Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Mickey Factz - Watch Out for the Hook


Mickey Factz - Watch Out for the Hook

I kept my mouth shut about Mickey Factz for months, because I remembered when he spit pure heat rocks two years ago. This past year, he's fallen off in my eyes, either due to iffy beat selection or cloudy themes and questionable subject matter in his raps. He seemed like he was preaching rather than rapping. Reviewing his last mixtape was a chore for me, and although I enjoyed it, it was a hard pill to swallow the first time. In fact, I haven't listened to it in since the month that I reviewed it. 5 months and a whole lot of tweets later, @MickeyFactz released this new track via his Twitter and I've been bumping it on repeat since. This is the Mickey I grew to love, with slick punchlines and 'wait, rewind that' metaphors to go along with a sick beat (can anyone put a finger on the name of the instrumental? It slips my mind right now). Hopefully he keeps this up, and doesn't disappoint his fans again with a long, drawn-out silence. Check the new track...

Neighborhood Newsletter (6/18)

Freestyle Friday (6/18)

What's up letter readers? Today is Friday and freestyles are the name of the game. This week I'm only gonna bless you guys with one freestyle video, but it is a humdinger (yes, I said humdinger; step your archaic slang game up). The cypher above features a YOUNG 50 Cent and Consequence, as well as Noreaga and a dude named Punchline, who happens to have the best lines in the whole cypher. I can't stress how ill this classic cypher is. It's always crazy to see rappers from today back in their underground/younger days. From the flows they're using to how they look (50 has that hustler's belly), to what they're wearing (check Noreaga in the Ecko hoodie!!), to the cinematography of the video, this cypher reeks of late 90's New York City swagger. It's like I'm back in 5th grade again. Plus, all four MC's destroy the beat (you can't say that about all group cyphers anymore). But enough reminiscing. Check out the freestyle, have a good Friday, and keep it locked to Dear Whoever...

Outasight - Dizzy


Outasight - Dizzy

I've said it before, and I'll say it again... Outasight is one of the most talented cats in the industry right now. He melds hip-hop, rock and soul in a way that I've yet to hear from ANYONE in music right now. He's dropping a new mixtape called 'Never Say Never' on July 2nd. Of course you know the man has to do an upbeat party track to start the summer out, and 'Dizzy' is just that song. Outasight makes mincemeat of the instrumental, both singing and rapping. Honestly, if you just love music, not necessarily hip-hop, rock or soul, you will love this track and you will love Outasight. Keep your eyes peeled and your ears open, because more great music is dropping this summer...

Dear Over-parenting Parents & Schools


via The New York Times:
Most children naturally seek close friends. In a survey of nearly 3,000 Americans ages 8 to 24 conducted last year by Harris Interactive, 94 percent said they had at least one close friend. But the classic best-friend bond — the two special pals who share secrets and exploits, who gravitate to each other on the playground and who head out the door together every day after school — signals potential trouble for school officials intent on discouraging anything that hints of exclusivity, in part because of concerns about cliques and bullying.

“I think it is kids’ preference to pair up and have that one best friend. As adults — teachers and counselors — we try to encourage them not to do that,” said Christine Laycob, director of counseling at Mary Institute and St. Louis Country Day School in St. Louis. “We try to talk to kids and work with them to get them to have big groups of friends and not be so possessive about friends.”

“Parents sometimes say Johnny needs that one special friend,” she continued. “We say he doesn’t need a best friend.”

That attitude is a blunt manifestation of a mind-set that has led adults to become ever more involved in children’s social lives in recent years. The days when children roamed the neighborhood and played with whomever they wanted to until the streetlights came on disappeared long ago, replaced by the scheduled play date. While in the past a social slight in backyard games rarely came to teachers’ attention the next day, today an upsetting text message from one middle school student to another is often forwarded to school administrators, who frequently feel compelled to intervene in the relationship. (Ms. Laycob was speaking in an interview after spending much of the previous day dealing with a “really awful” text message one girl had sent another.) Indeed, much of the effort to encourage children to be friends with everyone is meant to head off bullying and other extreme consequences of social exclusion.
It's a sad day and age when kids aren't allowed to just be kids. It's even sadder when adults feel the need to intervene out of some self-obligation to protect kids from bullying. I understand that bullying is an issue and that the repercussions for not attending to bullying problems can be fatal (see: Columbine). That said, trying to create an artificial 'group' of friends is downright ridiculous. Parents, while I'm no expert on child development, my childhood years are not that far behind me. I can remember having in my 10 (give or take) years of childhood 3 exclusive best friends. No, it wasn't always pretty when arguments and fights did occur, but you have to learn how to deal with it. Over-parenting parents, by making kids be friends with everyone, you're slowly yet surely weeding out discernment, among other things in a child's life. If a kid has to be friends with everyone, then he's really good friends with no one. The child gets no sense of what he does or doesn't like in a person because he's forced to like everyone. It's almost torturous to think that kids have to be nice to and play with everyone, simply because a school administrator says so. What's worse is the false sense of security that children grow up with because of such sheltering.

When I was a kid, there was freedom: freedom to make friends, freedom to stop being friends, freedom to be hurt by friends and freedom to make up the next day and go on about our days like nothing ever happened. Parents and schools who force kids to be friends with everyone, you're building up artificial security, in that these kids never will experience rejection in its most natural form. By holding the reins on organic relationships, you're allowing kids to grow up thinking everything will simply fall into place because 'that's what the teacher says'. Instead of fostering natural development, you're raising these 'bubble' kids, who have everything in their lives vacuum-packed and hermetically sealed. You don't allow them to experience pain or hurt at a young age, so when they enter the 'real' world (I don't think there will be a 'real' world in 30 years) everything is a shock to them. Kids will grow up, and at the first sign of adversity, they freak out because nothing's ever gone wrong.

That's not to say that we should toss children into the fire and see if they make it out without burns. It means they should be free to run, jump, slide, hang, fall and ride out with whomever they see fit. If the friendship doesn't work, so be it. Kids are born with two things inherently: a clean slate and natural resiliency. Hindering either of those leaves a huge void in their development, both socially and emotionally. Parents, stop trying to raise the perfect generation of kids and allow kids to be kids. We will never live in a Utopia, and sheltering the next generation won't ensure that anymore than brain-washing and full censorship. Word to Dystopian literature...

Dr. Dre - Under Pressure (ft. Jay-Z)


Dr. Dre - Under Pressure (ft. Jay-Z)

I was beginning to think that Dr. Dre was secretly dead and that he had just pulled a Tupac, making a lifetime's worth of music to have an amazing posthumous catalog. It's either that or he's been taking care of his family and chilling. We all know the good doctor has more on his plate than just music. I guess that's why he recruited Jay-Z to help him out with his first song in over a decade. A decade is an eternity in the music industry with more artists that have come and gone than minutes in the day. Dre doesn't seem to have skipped a beat on the beat (if that was him on the boards, mind you), though his rhymes sound a bit more than rusty. Let's just hope we don't have to wait another 10 years for the 2nd single from Detox...

P.S.: The track is tagged up by the NewMusicCartel.. It still knocks, but the random voices do irk me...

Dear Readers (re: the Black Weblog Awards)

One of my favorite songs, and a reason to beg you guys for nominations...

PREAMBLE: I realized a few weeks ago, that I've never written a letter to you guys, the readers of Dear Whoever. That's my bad. You'd think that after a year and a half, I'd have something witty and poignant to say to the people that I do this for. I suppose when you're that focused on putting out good content, the reaction doesn't really matter as much. Regardless, here goes...

Letter readers of the blogosphere, it's been exactly 1 year and 3 months since I typed my first words into Blogger under the guise of Junior, aka the Mailman, bka Everic. My first letter was a stinging diatribe about the ills of Drexel University and the many gripes I had about the school I'm still attending. While my writing's gotten a lot less profane, it's still very cutting in its criticism and flowery in description. When I started Dear Whoever as themailmancame.blogspot.com, I never knew I'd be doing this a year from now, much less that I'd have plans to continue doing it (much more to come, people!) in the foreseeable future. One thing I've gained from writing this blog is a sense of consistency, in that, I simply need to post, or I feel like I missed something in my day. I love sharing the quirky, introspective, frustrated writer side of myself with you guys and hope you guys enjoy reading every word as much as I enjoy writing it. Blogging doesn't pay the bills (for now), so I guess another joy I get is hearing and seeing your comments. That said, it's also cool to have some accolades to add to that list of joys. That, my friends is where you come in...

The Black Weblog Awards is an online contest, established in 2005, commending the best black-run weblogs on the internets. Blogs all across the blogosphere enter to win in categories like Best Blog Design, Best Blog Post Series, Best Fashion/Hip-Hop/Culture Blogs, Best Writing in a Blog (hint, hint) and Best Blog, among other awards. It'd be an honor not only to get nominated, but to win one of these awards. That's why I'm asking you, the readers, to vote for Dear Whoever in the Black Weblog Awards. Tell your friends, co-workers, aunties, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces or whoever loves (or might love; put them on!) reading the blog to nominate www.dear-whoever.com. Yes, this is somewhat of a shameless plug. I guess one of those a year isn't a big deal. Even so, make sure you click the link below, and nominate the blog for whatever award you think necessary.

2010 Black Weblog Awards Nomination Form

Remember to insert Dear Whoever's URL into the form (http://www.dear-whoever.com) into whatever category you want, and nominate some of the blogs on my blogroll (MichelleHuxtable, The Interludes, Uppity Negro Network, to name a few) too. HUGE #shoutout to AverageBro for putting me on to this opportunity. Like I said earlier in the post, I love writing this blog, and will continue to keep the letters coming. I do it for y'all (that sounds really vain, SMH) and hope you guys love it. Thanks for all of the support!!!!

- Ev aka Junior

Dear Arizona (re: 'Anchor Babies')

via CNN:
A proposed Arizona law would deny birth certificates to children born in the United States to illegal immigrant parents. The bill comes on the heels of Arizona passing the nation's toughest immigration law. John Kavanagh, a Republican state representative from Arizona who supports the proposed law aimed at so-called "anchor babies," said that the concept does not conflict with the U.S. Constitution.

"If you go back to the original intent of the drafters ... it was never intended to bestow citizenship upon (illegal) aliens," said Kavanagh, who also supported Senate Bill 1070 -- the law that gave Arizona authorities expanded immigration enforcement powers. Under federal law, children born in the United States are automatically granted citizenship, regardless of their parents' residency status. Kyrsten Sinema, a Democratic state representative, strongly opposes the bill.

"Unlike (Senate Bill) 1070, it is clear this bill runs immediately afoul of the U.S. Constitution," she said. "While I understand that folks in Arizona and across the country support S.B. 1070, they do so because we have seen no action from the federal government," said Sinema. "Unfortunately, the so-called 'anchor baby' bill does nothing to solve the real problems we are facing in Arizona."
I guess if the Deep South was the front line of the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's, then Arizona is set to become the front line of the illegal immigration debate of the 2010's (how do you say that, by the way? twenty-tens or tens?). You, as a state, never struck me as a bastion of conservative ideals until I figured out that John McCain was from there. Yet, lately, you've been about as far to the right as can be, at least when dealing with immigration. I've got a few bones to pick with you about this whole new issue, though. Here goes:

1) The whole issue of illegal immigration is completely subjective. The people who were essentially illegal immigrants in the 1800's when the state of Arizona (and it's surrounding areas) are now going after the 'illegal immigrants' of today. That doesn't sit well with me, Arizona. Your majority (soon to be minority, thanks to immigration) is like the Monopoly player everyone hates: they change the rules when it suits them to win. Why is it cool for the United States to shanghai another sovereign nation's land almost 200 years ago by just waltzing in, but when people come here looking for a better life, and actually help the economy, it's a problem? As a matter of fact, bump immigration out West. What happened to the first settlers in the US? The Pilgrims didn't have green cards or naturalization forms when they landed on Plymouth Rock and started scalping Injuns. The truth is, America was built upon the idea of expanding and sticking it's nose into locations and regions that it had no business in, all for the sake of a better standard of living. Why are you denying people that, now that America is in a position to provide that standard?

2) Since when does a state's legislation hold stronger than federal legislation that's been the standard since our nation's birth? The Civil War made it so that states ultimately have to kowtow to the federal government in matters of legislation. Why then, Arizona, do you think it's cool to just try and get around that? The Constitution states that anyone born on United States soil is automatically a United States citizen. Point. Blank. Period. And that's regardless of any affiliation that their parents have, or where their parents' legal jurisdiction lies. It's just the law, and there should be no way that you can get around that. Children, regardless of who their parents are shouldn't be turned away. Don't sit there and call them 'anchor children,' as if they crawled out of their mothers' wombs thinking: 'Hell yeah!! Now I can help my illegal immigrant parent stay in America, take up its resources and destroy its infrastructure!!' C'mon son... You're making the most innocent party, the children, into another villain, and it is SICK to say the least...

3) Last month it was a new racial profiling law that allowed police to question, arrest and detain anyone suspected of being an illegal immigrants (inherently racist). This month it's denying citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants, even if they're born on US soil. Is it just me, or are you just trying to set up a Japanese internment camp-style system in Arizona? Because that's what it seems like. The next thing you know, anyone who looks like and illegal immigrant will have to have a number and a curfew. Before long, they'll be carted off to their own district, somewhere between Hell and a Tea Party Convention, where they'll be under military surveillance. And for what? Walking across an imaginary line protected for no reason. Of all rules to enforce, that seems to be one of the more arbitrary and less well-founded of all...

Look Arizona, I'm not saying illegal immigration is completely right. Sovereign nations have a right to protect their borders and the resources of their nation from being wasted. But when you have as many as 20 million illegal immigrants living in the US, some thriving, and many helping the economy with their labor (minus taxation), there's no reason to fight that. Rather than treat them as subhumans, you should find a way to legally integrate them. I mean, what is so hard about granting amnesty? Or better yet, what's really that special about a Green Card that it's so hard to allow immigrants to have one? My guess is that the 'red-blooded Americans' don't want to see an immigrant get a job over them. Yet, all other things being equal, if the immigrant is better, then that's just tough. Arizona, you need to stop letting your citizens and the state dictate what makes someone legal or not, because for as much trouble as you say illegal immigration is, it helps the nation just as much...

Iron Solomon - King x Sucker MC's (ft. DMC)


Iron Solomon - Sucka MC's (ft. DMC)

Iron Solomon - King

It's always a hard transition for mixtape bullies and freestyle kings to make into the mainstream. One of the knocks against them is that while they can body a verse, writing a song, complete with relevant lyrics and a good hook, comes hard for some of them (coughcoughJoecoughBuddencoughcough). Maybe it's best that some of them stay in that lane (coughcoughMurdacoughMookcoughcough), but others, like Iron Solomon seem to be able to ride the wave effortlessly. Last week, I threw up Solomon's ode to the spring time. This week, we've got two #dopetracks. One is a remake of the Run DMC classic 'Sucker MC's', featuring DMC himself. You know you've got a cosign when the artist of the song you're remaking gets on the track. The beat switches it up from the original, but stays just familiar enough to make me bop my head extra hard. The second track is Solomon going solo, talking about why he should be considered king. The beat had to grow on me, but after that, his lyrics had me hitting rewind after the first bar. Whatever your stance on mixtape/cypher bullies turned mainstream artists, you've got to admit the man is nice on wax. Check the two loosies out...

Facebook in Real Life

It's always funny to see technology transposed with the real life that it's supposed to enhance. In the case of Facebook, if we were to translate every poke, wall post, invitation or friend request into a real life situation, it would be.. awkward, to say the least. As a matter of fact, if Facebook was a real life, face to face thing, I don't think I'd have a Facebook. In face, Mark Zuckerberg would probably be just another geeky Harvard grad, because people would be too creeped out by all of the stuff popping up around them. If you don't see yourself wanting to say or do these things outside of the computer, then maybe you should cut back on the Facebook action. I know a friend request from a random person on the street, who happens to have mutual friends, would probably get ignored. Yet, online, it's fair game. I guess it's just something to think about, albeit in a humorous way. Check the video out...

Microsoft Kinect for Xbox 360


For all of the foreboding talk I have about 'the Future,' and what it will do to our bodies and minds as humans, this is honestly some of the coolest shit I've ever laid eyes on. I thought that we'd reached somewhat of a plateau in terms of interactive gaming when the Nintendo Wii came out in 2006, where we were actually controlling the game with ourselves, rather than using a 'controller' in the traditional sense. Microsoft has shattered that mold at E3 (the world's biggest gaming conference) with the unveiling of Kinect for Xbox 360. Last year, I previewed Kinect, but it was known as Project Natal at that point. It still talked about motion sensing, as well and motion recognition, but less than a year later, Kinect has surpassed everything I could have expected.

Microsoft describes it as a 'controller-free gaming and entertainment experience' that boasts 'a natural user interface using gestures, spoken commands, or presented objects and images'. It uses cameras and infrared light emitters to 'see' what you're doing and transpose it with what is going on in the video game or application. In laymen's terms, that means as you move and act and speak and interact with other players, Kinect is able to track those actions and translate them into a gaming experience. The possibilities for such technology are endless!! The new hardware will be like a virtual touchscreen, where you can access all of Xbox 360's functionalities. In addition to that, new home theater software will come with Kinect, enabling you to access ESPN (see below), movies, and TV shows all from the 360. Last but not least, we've got to discuss the games that come with this new technology. First up is Kinect Adventures, which is like a virtual obstacle course (see below). They're also developing Kinect Sports, DDR for Kinect and Kinectimals (see below), which is like a Tamagotchi for the 21st century. Kinect, and the new, slimmer Xbox 360 will be available starting this Novemeber. I, for one, will be copping because this is simply epic. Check out some videos and look out for more titles coming for the Microsoft Kinect...

ESPN for Kinect

Kinect Adventures


Neighborhood Newsletter (6/15)

J. Cole - Higher x The Last Stretch (Freestyle)


J. Cole - Higher

J. Cole has a masterful flow at times, something that I can't say that every rapper nowadays has. He can can do the slowed-down mellow beats, but also has a penchant for rocking out with up-tempo, slightly erratic instrumentals that a lot of rappers would stumble over. On this track for a Tapemasters Inc. mixtape, Cole talks about his exploits with the females, but does it in a barrage of clever wordplay and metaphors. I'd go so far as to say this could have been and album cut. I suppose he's just saving all of his heat rocks for 'Cole World,' but releasing tracks like this makes it hard to wait. I guess I'd rather have rough mixtape cuts than have an entire album leak like Drake. Keep your eyes peeled for more from the beast out of Fayette-nam...

EDIT: Cole just released this freestyle to Dirty Money's 'Angels' via his blog as a thank you to all of the fans that have been supporting him for the past year. I hate being a thirsty-ass blogger, but I couldn't resist the temptation to post. Cole is too good of a lyricist to just ignore. Check the new freestyle, because it is PIFF!!!!!!!!!

J. Cole - The Last Stretch (Freestyle)

Dear Vince Young

Dude, did you not learn anything from your former teammate Pacman 'It is tricking if there are a bunch of dudes grilling you' Jones? I mean, I thought after a year on the bench and an alleged suicide attempt, you would have begun to get the rest of your life in order, not be at strip clubs causing fights. One of the things I despise about most athletes is their utter disregard for precedent. Over the past 10 or so years, athletes in almost every major sport have been caught up in the wrong crowds at the wrong places at the wrong times. Most often, the wrong crowds are the hood-ass childhood friends that the athlete refuses to stop catering to, the wrong places are clubs (more often strip clubs), and the wrong times are late at night (then again, who goes to a strip club in the afternoon?). Vince, I'm sure you watch enough SportsCenter. What part about athletes getting into trouble do you not get? Every year, I think that players are getting a bit smarter about their decisions, and every year, I'm proven wrong by another ridiculously retarded happening.

Vince, what were you doing in the strip club back office in the first place? Unless you're pulling a Tony Soprano and checking up on business, you had no business in there. Second of all, you've got to be a real idiot to start a fight at a strip club. In addition to there being cameras EVERYWHERE, there is a host of men just as burly and corn-fed as you. Their job isn't to cater to a prima donna athlete who's making it rain in the club. Their job is to make sure that prima donna athlete doesn't cause Trillville & Lil' Jon-esque riot in the club. By entering that back room, you did nothing but make their job easier. In fact, you pretty much guaranteed that you would be incriminated. Any man tricking off in the club garners attention, and you're no different. I suppose coming off a miracle season, you'd think anything is possible. Not so, Vince. It stands to say that we still don't know all of the facts surrounding your brawl, but the video tells more truth than you can at this point. I guess the fact that the Titans already know about the incident is good. Even so, that won't erase a tarnished image, and it certainly won't erase Roger Goodell's foot aiming straight for your rear end (somehow I think you're going to end up worse off than Big Ben). Vince, don't get me wrong. I love watching you play. You're a winner on the field. But off the field (and in the Wonderlic tests), much is left to be desired...

The Arch Group 'SLEEPBOX'


How many of you guys would sleep in a public place, like a train station or a bus stop? Trust, I find ways to sleep everywhere, but sleeping in public always has the aspect of danger or just plain old exposure that will keep you awake. I suppose that's what the people at The Arch Group were thinking about when they began designs on their SLEEPBOX. The architects see the boxes installed at train stations, airports and shopping centers, where users would rent between 15 minutes and several hours.. Between users, the bedding would be automatically changed, with sheets wound from one roller onto another. While I think the idea is brilliant, especially for Europe and Asia (light rail travel is the norm outside of the US), I can't help but think there are some gross people out there who'd turn the SLEEPBOX into their personal public and drug sex rooms. Also, the whole idea of resting my head where I know thousands have been is just a bit eerie to me (though we do the same thing everyday on public transportation). Even so, the invention is great for people with layovers or foreigners without immediate accommodation. How about you? Would any of you guys (readers) rock with a SLEEPBOX?





BP Spills Coffee

All I can say is WOW! I feel like the people who made this video might have been sitting in on an actual British Petroleum meeting before filming, because the video basically shows how ineffective BP's been with this oil spill. The amount of time in between the oil coffee spill and the top-kill cardboard solution was way too long, and after they ran out of ideas, they kind of just have been running around like chickens with their heads cut off. If British Petroleum is angry about all of the parodies and jokes that are being flung their way now, I pity them even more. Bad regulation and an overall lack of remorse about their effect on the environment are bigger issues than their dwindling stock prices and soon-to-be inevitable bankruptcy. I guess when you've created the biggest environmental disaster in human history, its hard to see things from a humorous perspective...

Maybe this will help... No, it just made them look worse.

Freestyle Friday (6/11)

Friday means freestyles and I've got two extra dope ones today for you guys to bump while taking a break from watching the World Cup. The first one is by XV on Tony Touch's radio show, and he. goes. IN. When I say that, I mean, the man has quotables for days in the freestyle. From referencing home & garden magazines to masterful asyndeton (look that shit up), he rips it. I'm still listening to this one, to tell you the truth. The second freestyle is from the homie Emilio Rojas over J. Cole's over. Cole is kind of pissed that the instrumental made its way onto the interwebs, but I suppose when you have cats like Emilio out there doing the beat justice, can you really be mad. Emilio makes his case with a flurry of quick-witted punchlines and ruminates about whether crack raps have gotten obsolete. I kind of agree with him on the latter point, so the freestyle hits home extra hard these days. Check out both freestyles and keep it locked to Dear Whoever...

2010 FIFA World Cup's Sleepers

It's that time again. The time when the world can come together under one single banner, when countries put down their differences to duke it out on the pitch. It's also the time when everyone who doesn't watch soccer for 3 years and 11 months is automatically a soccer fan (people like you do annoy me). Rather than highlight the teams that I think are going to win (if you want to know, then ask), I figured it'd be better to highlight the players you might not know and how they'll be integral to their teams success. These players might not have the big Nike contracts or the press that, say, Christiano Ronaldo or Thierry Henry would. Yet, they do more for their squads than most people think. In fact, if any of these teams are going to win, these are the players that have to get some serious shine. Check these guys out, and get hyped for the #worldcup!!!

Yaya Toure - Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire's soccer history is a short one, on the international stage at least. They qualified for their first World Cup final in 2006 and didn't make it past the group stage. This year, however, they've got a new attitude and some younger players on the squad, including Yaya Toure. He's Kolo Toure's (Man. City defender) younger brother, so you know he's tough. Yaya is perfect at defensive midfielder, simply because of his large frame. He's got great technique for being primarily a defender, which gives Côte d'Ivoire another playmaker to put on the opposition's side. Also, he's rangy, which means he won't get beat in transition if there's a long kickoff from goal. Finally, Yaya's been linked in a move from Barcelona. They're pricing him and seeing what kind of offers they'll get on the open market this summer. Don't be surprised if you see Yaya show out during the World Cup, especially against teams that his clubmates are on...

Franck Ribery - France

Last time we saw Franck Ribery on the international stage (I don't count qualifiers and friendlies) he was starting for France in the 2006 World Cup and taking the torch from French-great Zinedine Zidane. This year, it's looking like he will be one of the best players on the squad, with Thierry Henry, William Gallas & Nicolas Anelka getting older. Franck is probably one of the most precise passers I've seen on the pitch in a while. He reminds me of Robert Pires, but a lot tougher. He has great finishing skill in the box as well. I wouldn't be surprised if he led France in goals this year, and became the captain for the next World Cup...

Sergio Aguero - Argentina

Everyone loves Lionel Messi. Hell, I do. Messi is a phenom, but Aguero is a pro in his own right. I guess it doesn't hurt that the two play in the same forward position on the Argentinian squad, or that Aguero is Diego Maradona's son-in-law. I feel like there is good football all around him, whether on Atletico Madrid, or on the Argentinian team. Where Messi is the flashier player, Aguero is a lot more technical in his style, although just as athletic. In order for Argentina to win, Aguero has got to add his scoring to their high-paced offense...

David Villa - Spain

If you were the top scorer in the Euro 2008, wouldn't you be a bit upset at being overlooked by the (Western) media? I think so. David Villa has been the underdog his entire career after suffering a nearly career-ending break of his femur at age 2. Now he's finally going to get some shine, as he signed with Barcelona less than a month ago after making mincemeat of the Primera Liga with Valencia and Zarazoga. His career at Valencia saw 107 goals in 168 appearances (something even Christiano Ronaldo can't boast), and he's probably got one of the quickest first steps in soccer. I look for him to go off on the international circuit, starting with this World Cup...

Carlos Vela - Mexico

I couldn't post this list without throwing up at least one Arsenal player. It was between Cesc Fabregas and this man, Carlos Vela. Since Fabregas was showing off during the 2008 Euro's it was only right to give Vela some shine. Vela's career has been marred by international citizenship issues, but when he's been on the pitch, he's been nothing short of brilliant. In fact, he does it all, providing great passing (all of Arsene Wenger's players are amazing passers) and quick shooting at the striker position. The only thing I worry about with Vela is his heath, as his career has also had a fair share on injuries in a short time. Even so, Vela has great body control, evidenced by the way he controls the ball off long passes and crosses. Mexico needs him to step up if they are to have a chance this year...

Neighborhood Newsletter (6/10)

Maino x Vado - Lose My Mind (Remix)


Maino x Vado - Lose My Mind (Remix)

I'm a Vado fan. There I said it. While Harlem is clearly behind Cam's newest protege, it's hard (not that hard) for a dude from the Bronx to really say that. Harlem and Brooklyn are so exclusive with their styles and their MC's that you almost want to hate them, simply because they rep so hard for their respective municipalities. Fortunately, this track, featuring Maino and Vado with DJ Self, goes hard for all of New York. Rather than just let Jeezy and Plies get all the shine for down South, Maino and Vado decided to do an 'Up North' remix to Jeezy's heat-rock 'Lose My Mind'. I was really waiting for Vado's verse, but Maino started it off really hard, and Vado took over with some clever punchlines. Check out what is hopefully the new guard in NYC hip-hop...