Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Child Rebel Soldier - Don't Stop!


Child Rebel Soldier - Don't Stop!

In 2007, Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco and Pharrell recorded a song called US Placers, under the group name Child Rebel Soldier, which set the internets ablaze. The beat, by Skateboard P was a minimalist piano and snare-laced instrumental where the three waxed philosophical about the ills of their combined riches, dropping rhymes like dimes (10 e-points to whoever knows that reference). Now its 2010, and up until yesterday that was the group's only known recording, and a project standing in the Detox-mold, maybe never to be released. Lo and behold, Kanye has not left the CRS faithful down in his GOOD Friday series, dropping a track with one of the funkiest beats I've laid ears on in a while. Reminiscent of mambo and salsa music, Don't Stop features CRS going, as we say, dumb. P actually raps again, and he sounds refreshed from not having spit a bar on wax in a while. Lupe (the best verse in my opinion) then jumped on, riding the beat and fitting more words and wordplay in one line than a lot of songs. Ye gets the beat switch-up and does it justice with a few hilarious punchlines. All in all, I'm trying to hide my excitement for this project (apparently, you can't like something without being a d*ckrider), but this track is great. Check it out and enjoy a GOOD Saturday...

Freestyle Friday (10/8)

Hey people, Friday on Dear Whoever is synonymous with FREESTYLES, so here we go. This week I've got Iron Solomon in the studio with Tony Touch on Toca Tuesdays going crazy with the punchlines. He had Tony laughing for half of the verse and seemed at home in front of the mic and camera, unlike a lot of battle rappers turnt regular rappers. The second freestyle is by Al-Quaeda Jada and The Ghost, Styles P. The two D-Block constituents tried their hands at Kanye's 'So Appalled' with explosive results. How these two aren't in 'Top (insert number here) in Hip-Hop' conversations is beyond me. Whatever the case, both ciphers are tough. Check them out and keep it locked to Dear Whoever...

Waiting for Superman

While I can never say that I'm uneducated, there were points in my life that I can look back on and say that the educational experience wasn't all it can be. And I'm sure a good amount of my peers can say the same thing, some to an extreme degree. That said, all we can hope for is that the system will improve for future generations. Also, we can aspire to create an environment where learning and not test scores are the goals. In 'Waiting for Superman', the educational system is put under the limelight as filmmaker Davis Guggenheim shows the moments leading up to a school lottery. In the struggle to attend the best schools in their cities, families are entered into a lottery for spots at a prestigious academy. That story is juxtaposed with an examination of how the United States' education system is failing and falling behind the rest of the world. Just speaking to kids younger than my generation, it's obvious that their educational prospects and overall academic intelligence is waning. Kids are being taught to be cogs in 'the system' rather than leaders and it's showing in all facets of American society. Why a movie has to be made to reveal these iniquities is beyond me, but I suppose whatever medium works, works. Check out the trailer, and GO SEE THE MOVIE! For every ticket, $15 will be donated to a school of your choosing. Seriously, people...

Rugz D. Bewler - Renaissance (prod. Ski Beatz)


Rugz D. Bewler - Renaissance (prod. Ski Beatz)

Fresh off a stint at Ski Beatz' '24 Hour Karate School', where he penned probably the most vicious cut, Super Bad Rugz is ready to take another stab at the solo grind. This time, Rugz D. Bewler has Ski on the boards again, and the result is nothing short of magic. I'm beginning to think that Ski Beatz is becoming a gold standard for cosigns. Everything the 'Uptown Saturday Night' and 'Reasonable Doubt' producer seems to touch these days is gold, and on Rugz' newest mixtape 'Save Bewler: The Memoirs of Muhammad Mc’Fly' the steelo is no different. Rugz claims himself to be the last of the 'Renaissance', which I take to be this new wave of rappers. If he is the last, he certainly is leaving a nice legacy. Bewler hops over a very earthy, jazzy beat with infectious rhymes and drops slick punchlines at the drop of every snare. While I won't say that Mr. Bewler is the end all be all, he certainly makes a case for the title he claims on the track. If the blog rapper is a dying species, then Rugz D. Bewler might very well be the fossil we all remember...

Nike Air Max 1 Premium (Crepe/Sail)


Fall is always such a weird time for footwear. The changing weather makes keeping your heaters clean a challenge that only the most dedicated of sneakerheads can fathom. While some turn to boots, loafers, mocs and the like, I prefer to stay with some sneakers. Clean colors and simple designs are the name of the game with this Air Max 1 Premium slated to drop this holiday. The sail colorway has a very light gray tint to it, with the upper made of premium leather with canvas accents, and topped off with a horse hair swoosh. The soles take after a traditional fall chukka with a crepe sole that provides a different look from the regular soles on Air Max 1's. The result is a sneaker that can brave the elements of the colder months as well as be a fresh look when Spring comes back around. Check out some closer pictures and be on the lookout for these when they drop come Christmas...




Dear Career Fairs

You see that line??? I'll be damned if I have to wait in line to talk to some blowhole from HR at a career fair...

Today, I went to a career fair; and not just any career fair... My school's career fair. If you know me, you know what school it is, but that doesn't particularly mean much aside from personal semantics. This career fair could have been at any school, any campus and any city. That said, this was my first career fair, and probably my last.

Career fairs, I never saw the point in you. For two hours, I get to stand and walk around, look at booths that companies looking to hire graduates and interns put up, in the hopes that one of these companies will spot my genius. Here's the problem with all of you career fairs, though: EVERYONE GOES TO THEM. It's beginning to feel like you career fairs aren't really there to help the students and the jobless as much as you are the companies that are hiring. Think about it. If a job or company is a fisherman, we students are the bait, and you (the career fair) are the water, then these jobs are making a killing. They're reeling in a bunch of prospects, 95% of whom won't ever be contacted or called back, while we students swim around in you, hoping to be noticed by the fisherman. It doesn't help that we're all told the same things when we go to you. Every year I see some 'Insider's Guide' given out by the school to instruct us on how to 'attack' you. They all say one, or a combination of these things:

1. Bring your resume.
2. Don't dress like you're going to a rave.
3. Smile.
4. Ask for business cards and promotional material.
5. Follow-up in a week.
6. Ask questions.
7. Give answers that don't make you sound halfway retarded.

That, by no means, is an exhaustive list, but for most career-minded people, those fall within the common sense realm of knowledge. Regardless, the fact that there is all of this general information being spewed, as well as a dire lack of actual employment (I say actual, because these companies can't hire every 20 people who send a resume) make you, in my eyes a waste of time. Job fairs, it's not that I'm not looking for a career when I graduate, it's just that I'd rather not be another fish in your sea.

The economic climate is one where jobs are at a premium, and are becoming more specialized and experience-based. No, I'm not certain I'll get a job right out of school, but it beats going to one of you again. If it takes all of the networking, resume-building, and handshakes in the world, you won't find me in you again, stocking up on free candy and frisbees, and kissing some schmuck from HR's rear end, while looking over my shoulder at the competition. You may sound promising, career fairs, but in the end, all you are is a huge opportunity to brown-nose. I think I'll pass...

FreeRider SkateCycle

Most extreme sports came about by people doing things they weren't supposed to do using vehicles that were not supposed to use. The skateboard was the result of placing roller skate wheels on a board, while the snowboard came about by placing that same board on a mountain. This new invention, however, takes the idea of the bicycle, and melds it with that of the skateboard for a unique riding experience. The FreeRider SkateCycle uses a hubless, two-wheel design and a flexible connector between the wheels to not only allow more maneuverability that the traditional skateboard, but a different motion to move. The rider swings his hips and feet, and the patented swinging motion propels the SkateCycle forward. While the idea is novel and interesting, I can't help but think about its safety. What happens when you need to bail while doing all of those seemingly easy tricks the gentleman was pulling off in the video? My guess is you'll end up on an episode of Scarred. But that's neither here nor there. I guarantee you'll be seeing one of the SkateCycles hitting your block by next summer...

Donald Duck x Right Wing Media

I guess the economic times have gotten so tough that even the cartoons can't make a buck out here. This video is a remix of dozens of Donald Duck and Walt Disney cartoons from the 1930s to 1960s. Donald's life starts down a slippery slope because of the current economic crisis, when he loses his job and starts falling behind on his mortgage. Donald sees all of the things going wrong and hears a friendly voice in Glenn Beck, who inundates the Quackster with the holy gospel of conservative politics. Later, Donald has some second thoughts as he tries to keep up with a not-so-friendly Glenn Beck. The video is a perfect example of how even cartoons have a sliver of politics in them. Donald was having financial trouble way before the housing bubble. Word to @ButImDevinTho.

Dear Kevin Kolb

A picture is worth a thousand words...

There's nothing like getting the rug pulled out from under you, only to have it stuffed under you again as you're trying to get up. In fact, no one should know that more than you Kevin. Despite having a solid, but average 2009 campaign, 'winning' the Philadelphia Eagles starting QB position in training camp, and then losing it to injury, Kevin, you're going to have another chance behind center, and that is sad. I never thought I'd be so quick to place a team on the downs as I am now, but your Eagles are looking pretty bleak.

Kevin this, sadly, is not your team. Michael Vick was destined to be the starter from the minute last season ended. That Andy Reid awarded it to you from the beginning of training camp was a questionable move, considering how unimpressive you looked last year. Now that Vick is injured for the foreseeable future, Consider this, Kevin and I will try to put this nicely: You've played in 2 games this season, and in both, your presence as the QB was shaky at best. Maybe you know the plays. Maybe you're friends with the O-Linemen or play jokes on LeSean from time to time. On the field, that doesn't matter.

When Vick was in the game, there was still and unpredictable nature to the way the offense ran, but it all seemed to mesh together and the Eagles were cruising. When you took the field, there was little if any rhythm or jump to the offense. For God's sake, you completed only 4 passes to DeSean Jackson and Jeremy Maclin, while dropping the ball off to the running backs the whole game. It was as if you didn't want to make a play and were trying not to score. To be honest, the Redskins did not have that game definitely won until late in the 4th quarter. You being in the game didn't elevate the team like Michael Vick's a real quarterback would. Kevin, it's not that you're a bad quarterback either. It's that Michael Vick is a really, really good one now. That is also not to say that the Eagles would have go undefeated the rest of the season with Vick at the helm. It simply shows that it's not that hard to come by a second chance. Just ask Michael Vick...

Neighborhood Newsletter (10/4)

WEWOOD Timepieces


With the recent trend of rocking wooden chains and jewelry, why not just add watches to the equation and send us right back to the tribal days. That's the idea environmentalists at Italian brand WEWOOD have come up with to extend the trend, using different kinds of timber to craft timepieces. The result is a completely sustainable watch, made with scrap wood and only needing a watch battery to operate. The kicker for WEWOOD, though, is that for every watch sold, they'll plant a tree. Not that I'm a tree-hugger, but the prospect makes the product's purchase that much better. WEWOOD has a lot more colorways for their CRONO and DATE. Check their website or hit the jump to see them...












Kanye West - Christian Dior Denim Flow (ft. KiD CuDi, Pusha T, John Legend, Lloyd Banks & Ryan Leslie)


Kanye West - Christian Dior Denim Flow (ft. Kid Cudi, Pusha T, John Legend, Lloyd Banks & Ryan Leslie)

I find it hilarious when the entire blogosphere reacts to one happening, especially when it concerns something that essentially is the lifeblood of the business (yes, blogging is a business now). Leaks used to be throwaway tracks and stuff that you would release 10 years into your career for the diehard fans to eat up. Now, leaks pretty much power the hip-hop landscape, and naturally artists get angry. Kanye wasn't too pleased earlier this week with the leaks and turned the idea of GOOD Fridays into a Sad Wednesday with an announcement that he would be halting his free leaks on Fridays. Lo and behold, three days later, Mr. West unleashed a track for the Friday faithful. This time he brought CuDi (liking him less as a rapper since the Wale tiff), Pusha, John Legend, Lloyd Banks and Ryan Leslie (who apparently raps now?) along for the ride and turned them all into Dior whores over a dark, looming beat. All of them kill it, too. It's ironic that Kanye started getting all that flack when he canceled his series, but now every blogger has this up (including mine). Ahh well... Just another day in the neighborhood. Check the newest GOOD Friday track...

LeBron James x Dr. Dre x Affion Crocket

Been saying it for months now. I'd rather have some 'Songs' from Dr. Dre than 'Beats' by Dr. Dre. The wait for his new album Detox has become laughable. Ironically, Dre thinks so too. That's the only reason he would agree to let Affion Crockett annoy him during a trip to the gym with LeBron. In this new commercial for Dre's newest headphone set, Affion takes shots at LeBron about everything from the press conference to a potential rivalry with the Lakers. I've got to admit, this is funny, even though it really didn't make me want to buy a pair of the headphones. Also, LeBron is really about to make a hefty amount of money. Maybe his bid for the first black billionaire isn't as far-fetched as we think. Check the commercial, because I'm sure you've got an opinion of both LeBron and Dre at this point. Hearing Affion's won't hurt...

Dear Meg Whitman

The Kanye Shrug doesn't work all the time, Meg. We know what you did...

via ABCNews:
California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman today found herself battling allegations that she knowingly employed an undocumented immigrant housekeeper, failed to pay a portion of her wages and then fired her in an act of political damage control. The charges come a little over a month before the November election.

At a news conference in Los Angeles on Wednesday organized by celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred, Whitman's former housekeeper and nanny, Nicky Diaz, tearfully recounted how in June 2009 she was suddenly terminated by Whitman and her husband, Griffith Harsh, after she said she asked the couple for legal help to obtain U.S. citizenship. Allred also alleged that Whitman became aware of Diaz's undocumented status years earlier, but took no action. Whitman said the "charges are without merit."

Diaz told reporters that just a few months before Whitman announced she was running for governor as a Republican, the former eBay CEO fired her after nine years spent cleaning the couple's 3,700-square-foot home in an upscale Northern California suburb and shuttling their children to and from school and appointments.

"From now on you don't know me and I don't know you," Diaz said Whitman told her in the summer of 2009. "I was shocked and hurt that Ms. Whitman would treat me this way after nine years. I realized at that moment that she didn't appreciate my work. I felt like she was throwing me away like a piece of garbage."

At the current juncture of politics in the United States, the word politician and hypocrite are damn near synonymous. Especially with the emergence of the Tea Party and the so-called 'bipartisan' nature that the government is trying to engender, it's obvious that not everyone can be on the right side at all times. When it comes to election time, there ends up being a mad rush to clean up whatever muck can be raked up against a particular politician, most of it going on behind closed door meetings at the expense of lobbyists and donated dollars. That said, what happens when the political damage control just so happens to coincide with an issue at the forefront of that particular candidate's jurisdiction? Such is your case, Meg Whitman. As you prepare for election day in California, it's obvious your stake in the illegal immigration issue was much deeper than you wanted it to be.

Meg, I won't mince words: Illegal immigrants are everywhere. You know it. I know it. The American people know it. Yet, the major contention against allowing these people amnesty and asylum is that their place in American is more deeply rooted than most would like to admit. Meg, you knowingly hired an illegal immigrant in Nicky Diaz and had her in your employ for well over 9 years. By most employment standards, that's grounds for the job security AND respect that such a tenure warrants. Think about it Meg. If you had been working at a law office for 9 years and they tried to cut YOU off and disavow all knowledge of your existence for superficial political purposes, how would you feel? My guess is you'd probably file suit, go to the media and make a huge deal about it, much like your former housekeeper is doing now.

See the thing is, Meg, as a Republican candidate, you're walking a thin line here. Do you continue the status quo of using your power to manipulate other lives as you see fit, or do you stand by your party's platform of 'kicking all of the wetbacks illegal immigrants out'? They say no slave can serve two masters. Well, no political candidate can stand by two contradictory doctrines, especially on such a polarizing issue. Why try and hide the obvious, Meg? The role of illegal immigrants is as cemented in this country as is apple pie and fried chicken. You've got 9 years of faithful service to prove that, and I'm sure half of your party and cabinet have just as much if not more. I shudder to think how long it would've taken for this to get out in the open had Ms. Diaz not opened her flap.
SIDENOTE: Since TMZ is the one who reported Ms. Diaz's gripes, albeit in a professional manner, can we finally admit that, while cutthroat in their research, blogs are a legitimate source of breaking news?
Look, Meg, it sucks that you were caught with your hand in the cookie jar that your party's been trying to put on the high shelf for years now. Don't try to deny it, now that your candidacy is at stake, and certainly don't do it as a last ditch effort to cover your party's ass. That, in and of itself, would be just as hypocritical...

Mikey Rocks - S.S. (ft. Latif) (Music Video)

I've been quoted as being a huge Mikey Rocks fan. That's not without reason, though. Mikey, as a solo artist, has as much charisma as he needs to be successful, as evidenced by random tracks and guest spots scattered throughout the blogosphere. No, we don't have a timetable for any solo releases for the rapping half of the Cool Kids. No, this track isn't well placed, by any means. Summer is well over, though the humidity outside belies that fact. Even so, Mikey decided to give the idea of summer solstice one more spin on this track with Chi-town vocalist Latif. The result is a breezy, mid-tempo song that shows Mikey's versatility, considering the trademark bass-heavy Cool Kids productions. Also, can anyone cosign this for me? Mikey would probably be the man in 1995, even though he's got 2010 bars. If you agree, hit the Digg, Retweet or Like buttons below this post. Mikey needs to be on your radar. If he's not, check the video out and decide for yourself...

The Kid Daytona - The Champ (Remix) (ft. N.O.R.E.)


The Kid Daytona - The Champ (Remix) (ft. N.O.R.E.)

While I've been high on The Kid Daytona's work over the past year, he's always been one of the slower ones in terms of releasing his work to the public. I suppose with collabs like this the wait is well worth it. Daytona's 'The Interlude LP' is still slated to drop during the Fall, so I'm at a fever pitch when it comes to waiting for more leaks. This particular one brings the Goya monster N.O.R.E. along for the remix to a track I threw up a few weeks back. He's got an old-school beat (10 e-points to anyone who can name the two beats interpolated in the track) and some slick and quick lyrics that go perfectly with it. Daytona might not be on your list right now, but he deserves to be considered next up. Check the track out...

Vado - Goodfellas


Vado - Goodfellas

Remember back in the mid-90s when hip-hop was obsessed with the Mafia, Mafioso style and the like? Acts like Biggie and the Firm drew inspiration from old mobster movies like The Godfathter series, Donnie Brasco, Reservoir Dogs and of course, Goodfellas. Vado was probably wee little slime back when Frank White and his hip-hop conglomerates were doing their dirt among the backdrop of New York City, but that doesn't mean he can't try his hand at a mobster mentality on wax. On this cut from his upcoming album Slime Flu, the Harlem MC doles out some verbal ethers to a luxurious instrumental. Vado doesn't skip a beat lyrically, either, dropping rhymes about the roundtable of Goodfellas he's got on tap, and the wares they distribute Uptown. Check out Vado's stab at the Mafioso lifestyle...

Neighborhood Newsletter (9/28)

Sarcos XOS-2 Exoskeleton

The reason a comic like Iron Man is so successful is because of the premise of strengthening the human body through machinery. Now, we sure as hell aren't on the level of Stark Industries as of yet, but our military expenditures aren't being used in vain these days. The engineers at Raytheon have revamped their XOS Exoskeleton to create a 2nd version of the armor that is not only lighter, but stronger than its predecessor. The new version, which uses a high-pressure hydraulic frame to move in conjunction with the user, also boasts less power usage than the first, although this one still has to be connected to a power source to work. The applications for such an invention are endless. All you've got to do is crack open a comic book to pique your imagination as to the possibilities for the XOS-2 Exoskeleton. Raytheon says that the XOS-2 can do the work of 2 or 3 soldiers without the wear and tear that the human body would go through. If that isn't reason enough to want to see the XOS-2 in action, then nothing is. Check the video out...