatively new technology (the first text was send in December 1992), it stands to ask what the normal etiquette for texting is. The fact of the matter is, that with every type of communication comes a set of do's and don'ts that informally govern that communication's use. For the traditional house phone, I know if you called my home after 9 (and weren't an immediate family member, or in grave danger) you would be getting an earful. When it comes to e-mail, you generally want to be professional with people you don't know and can loosen up with friends. Communication and its different modes bring up entirely new issues than just the inception of them. So, this week the census question is, what are your unwritten rules for text messaging? Are there certain things that can be done with texting and others that you wouldn't touch with a text? What would turn you off from texting someone? As with the Census, all you guys gotta do is comment below and let the discussion begin!!

Mikey Rocks - Foreign Features

The Cool Kids have been one of my favorite groups over the past few years simply because they reek of nonchalance and apathy for the direction of the game. Rather than tailor their quirky rap styles to what's going on, Mikey Rocks and Chuck Inglish swerved into their own lane. Now that the two have become successful as a group, it would only make sense that they branched out on their own. Mikey Rocks has taken that calling and ran with it. This video is the visual for the Tye Hill and The Produktionix-produced Foreign Features. The beat is a little much at first, but when you hear Mikey rhyme, you get where it's going. Mikey definitely has an ill flow and an abundance of charisma on the mic. Whether he can parlay that into a solo career or just be content to kick it with Chuck, we shall see. What I do know, though, is that talent has a way of finding its way out. Keep it locked for more releases from Sir Michael Rocks...

Dear Republican National Committee

Well, I guess you can cross at least one of the ones on the left off...

via Politico:
The Republican National Committee has just over $5 million in the bank for the final stretch of the 2010 midterm election campaign, according to an unannounced filing with the FEC disclosed Friday night.

The report also indicates that the national party headed by embattled chairman Michael Steele is carrying just over $2 million in debt.

There was no press release from the RNC attempting to put a positive spin on the grim numbers. Rather, officials from the Democratic National Committee flagged the RNC's report, which was posted on the Federal Election Commission’s website Friday night.

It indicated that the committee brought in slightly more than $5.5 million in July — less than half of what the DNC raised — while spending $11 million.

Wow, RNC... Just, wow. If you opened up your metaphorical wallet right now, what would come out? My guess is dust and a lot of receipts for humble pie. That's because you guys are broke. Point blank. As a party your net worth right now is just over $5 million. $5 million???? LeBron James and Kim Kardashian get paid more to tweet! 'The Situation' from Jersey Shore makes $5 million!! And you guys are saying your budget is so dry that you can't outbuy a steroid-pumped, fake-tanned reality star? C'Mon son. This is one of the many hypocrisies that plague the Republican party. You guys are so adamant about fiscal responsibility and cutting back spending, and keeping the government out of the economy. Yet, you can't even pay your own bills. How can the country trust a party that's less solvent than the country itself? How can you guys profess that the Dems are full of it economically, when they don't have to start rock on the corner to fund mid-term elections.

It's even funnier, because your party has been gaining some steam, with all of the snafus that the Dems have been encountering. The Tea Party has a healthy following of idiots and Sarah Palin is using feminism to tout her own brand of stupidity to a loyal following. If you guys had half an idea about how to handle money, maybe you'd be able to capitalize. Not that I'm upset your party can't balance a checkbook, but it just goes to show you that those who constantly talk the talk most likely can't walk the walk. It just sucks you guys might have to go to CashForGold.com to pay for a midterm election period. That's sad. Imagine if you guys had this opportunity during a Presidential election and couldn't foot the bill. I think America would just be forced to pull the plug on you, GOP. Whatever the case, keep on tossing out drivel and expecting the rich to back you, when you guys are two late fees away from the poorhouse. I think some menial labor and accommodations are just what you need. Then we'll really see what you think about jobless benefits and financial overhaul...

adidas x Kazuki | ZX Mocc

Peeped these at Culture Shoq...

I've always been a Nike head at heart, but with the dearth of re-releases, re-re-retroes and otherwise rehashing of Nike classics, it's getting hard to find sneakers and shoes that stand out. I guess it's only right that adidas come in where Nike left off. They've undergone somewhat of an overhaul in the lifestyle side of things (as opposed to the athletic style. One of those changes is the use of newer and less-athletic looking silhouettes on their sneakers. This particular piece is a collaboration between Japanese style house Kazuki and adi's brand. The ZX Mocc takes aspects of both the traditional adidas ZX and a Native American moccasin to create a unique kick that's neither casual nor too sporty. It's just right for any occasion with a black colorway, white accents around the shoe, and a trace of gold on the upper that makes for a hell of sneaker. The ZX Mocc is available only at David Z. down in SoHo, and has a hefty price tag, but for those of you looking for a different kick to rock, they might be well worth it. Check out some choice flicktures...





Neighborhood Newsletter (8/20)

Freestyle Friday (8/20)

What's up people? Friday equals freestyles. I'm not going to bore you with a bunch of chat today, because you guys already know the deal. Today we've got a newcomer posted up. Mac Miller is an 18 year old Rostrum Records signee, and travelled to Tony Touch's studio for his famous Toca Tuesdays freestyle series on Sirius Radio. Mac just released his mixtape K.I.D.S. (Kickin Incredibly Dope Sh*t), which I overlooked after hearing two tracks. This freestyle says different. He might very well get another listen now, because he shut down Toca Tuesday. The second cypher is from Joell Ortiz on Funk Flex's spot on Hot 97. I knew this was going to be a problem when Flex mentioned Five Guys Burgers, and Joell didn't disappoint, going 5 minutes straight about the state of the industry. If anyone from Slaughterhouse blows up, it needs to be Joell. He's been the most consistent and best member of the collective for the past year. It's only right he get some shine. With cyphers like this, he needs to be on your radar. The third one is by an oldie but goodie: Charles Hamilton. Chuck hasn't been well recently (mad rumors of his mental health declining and drug problems), but that didn't stop the Harlemite from dropping 27 (yes, 27!) minutes of off-the-top wizardry. You can't deny this man's aptitude for rapping. If he isn't considered one of the best youngsters in the game, I don't know who is. For all of the bad times surrounding Charles, he can go bar for bar with the best of them. I wish Charles all the best, because such a talented soul should be in his best faculties. Check out all three cyphers and keep it locked to Dear Whoever...

Kanye West - Power (Remix) (ft. Jay-Z & Swizz Beatz)


Kanye West - Power (Remix) (ft. Jay-Z & Swizz Beatz)

What does it take to really remix a song? Lately, it's just been a bunch of artists going off on the same beat. I guess that's why Kanye decided to rip a Swizz Beatz-produced interpolation of Snap's pop classic, The Power, along with bringing Jay along for a whack at the original version. The result is one heck of a remix. Ye reverts back to his slick-talking ways for a long verse, which hits you perfectly with the beat. I couldn't stop nodding my head. I'm sure you won't either. There's still no release date for 'The Album Formerly Known as Good Ass Job', but with gems like this, we can't be too upset with the man. Shouts to Miss Info for this one...