Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Hold on.. Let Me Tie My Sneakers

I consider myself to be a basketball purist, meaning that everything is fair game. That's why when I see things like this, I understand why most people don't watch basketball. Since when has it been a mark of professional respect on the hardwood to allow a player to adjust his equipment DURING play?? There's a reason for timeouts, Jarrett Jack. And to the Chicago Bulls 'defending' him, I have to laugh at you. No wonder you guys are 7-11 and got beat by 32 by the same person smirking after tying his sneakers. I guess professional courtesy is worth a lot more than wins in the NBA, at least for the Bulls...

Air Jordan 25th 'Silver' Anniversary


As if Jordan Brand didn't have enough to celebrate in the last year (sarcasm), they decided to make another reason for idiots to stand in the cold. They've more or less just re-re-retroed every sneaker in the Air Jordan series, with a white/metallic silver colorway. Of course some of them look dope (V's, VI's and XI's; the usual suspects) but none of them will ever hearken back to their OG forefathers. If you have the money, then as a collection, it might be a good investment. For the rest of us, it's just another window-shopping visit to Flight Club. There's no word as to a release date for any of these, so keep your eyes peeled for another preview...





The Mailing List: December 2009 (#5)

5. Avatar

Good. GOD. This looks like a maelstrom of visual ecstasy. When I went to go see 2012 a few weeks ago. My eyes were blessed with a preview of epic proportions in the James Cameron film, Avatar. When I first heard of this movie, I thought they were talking about the anime cartoon on Nickelodeon. Boy was I mistaken. This Avatar is based around the existence of some amazing substance growing on a foreign planet that we humans (gasp) want to take by force. That's all I'm going to give you for a blog post. Keep it locked to Dear Whoever, and be on the lookout for Avatar, which comes out in theaters nationwide on December 16th...

Freestyle Friday (12/4)

It's Friday and that means freestyles. Let's cut to the chase. Today we're featuring somebody you should have your eye on, Shawn Chrystopher. The man has been relegated to hipster rap, but has so much more to offer than that. He drops by Crack Distributors Radio and rips the 'Popular Demand' beat in half. The second one is from none other than Joell Ortiz. He stopped at Tony Touch's radio show to drop some bars off (non-edited of course). Treat your ears to some hip-hop and keep it locked to Dear Whoever...

The Hundreds DeLorean


I usually don't like these 'lifestyle' collaborations because they're usually corny and don't really show any creativity (coughcoughSUPREMEcoughcough). This, however is on another level of cool, when it comes to collabs. The Hundreds decided to bring back the DeLorean as a limited edition release. The cost will most definitely be outrageous, but for something this ill to push around town, price might not matter...



Neighborhood Newletter (12/3)

Dear New Jersey Nets

You know your season is fucked when Jason Kidd is blocking Brook Lopez..

Mediocrity has never been so talented. It's a shame that the tri-state area has to deal with two bummy teams, much less one that hasn't won a game since last season. Instead of make fun of you guys, I'll tell you what you need to to win some games. First of all, get Trenton Hassell out of the game. No, seriously. Think about that sentence. Why is Trenton Hassell even in the game?? The man has never averaged over 10 points per game and is a chronic journeyman. The fact that he has been starting this season just shows how inept your franchise is. Put a real swingman in the game and stop trying to make a fort out of a molehill. Second of all, stop bullshitting yourselves into thinking that Yi Jianlian is anywhere near an NBA player. When he isn't riding the bench being a 7-foot insurance payment, he is busy getting bitched out in the post and taking stupid shots. He's been in the league for three years and has barely cracked 65 games each year, much less average a respectable PPG or RPG. Jianlian, if anything, needs to bring his ass back to China and get some good work in.

Thirdly, teach Devin Harris and Brook Lopez how to run the damn pick and roll. You have arguably, the quickest guard in the league, and a big man that my friends like to call Shaq Lopez, because he can simply be dominating. Put those two together with a Nash and Amare-esque pick and roll offense, and success is inevitable. Fourthly, since this season has basically been thrown away, you might as well give your young players some PT. Keep Chris Douglass-Roberts in the starting line-up because he's been playing well. Let Terrence Williams and Sean Williams start so that the young team as a unit can start coming together. Let Courtney Lee, Keyon Dooling and Jarvis Hayes come off the bench, and there you have a nice little 8-man rotation. It's simple as that Kiki. All you have to do is take advantage of your youth and hope that some cohesion comes out of this year. The losing streak WILL end. You just have to put yourself in the best position to end it and stop believing that you can tank this year. LeBron will most likely NOT come to New Jersey, so use what you have, stop acting like an inept franchise, and maybe this blight will pass...

PS: Kiki Vandeweghe, you are a punk for throwing that interim coach out there for the record-breaking loss. Take control of your team and do the dirty work necessary to turn the boat around. Lord knows you don't have anything else to lose...

Medieval Dentistry > Today's Dentistry

Everyone has a story about their teeth coming out. Whether it's apples catching them, the teeth getting knocked out by some freak accident, or the tooth just falling out, our teeth have creative ways of being excavated. This one just happens to be the most creative way I've ever seen. I know for a fact, that the speed-junkie, thrill-seeking, 7-year-old I was would have no problem with this method. Not only does it put the child at ease, but it's almost like a little game. Shame on whoever was saying that this was a 'hood' invention. I guarantee that whoever claimed that probably has the worst periodontal disease on the planet. Future parents, take notes...

Dear Tiger Woods


via TigerWoods.com:
I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart. I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves. I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family. Those feelings should be shared by us alone.

Although I am a well-known person and have made my career as a professional athlete, I have been dismayed to realize the full extent of what tabloid scrutiny really means. For the last week, my family and I have been hounded to expose intimate details of our personal lives. The stories in particular that physical violence played any role in the car accident were utterly false and malicious. Elin has always done more to support our family and shown more grace than anyone could possibly expect.

But no matter how intense curiosity about public figures can be, there is an important and deep principle at stake which is the right to some simple, human measure of privacy. I realize there are some who don't share my view on that. But for me, the virtue of privacy is one that must be protected in matters that are intimate and within one's own family. Personal sins should not require press releases and problems within a family shouldn't have to mean public confessions.

Whatever regrets I have about letting my family down have been shared with and felt by us alone. I have given this a lot of reflection and thought and I believe that there is a point at which I must stick to that principle even though it's difficult.

I will strive to be a better person and the husband and father that my family deserves. For all of those who have supported me over the years, I offer my profound apology.
Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, well spoken (or typed). For the longest time, you've been more than just an athlete. From the stance of a young African-American male, the situation you are in is like realizing that there is, indeed, such a thing as racial profiling. It's actually damn near heartbreaking. Tiger, you were the one black athlete that transcended every single stereotype placed on the collective backs of black athletes. Squeaky clean and wholesome from your explosion onto the golf scene, it was as if you were the Golden Child. You were Stanford graduate, the 'Great Black Hype' that would go above the golf world. And up until about two weeks ago, that status was pristine.

Enter the meddling eyes of the media and that image is gone, at some fault of your own and through the media. In this day and age, as a celebrity, you can't frolic outside of your marriage and expect to not be caught. There are cameras EVERYWHERE and people just waiting to make their big break as a result of your downfall. Make no mistake, the blame starts with you, and will end with you. However, at some point, we have to draw the line as to what is acceptable media. Your statement is correct in asserting that personal and family problems should never be at the forefront of the media. I know, for a fact, that if your name was Terrell Woods, this situation would have been nothing more than an episode of Cheaters. We would have probably seen a funny picture of a beat up man on Digg, had our laughs and kept it moving. Therein lies the problem: You are Tiger Woods.

When you step outside of your home, you are automatically at the hands, whims and scrutiny of the media, no matter how much you want to shield yourself. Part of me wonders how long you've kept up this image up in front of an unfaithful marriage, but I suppose that's moot at this point. You know in your heart that what happened was of your own volition, and the media just is playing the opportunist. Whether violence was a part of the situation is something we may never know, but the metaphorical scars have already been left on your career and image. That being said, you may never get back to that level of media trust, but your biggest weapon is the same one you were supposedly beat up with: the golf club. When you get your life straightened out, you better come back to the PGA with a vengeance. Just as they said Kobe Bryant was playing for his freedom when he was on trial, you will be too. Hit the links and make them remember WHY you were golf's poster child, rather than try to defend your personal decisions. We all know athletes cheat, but at the end of the day, if they are winning, what can the media really say??

Diggy Simmons - Point to Prove

Diggy Simmons - Point to Prove

I meant to post this from a while back. If you watched Run's House, you should have seen this coming. Diggy was always the most well-adjusted out of Rev Run's sons. He wasn't as spoiled as Russy or aloof to everything like JoJo. Anyways, he's decided to go the route of rap, and I must say that the track is pretty good. The man is actually nice. He has a nice flow and has a good vocabulary. Plus he's not spitting inane shit like JoJo. He's prepping a mixtape entitled 'The First Flight', to be released this Wednesday. Make sure you keep it locked to Dear Whoever to get it first...

Dear Birdman


Do I even have to say anything about this picture? You've literally turned your body into a canvas. Aside from having no sense, you've basically proven what we've all known for years: YOU CAN'T RAP. Pricele$$ (like seeing you at age 75) has sold 13,275 copies since it dropped last week, and I can't tell you how proud I am that 'Always Strapped' and 'Money to Blow' got you that many sales. My question is, who really bought the album? Whoever did probably thinks that tattoo was a good idea too..

Dear New England Patriots

Drew Brees made you look BAD

Oh how the mighty have fallen. If it's not blown play calls by the coach, it's ineffective offense and HORRIBLE defense. Drew Brees had a perfect 158.3 passer rating. That's incredible. People don't hit that stat unless they're playing Madden on Rookie. Plus Tom Brady got picked off twice and looked as beatable as any QB in the league. Can you really be mad though? The Saints are a runaway train, and probably have a better chance at running the table than you did.

Though this is a big deal, it's not like you couldn't see this coming. Your defense has been going down faster than FOX News ratings, since everyone that won the Super Bowl is, essentially gone. Asante Samuel is an Eagle and Richard Seymour is a Raider. Corey Dillon, Ty Law, and Troy Brown retired, and Rodney Harrison is on NBC. Hell, there are so many players we could name. It's hilarious that everyone still associates you guys with winning when your last 'ship was in 2004. Let's not even bring up 2007. I know you probably have seen this catch more times than you'd have liked to. Regardless, I know you see that even David Tyree isn't on the Giants anymore. Goes to show you how quick football fortunes turn sour...

Freestyle Friday (11/27)

Guys, sorry this post took so long. I've been busy all day, but you know what time it is. Freestyle Friday and I hope you guys left room from Turkey Day. The first one is from Wiz Khalifa and the second one is from Ludacris. Honestly, there's not much to say about either of these, than that they are FIRE. I know you heard the Turnt Up beat from the Lupe Fiasco mixtape and if you've been paying attention, Wiz Khalifa has become your favorite rapper's favorite rapper. Check these two joints out and keep it locked to Dear Whoever...

Dear Black Friday

No amount of savings should incite this...

It's really sad that I have to write a letter about an 'unofficial holiday', especially since the holiday is riddled in materialism and greed. Let's not even get into the fact that the term Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. You remember.. The day we were supposed to be THANKFUL for everything that we DO have. The irony there is priceless. But Black Friday, you really are like the crack pipe sitting outside of rehab, just waiting to lure us from our new (one day old) sense of thankfulness and appreciation.

You're pretty much a corporate creation, too. Since the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade started in 1924, the day after Turkey Day has always been considered the official start to the Christmas (or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or whatever) season. It's only in 1960, at the rise of advertising (watch Mad Men, people), that companies were trying to bring their sales up for the Holidays, and coined the term 'Black Friday'. They lowered prices, had special promotions and 'midnight doorbusters' to drive people into thinking that they were gaining something out of spending their money. And look what that turned into.

People getting trampled at Walmart?? Plummeting credit scores?? Increased traffic and accidents?? And the best part of all, big companies raking in the cash because heads are too jaded to see how silly it is. You see, the whole idea of Black Friday wouldn't really be that bad if the result wasn't so ridiculous. Why rush into Walmart at 5 AM to save $300 on a TV, when the TV is going to be cheaper 6 months later? Why buy that new blouse at 50% off, when after the 'festivities' you won't be able to fit it anymore? Black Friday, you destroy our wallets for instant gratification. You make people forget that they don't need 'things' to be happy. Like I said, it's unbelievably ironic that Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving...

LA Gears Return


If you didn't have a pair of LA Gears as a child, I pity you. These made it cool to just run around the in the dark, playing tag. At the same time, no matter how you tried to hit the bottoms with your hands, you couldn't get them to light up. It's things like these that I hope to carry into my adulthood, and now you can too. They come out on December 12th, and along with the original colorway, they have a few colors that are only for acquired tastes. Check the 2009 version of the LA Gear...







Lupe Fiasco - Enemy of the State: A Love Story


Lupe Fiasco - Enemy of the State: A Love Affair

Honestly, I was feeling some type of way about Lupe a few months ago. Dude had released a song for the New Moon soundtrack, resulting in a resounding 'Huh?' on my part. I thought the man had gone mad. I thought the Lupe I'd lost amid weird wardrobe decisions and an utter disappearance on his part, was ACTUALLY gone. He looked ready to retire, but as you can see, that's not the case. Lupe is back, and he is simply the best. Metaphors. CHECK. Punchlines. CHECK. Flow. CHECK. Lyrics. CHECK. I cannot put it more simply. Get this mixtape. I'm not even putting any videos or loosies or even my picks for this 'Enemy of the State' (just the tracklist and . There are no weak songs. The mixtape is perfect and again, Lupe is back. Download now.

1 Intro
2 The National Anthem (Radiohead)
3 Turnt Up (Travis Porter)
4 Fireman (Yoga Flame) (Lil Wayne)
5 L.A.S.E.R.S. Manifesto Interlude
6 Angels (rmx) (Dirty Money)
7 So Ghetto (Jay-Z)
8 Say Something (Timabaland)
9 Thank You (Jay-Z)
10 The One (Slaughterhouse)
11 Popular Demand (Clipse)

Dear Republican Party

PREFACE: If you are Conservative, please take a chill pill and this article with a grain of salt. You know some of this stuff is true...

Wow is all I can say Grand Old Party. Wow. To me, this is hilarious. To you, however this should be a serious sign. Sarah Palin was the hand-chosen Vice Presidential candidate for your party, and was even getting consideration for running for the Presidency next year. Her presence was a serious force in the race and even looked like it would change the election, because of her sheer number of supporters. And (gut-busting laughter) these are the supporters who thought Palin would turn America around?

Good lord! If it weren't on Youtube, I'd swear these people were from 1979, not 2009. This just goes to show that the conservative movement, and most notably the Republican Party, are backed by some pretty ass-backwards people. No wonder Bush can't say 'nuclear' correctly and Dick Cheney can't hold on to his gun. The people supporting the former regime of this country are just as uninformed and ignorant as the people who were running it. GOP, it's one thing for a supporter to not be informed on all of the issues, but to not know why you support someone is detestable. Following a cloud of ideology blindly just because you're too lazy to learn is plain, unpatriotic. For a party that prides itself on tradition, I think the founding fathers that you quote so often would give you the side-eye.

To those Republicans at Palin's book signing, she is an idol, a celebrity, not a politician. I pray that you realize how foolish you look. Lord knows the country doesn't need a population full of half idiots...

Sesame Street vs. Bill O'Reilly

Just when I thought Sesame Street couldn't be cooler, it became the coolest show ever. My hatred of Bill O'Reilly is no secret, but I could suspend my vendetta to check out Sesame Street more or less make fun of TV shows much like his. Even better, was that they called their news station POX News. Spill O'Reilly sounds pretty conservative if I do say so myself. I can't say I agree with subconscious liberal messages, but when they're leaning liberal and still educating kids, can you really complain??

The Mailing List: November 2009 (#3)

3. Thanksgiving

Ahh, if only political cartoonists ran the world...

Thanksgiving. Turkey Day. Everybody knows and loves it. Who can resist a mouthwatering helping of turkey, gravy, stuffing, biscuits, ham or whatever other fauna line your table on the third Thursday in December? I know I can't. But Thanksgiving is so much more profound than what we give it. For one, it was one of the first peaceful contacts between the Native Americans and the 'Pilgrims'. While we can wax philosophical about the happenings, we all know what happened in the end. Native Americans ended up in reservations and casinos and the rest is history. If you can't understand that significance, then off yourself.

We give thanks for every inane pleasure we take in life, not understanding that the foundation of our country is built on bloodshed. Whether the blood of Native Americans, slaves, Brits, Mexicans or whoever, America has more blood on it's hands than Tom Hanks in Castaway when he found Wilson. But it's always going to be cool as long as we have our stuffing and our football. Friends, while you're stuffing your piehole today, remember to give thanks for your sovereignty and your ability to make choices for yourselves. Remember that every Thanksgiving after the first one, the Pilgrims were thanking God for a freshly scalped Injun, not the bountiful harvest that those Injuns had bestowed upon the Pilgrims years before. Remember that life is more precious than gold, and that we should be thankful for it every day, not just Thanksgiving. That's not some 3rd grade paper (I actually did write that paper), that's some real shit.

For everything you have, for everything you don't have to deal with, all the BS and drama you've gotten through, everything you COULD have, and all the potential you have (everyone has it, nearly no one uses all of it), you should be thankful. So today, as @akzionz would say, 'give thanks'...